英语人教版本九年级全册unit 3 sectionb-1

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1、Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,on the/xxxs left/righ a pair of get some money go along turn left/right go past / pass by be excited to rush to shout at/to suggest Ving on xxxs way to come on,1.在左/右边 2.一双 3.取一些钱 4.沿着走 5.左/右转 6.路过,经过 7.做某事很兴奋 8.冲向 9.朝大叫 10.建议做 11.在某人去的路上 12.来

2、吧,加油,根据所给的首字母提示填空。 Can you buy me a s when you walk past the post office? 2. Both Shanghai and Nanjing are big cities in the e of China. 3. The cinema is b the park, just on its right. 4. Im sorry, but I must go nowIm in a r . 5. CCTV is short for China C _ Television.,tamp,ast,eside,ush,entral,1. W

3、hy did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did she feel after the ride? 2. What is special about Uncle Bobs restaurant? 3. Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why?,Because she thought the ride looked scary. She thought the ride was fun.,A rock band plays there every evening.,Ye

4、s. The restaurant is always busy, so they should get there a little earlier to get a table.,1. If youre afraid, just shout or hold my hand. 如果你害怕,就喊出来或抓着我的手。 shout 作动词,意为“呼喊;呼叫;大声说” (l) shout at xxx. “冲某人大声叫”,有批评意思。 Don t shout at your parents. 别对你父母大声叫嚷。 (2) shout to xxx “对某人大声叫”, 没有批评意思。 He shoute

5、d to the girl and warned her of the danger. 他冲那个女孩大喊,警告她有危险。 (3) shout out “喊出; 突然呼喊”。 Only a few people are brave enough to shout out her name. 只有少数人有勇气喊她的名字。,2. I was scared at first, but shouting did help. 起初我很害怕,但喊出来确实有用。 did 此处用作助动词,在句中起强调作用, 用来表达说话者的一种强烈的感情。 did要重读,后接动词原形,意为“确实,的确”等。 do 随主语人称、

6、数和句子的时态的变化而变化。 I did make a phone call to you yesterday. 昨天我确实给你打了电话。 Please do be quiet for a moment. 请务必安静一会儿。,3. I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World. 我推荐水上世界的水城餐馆。 suggest 建议;提议v suggestion 建议;提议n (l) suggest 名 “建议/提议某事”。 He suggested a holiday in Beijing. 他建议在北京度假。 (2) suggest Ving .

7、“建议/提议做某事” My father suggested calling for a doctor at once. 我父亲建议马上请个医生。 (3) suggest that 宾语从句, 宾语从句用虚拟语气, The teacher suggested that we (should) speak as much English as possible in class. 老师建议我们在课堂上尽可能多地说英语。,注意: 表示“建议某人做某事”不能用suggest xxx to 可以用 advise xxx to 他建议我听古典音乐。 误:He suggested me to listen

8、 to classical music. 正:He advised me to listen to classical music.,4. On their way to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He Wei pass by Uncle Bobs. 在他们去水城餐馆的路上,爱丽丝和何伟路 过鲍勃叔叔的参观。 (l) on xxxs way to . “在某人去的路上”。 I met a classmate of mine on my way to work. 在去上班的路上,我遇到了一位同学。,由way构成的其他短语: by the way 顺便问/提

9、一下 in a way 在某种程度上 in the way 妨碍;挡道 in this way 这样;通过这种方法 lose ones way 迷路 get out of the way of sth. 丢掉的习惯,(2) Uncle Bobs 相与于 Uncle Bobs restaurant。 当名词所有格限定的是表示住宅、诊所、商店等的名词时,该名词通常省略。 He is going to his aunts (house ) this weekend! 这个周末他打算去他姑姑家。 Theyre at the doctors (office). 他们在诊所。,s所有格所修饰的名词如果前面

10、已出现过,就可以省略。 This is Jims room and that is Toms. 这是吉姆的房间,那是汤姆的房间。,3b,1. Do you want to go to Water World now? 2. Do you know where we can get some good food quickly? 3. Excuse me, could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening?,I wonder where we should go next. = Could you tell me where

11、we could go next?,= Could you tell me if you want to go to Water World now?,= I wonder where we can get some good food quickly.,= Excuse me, do you know when the band starts playing this evening?,library,big clean quiet,What qualities are important for each place?,fascinating,clean,interesting,conve

12、nient,big,1a What qualities are important for each place? Write the words from the box next to each place below. Write the most important words first.,interesting fascinating inexpensive quiet big uncrowded beautiful convenient safe clean,clean,clean,restroom,museum,interesting,quiet,restaurant,deli

13、cious inexpensive,adj. 不昂贵的,park,clean beautiful fascinating,极有吸引力的adj.,subway,clean uncrowded,adj. 不拥挤的; 人少的,safe inexpensive 不昂贵的adj. convenient 便利的, 方便的adj.,mall 商场, 购物中心,Match the adjectives with their opposites. () () 1. crowded A. safe 2. dangerous B. inexpensive 3. dirty C. big 4. expensive D

14、. beautiful 5. small E. clean 6. ugly F. uncrowded,Talk about the places in your city,1c Listen to the conversations and complete the sentences.,Conversation 1 The boy asks about _ , and the clerk tells him to go to Green Land. Conversation 2 The girl asks about _ , and the clerk tells her to go to

15、the corner of Market and Middle Streets.,a good place to eat,public restrooms,Conversation 3 The mother asks about _. The father wants to go to a _museum. The younger girl wants to go to a _museum . The boy wants to go to a _museum. The older girl wants to go to an_ museum . The clerk suggests they go to the _museum .,a good museum,history,science,childrens,art,computer,Language points,1. inexpensive 不昂贵的,便宜的adj 其同义词cheap, 反义词 expensive/dear。 i



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