my home part a let's learn

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《my home part a let's learn》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《my home part a let's learn(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教PEP新版小学英语四年级上册Unit 4 My home. Part A Lets learn & Lets do. 教学设计江西省丰城市新城中心学校 朱小芳教学目标:1.能够听,说,认读单词:livingroom、study、 kitchen、 bathroom、 bedroom;能听懂Letsdo中的指令并做出相应的动作。2.能够熟练运用句型:Whereis.?Isshe/heinthe.? 及其回答。3.培养学生爱家,爱家人的情感。学情分析:本课时内容主要是通过展示家庭居室结构,让学生熟悉各个房间的英文名称以及在各个不同房间所能做的事,家是每个学生最熟悉的地方,学生要能够用本节内容简

2、单介绍自己的家;由于本堂课的词汇量较多,而四年级的学生已经掌握了一些基本的字母音标发音和拼读方法,所以本堂课主要通过音标拼读法学习新词,在参观Amy家的情境中轻松快乐地学习本课时主要内容。重点难点:1 房间名称单词study, bathroom, bedroom, living room,kitchen和lets do中动词词组的拼读。2 句型:Whereis.?Isshe/heinthe.? 及其回答的灵活运用。教学过程:Lead-inppt出示Amy新家图片,交代Amy邀请了许多新朋友来参观新家,问同学们想不想随他们一起去看看。(引起学生兴趣,通过PPT进入参观新家情景)Presentat

3、ion1、 通过辩认Amy的朋友让学生熟悉Isshe/he.?的不同回答,为学生能流利回答之后的句型Isshe/heinthe.?做铺垫。(备注:教师在实际课堂教学中也可将参观Amy新家和辨认Amy的朋友改成老师邀请同学参观自己新家并通过打马赛克的方式辨认自己班同学,这样学生的兴致会更高。)2、 This is Zhang Peng.由问题Where is Zhang Peng ? Do you know ? 进入词汇的学习living room.T: Where is Zhang Peng? Look! He is in the living room.出示living room的单词卡,用

4、音标拼读法教授living,T: L LSs:/l/ /l/ /l/T: I I Ss: /i/ /i/ /i/ T: /l/ /i/Ss:/li/T:V V Ss: /v/ /v/ /v/ /vi/学生自己拼读出living room.用同样的方式教授其他生词,并把单词卡片逐一贴在黑板上组成一个家。T: What can you see in the living room?Ss: A TVT: You can watch TV in the living room.教授动词词组watch TV,引导学生边做动作边说Go to the living room, Watch TV.3、 stu

5、dy由Amy寻找Mike,引出studyT: Look! Who is coming?Ss: Amy.T: She asks“ Where is Mike? Is he in the living room? ”学生看着ppt很直观的回答Ss: No, he isnt.T: Where is he? Do you know? (ppt出示书房图片) Look! He is in the study.音标拼读教授study及动词词组Read a book. 并引导学生边做动作边说Go to the study ,Read a book.4、 kitchen通过Amy肚子咕咕叫,并消失在ppt的画

6、面中,引出新词kitchenT: Where is Amy? Is she in the study?Ss: No, she isnt.T: Where is she? She is so hungry. Look! She is in the kitchen. 音标拼读教授kitchen及动词词组Have a snack. T: Do you want to have a snack?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Lets go.引导学生边做动作边说Go to the kitchen, Have a snack.5、 bathroom出示Amy 弟弟吃巧克力的图片,T: Look! This

7、 is Amys brother. He is so dirty. Where can he wash his face and hands? 通过提问引出新词bathroom并音标拼读教授bathroom T: Amys brother is so dirty. Hed better take a shower.( 做洗澡的动作让学生领会take a shower的意思 ) Where is Amys brother? Is he in the bathroom?Ss: No, he isnt.(实际课堂中可以通过让同学们一起叫小弟弟洗澡的活动操练Go to the bathroom. Ta

8、ke a shower.)6、 bedroom由床bed教授最后一个房间名称bedroom,音标拼读单词nap.T: What can you see in this room?Ss: A bed.T: Yes, this is a bedroom. Look! Sarah is in the bedroom. If you are tired, you can go to the bedroom, have a nap. 引导学生边做动作边说Go to the bedroom, Have a nap.Practice:1.播放Lets learn动画,让学生跟读所学的主要内容。2.播放动画歌曲My home,让学生跟唱歌曲,熟悉其旋律。3.用本堂课所学的内容改唱歌曲。


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