老友记六人行生词108(friendssix peoplenew word 108)

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1、老友记-六人行-生词108(Friends - six people - new word 108)vt. 调用; 祈求; 恳求; 引起2, nanaabbr. 北美报业联盟 (north american newspaper alliance)3, dehydrate , di: haidreitvt. 使.脱水; 使极其口渴; 使丧失力量和兴趣等you 脱水; 去水.4, dehydration , di: hai drei? ? n脱水 n.5, fluorescentadj.1. 荧光 (性) 的, 发荧光的2. 明亮的, 容光焕发的; 光灿灿的n.1. 荧光2. 荧光灯, 日光灯6,

2、 destructive di page. ktivadj. 破坏的; 毁灭性的; 有害的, 消极的7, flush fl? ?n. 激动, 洋溢; 面红; 萌芽; 旺盛; 奔流vt. 使齐平; 用水冲洗; 使激动; 发红, 使发亮you 发红, 脸红; 奔涌; 被冲洗adj. 丰足的, 洋溢的; 挥霍的; 大量的; 齐平的8, abrupt ? br? ptadj. 突然的; 唐突的; 陡峭的; 生硬的9, fascinating f? sineiti? adj. 迷人的; 吸引人的; 使人神魂颠倒的in.着迷. 使; 使.陶醉 (fascinate的ing形式)10 quality kw?

3、 l? youn. 质量, 品质; 特性; 才能vei vague 11adj. 不明确的; 含糊的; 模糊的; 暧昧的12 i: tyou 嘟嘟响.哔哔的声音; 警笛声 n.嘟嘟响 vt.13, show off1. 陈列; 展览: 例句: the exhibits that show off被展示的陈列品2. 使显眼, 使夺目: 例句: the blue dress to show you off.那条蓝裙子使你光彩夺目.3. 卖弄, 炫耀: 例句: show off ones talent卖弄才华straid stride 14步幅; 大步; 进展 n.vt. 跨过; 大踏步走过; 跨坐

4、在.you 跨; 跨过; 大步行走.15, fuzzy f? ziadj. 模糊的; 有绒毛的; 失真的16 mint mint薄荷; 造币厂, 巨款 n.铸造, 铸币 vt.17, lo l? uint. 瞧. 看! (表示惊讶或用以引起注意)18, losabbr. 月球轨道航天器 (lunar orbiter spacecraft); 视线 (line of sight)19, reenter , ri: ent it? 重进入, 再加入 n.重新加入 vt.you 重新入内, 重返.20, exasperate i with? sp? reit, z: 使恼怒; 激怒; 恶化 vt.2

5、1, sucksn 不好; 差劲 (suck的复数).in 吮吸; 舔食 (suck的第三人称单数).22, suck s? to吸吮; 吸取 vt.you 吸吮; 巴结 俚 糟糕; 吮吸 n.23, now and then偶尔, 有时24, tactless t? ktlisadj. 不机智的; 不老练的; 笨拙的25, casket : k skeet小箱; 骨灰盒; 棺材 n.把, 装进小箱; 入殓 vt.26, cupboard k? b? d食橱; 碗柜 n.27, retainer ri and. n. 保持者; 家臣 机 护圈 ; ; 机 保持器; 预付费用28, define

6、 di fain定义; 使明确; 规定 vt.29, gee d? i:int. 向右 前进 快! (驾驭马牛等的吆喝声)n. 马; 字母g; 一千美元 (美俚)in 向右转.30, predictableadj. 可预言的31, sheepishadj.1. 羞怯的, 腼腆的, 不好意思的2. 绵羊似的, 驯服的, 胆小的; 愚蠢的32, phew phew:; pfju: interj.唷; 呸; 咳; 哦 (表示厌恶、惊讶、不安、宽慰、劳累等)33, payroll peir ? oj工资单 n.34, set upSlum sl? M?Vi. (to seek novelty or r

7、elief) go to the slumsN. slum streets; a dirty place67, disability dis,bil, ti?N. disability; incompetence; disqualification; adverse conditions68, cracker, kr, K?N. crackers; crackers; a nutcracker; a cracker69, glaze and leizVt. is made of glass; glazed inVi. becomes dull and becomes smoothN. glaz

8、e; smooth surface70, ham, h, m?N. ham; a amateur radio; 1 bad actorsVi. performed too farVt. played too farAdj. contrived; overdone71, affirm f: mVt. affirms; affirmsVi. assertion; confirmation72, unsaid ., nsed?Adj. not spoken; not expressed in wordsV. cancels; withdraws; withdraws (unsays past par

9、ticiple form)73, fiddle fidlN. violinVi. VIOLIN FIDDLE;Vt. wasted time playing the violin74, depress dipresVt. depress; depress; depress75, penis pi:nisN. penis, penis76, mache: m alpha?N. Machel77, MachN. Maher (Austria physicist); Maher number (speed of flight divided by sonic speed)78, macAbbr. measurement and control (Measurement and Control); Aided (Machine); Cognition (Multi-Access); Computer Computer (Multiaction)


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