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1、商务合同,合同的定义,一、什么是合同? A contract is an agreement, which legally binds the parties concerned. 合同就是有法律约束力的协议。 合同平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。 合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救济,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看成是一种救济。 合同类法律文件用以规定当事人的权利与义务,是预防与解决争议的依据。,选词专业化(professional)、正式(formal)、准确(accurate) 具体体现在下列方面: 1、大量使用Shall+Verb的结构 Shall+Verb不但可指人,还

2、可以用于指物。英文商务合同中较多使用shall来强调买卖双方所必须承担的责任和义务,体现了合同是一种约束力很强的法律文书, 它表明了合同的威严和对买卖双方的约束力。 The termination of this contract shall not affect in any way the outstanding claims and liabilities existing between the two parties upon the expiry of the validity. 本合同期满时,双方发生的未了债权和债务将不受合同期满的影响。,合同的用词特点,2、用语正式(forma

3、l),商务合同习惯上采用书面形式,通常使用正式的书面语言,以显示合同正规与庄重特色。 如“因为”的短语多用“by virtue of”, 远远多于”due to” 一般不用“because of”; ”财务年度末“一般用”at the close of the fiscal year”, 而不用” in the end of the fiscal year”; “在之前”一般用“prior to”, 而不用”before”; “关于“常用”as regards”, “concerning 或”relating to”, 而不会用”about”; “事实上”用”in effect”, 而不用”i

4、n fact”: “开始“ 用”commencement”, 而不用”start”或”begin”; “停止做”用”cease to do”, 而不用”stop to do”; 何时开会并由某某主持“ 的表述为:The meeting shall be convened and presided by sb. 其中”召开“ 不用”hold 或call”, 而用”convene”; “主持 不用”chair” 或” be in charge of “ 而用” preside”; “其他事项” 用”miscellaneous”, 而不用” other matters/events”; “理解合同“

5、 用”construe a contract” 或” comprehend a contract” , 而不用”understand a contract”; “认为”用“deem”, 用”consider” 少,不用”think” 或”believe”.,例,因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。 译:All disputes arising from the execution of or in connection with the contract shall be through amicable negotiation between both pa

6、rties. 此例句中协商一词用negotiation 比consultation更为正式,因为negotiation在起草合同前译为”谈判“, 而履行合同中所产生的争议也是谈判。友好一词用amicable比friendly更为正式。 例,如乙方在技术资料的交付方面违约,不因要求甲方立即支付任何专利权使用费。 译:Party A shall not be required to forthwith any royalties in default on the part of Party B to the delivery of Technical Documentation. 此句中要求一词

7、用require比ask正式,forthwith 是公文体, 较at once 和immediately正式严谨,符合挈约文体。,If any contract party is prevented from performing all or part of its obligations owing to Force Majeure, it shall be relieved all of or part of its obligations. 译文:合同当事人因不可抗力事故不能执行合同的全部或者部分义务的,解除其全部或部分责任。 改译:合同当事人因不可抗力事件不能履行合同的全部或部分义务

8、的,免除其全部或部分责任。 因为事件,履行及免除责任都属于正式用语,合乎规范,符合商务合同语言要求。,3,用词专业(technical),合同用词不以大众是否理解和接受为转移,它是合同语言准确表达的保障。 如合同出现的”瑕疵”,”救济“, “不可抗力”,“管辖”, “损毁”, “灭失” 等就可能让非行业人士费解, 在英语以上表达分别为defect ,remedy, force majuere, jurisdiction, damage and/or loss。 “赔偿”用”indemnities”, 而不用”compensation”; “不动产转让“ 用”conveyance”, 而不用”t

9、ransfer of real estate”; “房屋出租”用”tenancy”, “财产出租”用”lease of property”; “停止”用”wind up a business” 或”cease (名词是cessation)a business”, 而不用”end/stop a business”; “依照合同相关规定“ 或一般说” pursuant to provisions contained herein” 或” as provided herein” 等, 不说“according to relevant terms and conditions in the contr

10、act”。,4, 同义词、近义词、 相关词的并列使用,合同中同义词的使用使得合同具有严谨、周密特色,以便减少漏洞与争议。 perform and fulfill 履行 terms and conditions 条款 null and void 无效 secret and confidential 保密 any and all(全部) “made and entered into”“签订”、“amendments to and alteration “修改” 、”provisions and stipulations规定”、“force and effect”“生效” any duties, o

11、bligations and liabilities (义务和责任) applicable laws, regulations, decrees, directives, and rules(适用法律法规) charges, fees, costs and expenses(各种费用) covenants and agreements(合同,协议)、customs and usages(惯例)、free and clear of(无)、import duty and tax(进口税捐) keep secret and confidential(保密)、licenses and permits(

12、许可)、null and void(无效)、 packing and wrapping expenses(包装费)、rights and interests(权益)、settle claims and debts(清理债务)、,ships and vessels(船只)、sign and issue(签发)、support and maintenance(维护) use and wont(习惯,惯例) modification and alternation 修改和变更, interpretation and construction 理解和解释 except as herein provid

13、ed除本合同规定的外, in witness whereof 特此为证, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals 双方当事人已在合同上签字盖章, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing 含,但不限于, no waiver of these provisions 本合同之规定不予放弃,5、古英语与外来词的应用(borrowing words),商务合同英语中使用古英语最为突出的是较多使用here, there, where 加后缀in, b

14、y after, from等介词构成的词,这些词一般在句中作定语或状语。 在法律文件中用这些词,可以避免重复, 避免歧义, 使行文准确,简洁。 这类词中的here可理解为this, there可理解为that, where可理解为which。 Hereafter=following this, hereby=by this means or by reason of this, 兹,之,特此,在此 hereof= of this, hereinafter= later in this contract, herein before= in a proceeding part of this c

15、ontract . 本协议中, 以there为词根的古体词,汉语翻译时一般都带有“那该.其之Thereafter=after that, thereinafter= in that patr of a contraact, thereupon= as a resulr of that, thereof =of that. 以where为词根的古体词,一般为关系副词,whereof=of which ,whereas 鉴于,商务合同中也会使用一些外来词汇,常用的有拉丁语和法语词汇。 如比例税率:用 pro rate tax rate(拉丁语)要比 proportional tax rate 多;

16、 从事慈善服务的律师: pro bono lawyer, 不经常用 lawyer engaged in charitable legal assistance, 委托代理人多用 agent ad litem force majeure (法 语)不可抗力 as per (拉丁语) 按照, de facto (拉丁语)事实上的,合同的用语特点,1 、力求严谨,明确无误 本合同只能按照双方的授权代表签名盖章的文件进行修改或者增补。 This contract can only be altered, amended or supplemented in accordance with documents signed and sealed by authorized representatives of both parties. 2、多用主动语态,少用被动语态 甲方委托乙方为新加坡的独家销售代理商。 Party A hereby appoints Party B as its executive sales agent in Singapore. 乙方被甲


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