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1、Lesson 62 After the fire,control 1. n. 控制,管理 control of/over sb/ sth 控制,支配 be in control of = be in charge of 管理,控制 eg. Who is in control of this plan ? be under control 某事在控制之中 Everything is in control.一切都在掌控之中。 be out of control 失去控制 The children were out of control.,Key words expressions,2. v. 管理

2、,控制,操纵,支配 control sb / sth I cant control my emotions. 我不能控制自己的感情。 controller n. 负责人,smoke 1. n. 烟 There is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪 end up in smoke / go up in smoke (计划等)成泡影,化为乌有 2. v. 吸烟 No smoking ! 禁止吸烟 smoker 吸烟的人 3. v. 冒烟 A smoking volcano 冒烟的火山,desolate 1. adj. 荒凉的,(指人)凄凉无人的 a desolate ind

3、ustrial area工业废墟 We all felt extremly desolate when she left. 2.v. 使.沦为废墟,使悲伤绝望,(尤用于被动语态) This is a city which is desolated by civil war desolation n.(u) 荒凉,孤寂 The desolation caused by war.,threaten 1. v. 恐吓,威胁 threaten sb with. 以.威胁(人) The robber threatened him with a gun . 强盗用枪威胁他。 threaten to do

4、恐吓说要做某事 eg. He threatened to make the photo public.他威胁说要把照片公之于众 2. v. 有.的预兆(将要发生不太好的事) A typhoon is threatening.台风迫近 threat n. 恐吓,威胁 an empty threat 虚张声势,surround v. 围绕,包围 The wall surrounds the jail . The jail is surrounded by the wall. 监狱被高墙所包围. surrounding adj. 周围的 the surrounding villages 周围的村庄

5、Beijing and the surrounding contryside 北京及其近郊 surroundings (pl.) n. 周围的物体,环境,条件等 Id like to bring up my child in healthy surroundings.,destruction n. (u) 毁坏,破坏 the storm caused great destruction 暴风造成了巨大的损坏 destructive adj. 毁灭性的 a destructive earthquake 毁灭性的地震 The missile has great destuctive power.

6、导弹有毁灭性的力量 destroy v. 破坏,毁坏 The fire destroyed the wholeforest . 大火毁掉了整片森林 destroyer n. 驱逐舰,破坏者,flood 1. n. 水灾,洪水 the Flood (Bible中上帝惩罚人类的)洪水 before the Flood 远古时代(源自圣经旧约创世纪) We wont forget the terrible flood in China in 1998. 2. n. 多,大量, 大批 a flood of letters 大量的信件 the child is in floods of tears 小孩

7、哭成泪人了 3. v. 淹没,泛滥 The river has flooded the surrounding area. 这条河淹没了附近的地区,4. v. 人群涌到(某场所),(声音,光)充满(某地方) Japanese cars have flooded the Ametican market. 日本车充斥着美国市场 Requests for information flooded to the office. 索取资料的信函大量涌入办公室,authority 1. n. 官方,当局(pl.) the school authorities 学校当局 2. n. (u) 权威,全力 Pre

8、sident is of great authority . 总统拥有至高无上的权利 3. n. (c) 权威人士,来源 She is an authority on Spanish. 她是西班牙语的权威。 authorize v. 授权给 He authorized the man as chairman.,grass-seed 草籽 grass 1. n. 草 feed grass to cows 喂牛吃草 2. n. 草地 keep off the grass 请勿践踏草地 seed 1. n. (c) 种子flower seeds 2. n. (c) 根本,原因 His sudden

9、death sowed seeds of trouble in his family. 他的猝然辞世给家族埋下了纠纷的祸根,spray 1. v. 喷洒,喷.于 Spray paint on the furniture. 给家具喷上漆 A farmer sprayed his crops with pesticide. 一位农民给他的庄家喷洒杀虫剂 2. n. 喷雾器,喷液 an insect spray 喷液杀虫剂,quantity 1. n. u/c 数目,数量 a large quantity 大量的 可以修饰可数名词,不可数名词,谓语动词用单数 eg. A small quantity

10、 of furniture is painted blue. 少量家具被涂成蓝色了 A large quantity of people is needed here. century n. 世纪 the 20th century (公元1900-1999) at the turn of the century 在世纪之交 We have entered the 21st century. 我们已经进入了21世纪,root 同音词 :route 路线 1. n. c 根 the root of a tree 树根 pull up a plant by the roots 连根拔起 2. n.

11、根源,原因 the root cause of sth 根本原因 the root of the problem 问题的根源 Money is the root of all evil. put down new roots 在新的地方立足 3. v. 使生根,使扎根 Does this plant root easily ?这种植物容易生根吗?,patch 1. n. 补丁,布片 pants full of patches. 打满补丁的裤子 2. n. 小块,小片 patches of green 小块小块的绿色 patches of sunlight 斑驳的阳光 3. n. 小块地 a v

12、egetable patch 小菜园 4. v. 修补 She patched the hole in the trousers. 她修补了裤子上的洞,balcken v. 使变黑,使变暗,变黑,损害,诽谤 以-en结尾的动词还有: tighten , loosen , whiten , deepen , darken, broaden, shorten, quicken, worsen, thicken -en与表示或描述性质或状态的名词、形容词结合,构成 动词,描述使某物具有特定性质或处于特定状态的活动 过程。,Lesson 62,Key structures,过去完成进行时:had be

13、en +现在分词 表示过去某时以前一直进行的一个动作 It had been raining for two days. 雨一直下了两天。 They had only been waiting for the bus a few moments when it came. 他们只等了一会车就来了,1、Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control. fight a good fight 打了一场漂亮的仗 win a fight 赢了一场

14、战斗 lose a fight 输了一场战斗 get . under control 使.在控制之中,2、A short time before, great trees had covered the countryside for miles around. a short time before a short while before 不久之前 great trees 参天大树 cover v. 掩盖,遮掩,遮盖 be covered with 被.覆盖 Our apple trees are covered with fruit. 我们的苹果树果实累累。,3、Now, smoke s

15、till rose up from the warm ground cover the desolate hills. rise up from 从.升起 rise to ones feet 站起身来 rise to a height of 200 meters 上升到200米的高度 The rise and fall of the Roman Empire. 罗马帝国的兴衰,4、Winter was coming on and the hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction, for heavy rain woul

16、d not only wash away the soil but would cause serious floods as well. come on 开始,来临,用于指时间、季节等自然情况的 出现。 It came on to rain = The rain came on for 因为(比较正式的说法)补充说明的理由,可以引 导原因状语从句 I caught a cold, for I had been walking around in the rain . 表示原因的从句是重点,for + n. 为了 因为.的理由 She was angry with him for being late. being late 动名词短语,做介词for 的宾语 He jumps for joy at the news. 听到这个消息,他高兴的蹦了起来 not only. butas well= not only . but also For heavy rain would not only wash away the soil


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