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1、Section Writing 人物介绍类文章 写作任务你校英文报新开设的Popular Musicians栏目正面向全校学生征稿。请你根据所给提示,用英语写一篇介绍著名音乐家弗里德里克肖邦(Frdric Francois Chopin)的短文。生卒年份18101849生平简介6岁学习音乐,7岁作曲,8岁公开演出,26岁已是颇有名气的作曲家;21岁移居巴黎,以作曲和教学为生。成就及评价一生创作了约二百部作品,被誉为“钢琴诗人”。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_常用表达He/She was born in/on. and was brought up by.He/S

2、he showed his/her talent in.When he/she was. years old, he/she became interested in.At the age of., he/she went to. all by himself/herself.After graduation, he/she decided to.He/She devoted all his/her life to.He/She is regarded as.As a great., he/she will be remembered by us forever.写作指导一、审题定调本写作要求

3、介绍著名音乐家弗里德里克肖邦,属于记叙文的写作范畴。其关键之处在于突出其主要经历和成就,介绍其生平事迹时一般用第三人称,时态以一般过去时为主。二、谋篇布局此类文章一般采用“总分总”模式,对肖邦的主要经历和成就进行介绍,使读者对其有一个较为清晰和全面的了解。针对本篇写作任务,我们可以列出以下提纲:第一部分:总体介绍(包括其身份及生卒年份等);第二部分:介绍肖邦的主要经历;第三部分:总结全文(说明肖邦的成就以及人们对他的评价)。三、组织语言第一部分:总体介绍(包括其身份及生卒年份等)。普通表达高级表达. was born on/in. and died on/in., one of the mos

4、t famous/greatest/. musicians in., lived from. to., who was born on/in. and died on/in., was a distinguished (著名的)/ outstanding musician/one of the greatest.Born on/in.,. is recognized as one of the masters of.第二部分:介绍肖邦的主要经历。普通表达高级表达Chopin learned music when he was six. He started composing music at

5、 seven, and he began giving public concerts at eight.By the time he was 20, Chopin had become a wellknown composer.Chopin moved to Paris at 21 and earned a living there as a composer and teacher.Chopins talent for music showed at an early age. He learned music at six, composed music at seven, and ev

6、en gave public concerts at eight.The young musician rose to fame as a composer at the age of 20.The following year Chopin moved to Paris, where he spent the rest of his life, earning a living as a composer and teacher.第三部分:总结全文(说明肖邦的成就以及人们对他的评价)。普通表达高级表达In his life, Chopin composed about 200 pieces

7、of music, and has been called “the poet of the piano”Chopin, who has been called “the poet of the piano”, composed about 200 pieces of music or so throughout his life.【范文展示】普通范文Frdric Francois Chopin, a great composer, was born in 1810 and died in 1849.Chopin learned music when he was six. He starte

8、d composing music at seven, and he began giving public concerts at eight. By the time he was 20, Chopin had become a wellknown composer. Chopin moved to Paris at 21 and earned a living there as a composer and teacher.In his life, Chopin composed about 200 pieces of music, and has been called “the po

9、et of the piano”高级范文Frdric Francois Chopin, who was born in 1810 and died in 1849, was one of the greatest composers of his time.Chopins talent for music showed at an early age. He learned music at six, composed music at seven, and even gave public concerts at eight. The young musician rose to fame

10、as a composer at the age of 20. The following year Chopin moved to Paris, where he spent the rest of his life, earning a living as a composer and teacher.Chopin, who has been called “the poet of the piano”, composed about 200 pieces of music or so throughout his life.实战演练你校学生会准备办一期主题为Great Musicians

11、的英语墙报。请你根据所给提示,用英语写一篇短文介绍中国著名音乐家冼星海。内容主要包括:主要经历及贡献1905年出生于澳门一个贫苦家庭;1928年在上海国立音乐专科学校 (Shanghai National Music Conservatory) 学习小提琴和钢琴;1931年,考入了巴黎音乐学院 (the Paris Conservatory)。留法期间,创作了许多优秀作品;1935年回国后,在中日战争 (the SinoJapanese War) 期间写了许多鼓励人们战斗的歌曲,如著名的黄河大合唱(Yellow River Cantata);1945年,在莫斯科 (Moscow) 因病去世。评

12、价因对中国音乐的贡献获得了“人民音乐家 (Peoples Composer)”的称号。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_One possible version:Xian Xinghai, a great Chinese composer, was born into a poor family in Macao in 1905.When he was young, he showed great musical talent. In 1928 Xian entered Shanghai National Music Conservatory to study vi

13、olin and piano. In 1931 he was admitted to the Paris Conservatory. Druing this period he composed many excellent works. Xian returned to China in 1935. During the SinoJapanese War he wrote works to encourage Chinese people to fight, including the famous song Yellow River Cantata. Unfortunately, he died from an illness in Moscow in 1945.Xian Xinghais contributions to Chinese music wo


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