unit 4 part alet's talk

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《unit 4 part alet's talk》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 4 part alet's talk(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

Unit 4 What can you do?,A lets learn,What can you do?,What can you do?,What can you do?,What can you do?,What can you do?,What can you do?,What can you do?,Lets sing a song(咱们一起唱一唱吧),A lets try,What can Mike do? Listen and tick.,English,Tuesday,about,sing,can,kung fu,听录音,将课文内容补充完整:,根据课文内容回答问题:,When will they have an English party? What can Zhang Peng do for the party? What can John do for the party?,They will have an English party next Tuesday.,He can sing English songs.,He can do some kung fu.,next,party,Well,Wonderful,What about you?你呢?,Homework,背P38 lets talk,预习P41,42,


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