unit 2 working the land gramma(ing作主语和宾语)(教师版)

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1、V-ing形式作主语、宾语 一读下列句子,指出每句中的动词-ing形式(短语)在句子中担当的成分。1. Taking a cold bath every day does him a lot of good. ( 主语 )2. Using the right hand to shake hands is a custom in many countries.( 主语 )3.I suggest asking his parents for some money.( 宾语 )4.I really regretted having missed such an exciting lecture.(

2、宾语 )5.I cant stand being kept waiting .( 宾语 )二v.ing 形式作主语1. Laying eggs is the ant queens full-time job. 产卵是蚁后的专职工作。( 主语 )2. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。 ( 主语 )用法归纳 V-ing形式作主语, 谓语动词用单数。在例2中,it为形式主语,真正的主语为crying over spilt milk.注: 相同用法的还有“It is no use/no good/fun/a waste of time/a pleas

3、ure 等名词+doing” Eg: It is no good writing to him;he never answers letters. 写信给他不妥,他从来不回信。练习:Saying is easier than doing. 说比做容易。It is a waste of time arguing about it. 辩论这事是浪费时间。It is no use complaining about it. 抱怨(complain) 这事是没有用的。三、v.ing 形式作宾语1. 1)We enjoyed attending Miss Lis class. 我们喜欢听李老师的课。(

4、宾语 )用法归纳 V-ing形式作动词宾语. 有些动词后面要求跟动名词作宾语。常这样用的动词有:admit 承认 excuse 原谅 understand理解 escape 逃避 permit 允许allow允许 postpone 拖延 fancy 想象 practise 练习 appreciate 欣赏 finish 完成 suggest 建议 advise建议 enjoy 喜欢 pardon 原谅prevent 防止 avoid 避免 forbid 禁止 propose 建议 consider 考虑forgive 宽恕 delay 耽搁 imagine 想象 resent 厌恶 deny

5、否认resist 抵制 keep 保留 risk 冒险dislike 讨厌 mind 在意dread 害怕 miss 错过 注:动词allow, advise, forbid, permit等可直接跟V-ing形式作宾语, 不可以接动词不定式作宾语, 但可以接不定式作宾语补足语。Eg: Please permit me to say a few words. 请允许我说几句话。练习: I suggested buying the dictionary. 我建议买这本词典。 We dont permit smoking here. 我们这儿不允许吸烟2) Do you feel like tak

6、ing a walk?你要不要去散步? 用法归纳 有些动词短语后也要求跟动名词作宾语。常这样用的动词短语有:Cant stand 忍不住; cant help 忍不住; feel like 想,欲;give up 放弃; put off 推迟练习:Since the examination is around the corner, I have to give up doing sports.既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动。 2. 读例句,归纳 ing 形式的用法。1) He went to London in the hope of becoming a famous painter

7、.他去了伦敦,希望能成为一名著名的画家。用法归纳 V-ing形式作介词宾语。常这样用的介词短语有:instead of, look forward to,object to,keep on,see about,take to 等。另外,后接-ing形式或名词,常见的带介词to的短语有:contribute to(贡献),get down to (着手做),lead to(导致),look forward to(期待),take to(从事),turn to (求助于),see to(注意, 处理),be/get used to (习惯于),devote oneself to (献身于),be

8、equal to(胜任)等。练习:The old couple has got used to living in the countryside. 这对老夫妇已习惯生活在乡下了。 2) 在下列结构中, 动名词做介词宾语spend in doing 在做某事方面花费 be busy (in)+ doing sth.忙于做waste time (in)+ doing sth.浪费时间做 prevent/stop/keep from doing 组织做How/What about doing sth.怎么样 have some difficulty/trouble (in) doing 做有困难h

9、ave a hard time (in) doing sth.做很艰难 There is no sense in doing做是没有道理的There is no point (in) + doing做是没有意义的练习:我们正忙着为考试做准备。 We are busy in preparing for the exam. 你完成这个任务有困难吗? Do you have any difficulty in finishing the task?四注意事项1. v.-ing形式与不定式作主语意义区别1) Smoking is forbidden here. 这里禁止吸烟。(泛指吸烟)2) Its

10、not good for you to smoke so much. 吸这么多烟对你的身体不好。(指你吸烟) 用法归纳表示比较抽象的、一般的多次性行为时多用v.-ing形式;表示具体的或一次性的动作,特别是表示将来的动作时,多用不定式。练习:My job is teaching. 我的工作是教书。My job is to teach you English this term. 我这一学期的工作是教你们英语。2. 有些动词既能接不定式, 又能接-ing形式, 但含义不同。1)Do you remember seeing me before? 你记得以前见过我吗?Remember to lock

11、 the door when you leave. 离开时要记得锁门。2)I try not to think about that. 我尽量不去想那件事。Would you please try doing that again? 请你再试一次好吗?3)I mean to change it for another one. 我想换成另外一个。Success means working hard. 成功意味着辛勤工作。4)He stopped talking when the bell rang. 铃响的时候, 他停止了讲话。While working,he stopped to talk

12、with Tom at times.工作的时候, 他不时地停下来和汤姆谈话。用法归纳 牢记接动名词和接不定式意义差别很大的动词或短语: remember to do (记住去做) remember doing (记得做过) try to do(设法做) try doing(试做) mean to do (打算做) mean doing (意味着) stop to do (停下来去做) stop doing (停止做) forget to do (忘记去做) forget doing (忘记做过) regret to do (遗憾地做) regret doing (后悔做了) go on to

13、do(接着做另一事) go on doing(继续做同一事) cant help to do(不能帮助做) cant help doing(情不自禁地做)3.动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。The watch needs repairing.(=The watch needs to be repaired.)这块表需要修理。The problem deserves thinking about.(=The problem deservers to be thought about.)这个问题值得考虑。His suggestion is worth considering. 他的提议值得考虑。用法

14、归纳 动词need, deserve, require, want后,用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。其用法相当于不定式的被动结构。即sth. need/want/require doing(=to be done)某物需要做某事 在(be) worth后面只能用动名词的主动态来表示被动意义。be worth doing 4. 动词-ing形式的否定形式,时态和语态 You have no excuse for not going.你没有理由不去。 He was punished for not having done his homework.他因未完成作业而受到惩罚。 I still re

15、member being taken to the Famen Temple and what I saw there. 用法归纳:1)动词-ing形式的否定形式通常是在其前加_not_. 2) 动词-ing 完成时having done_所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前就完成了。 3) 动词-ing被动式_being done_表示被动的意义。练习: The thief ran away quickly to avoid _ (catch). being caught 5. v.-ing形式的复合结构,即v.-ing前面加上自己的逻辑主语。形式为:形容词性物主代词+动名词;名词s+动名词; 代词宾格+动名词; 名词+动名词。Eg:


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