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1、轨道交通信号系统术语及缩写Term or Acronym/术语或缩写Description/说明A/DAnalogue to Digital数/模转换ABService brake rate as a function of a commanded braking profile.做为指令制动包络函数的运营制动率ACBAxle Counter Block计轴区块ACCAsynchronous Communications Controller异步通信控制器Accident/事故Any unforeseen event or occurrence resulting in injury or p

2、roperty damage.任何不可预知的造成伤害或财产损失的事件ACEAxle Counter Evaluator计轴评估ACRArea of Control Region (also see AOA).控制区地带(参见AOA)Active State/主用状态One of four states in which a VOBC can exist. The state in which a VOBC can control and monitor a communicating trains motion. On a communicating train one and only on

3、e VOBC can exist in the Active State at any given time.VOBC可存在的四种状态之一。在此状态下VOBC能控制和监视一辆通信列车的运动。在一辆通信列车上有且仅有一个VOBC可在任何给定时间处于主用状态AGSSAutomatic Global Schedule Slide全系统自动时刻调整Alignment/平面图The entire physical guideway comprising running rails, switches, power rails, inductive loops and associated communi

4、cation and station platform equipment.全部的轨道设备,包括运行轨道、道岔、导电轨道、感应环和相关的通信以及车站站台设备。ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute.美国国家标准化局ANTFILAntenna Filter 天线滤波器Anti-ValentTwo input or output bits having opposite logic levels, e.g., logic values 1 and 0. 2个输入和输出比特具有相反的逻辑电平、例如1和0AOAArea of Authority (also

5、see ACR) 管辖区域(参见ACR)APLApproved Parts List 批准的部件表ARTAdvanced Rapid Transit 先进高速交通ASCAutomatic Speed Control 自动速度控制ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准码ASMAssembler汇编器AspectThe appearance of a signal conveying an indication as received from the direction of an approaching

6、train. 一个信号机状态显示,信号机从接近列车方向传送的标准的指示。ATAALCATEL TRANSPORT AUTOMATION 阿尔卡特交通自动化ATCAutomatic Train Control 车辆自动控制ATC BoundaryThe transition between ATC and Non ATC territory. ATC控制区域和非ATC控制区域的交界ATC TerritoryThe area of guideway equipped with the ATC system the boundaries of which are delineated by Entr

7、y Loop locations. 装备了ATC系统的轨道。ATOAutomatic Train Operation 列车自动运营ATPAutomatic Train Protection 列车自动防护ATRAutomatic Train Regulation 自动列车调整ATSAutomatic Train Supervision 列车自动监督Automatic Global Schedule Slide/全系统自动时刻调整A value calculated based on the schedule variance of the latest train, applied to all

8、 trains. 以最晚列车的时刻偏差为基准计算出的一个列车时刻调整数值。Automatic Mode Train/自动模式列车A train operating within the ATC boundary under the control of the Active VOBC and in accordance with VCC command input. 一辆运行在ATC边界以内,在VOBC和VCC控制之下的列车Automatic Speed Control 自动速度控制A series of algorithms used by the VOBC to perform train

9、 speed control. VOBC用来控制列车速度的一系列算法Automatic Train Control 自动列车控制The system for automatically controlling train movement, enforcing train safety and directing train operations. ATC includes the functions for automatic train operation (ATO), automatic train protection (ATP) and automatic train supervi

10、sion (ATS). 用来自动控制列车运行,保证列车安全和运营的系统。自动车辆控制系统包括保证列车运行的所有功能,自动列车运营、自动列车保护和自动列车监控Automatic Train Operation 自动列车运营Performs any or all of the functions of speed regulation, programmed stopping, door and dwell time control and other functions normally assigned to the train operator. 执行下列任何或所有功能:速度控制、停车、开门

11、和进站等所有通常由列车运营人员执行的职责Automatic Train Protection 自动列车防护系统A series of vital functions performed by the ATC system to ensure that communicating and non communicating trains operating within an ATC territory will not infringe on another trains safety distance, violate maximum speed/target point criteria,

12、 etc 由ATC系统执行的一系列重大功能,以保证所有在ATC控制范围以内的列车不超过安全距离,超过最高速度和越过停车点Availability 可靠性The probability that a given system is operational or ready to be placed in operation. .一个给定系统可以操作和使用的概率AW0The weight of an empty vehicle. 一辆空载车的重量AW1AW0 + weight of seated passengers.空载车重量+全部坐席乘客重量AW2AW1 + weight of standee

13、s 4/m2.上面的AW1+站立乘客重量(每平米4人)AW3AW1 + weight of standees 6/m2.上面的AW1+站立乘客重量(每平米6人)AW4AW1 + weight of standees 8/m2.上面的AW1+站立乘客重量(每平米8人)AWGAmerican Wire Gauge/美国线径标准BASBuilding Automation System楼宇自动化系统BCDBinary Coded Decimal二进制双极性编码BCNBraking Curve Number刹车曲线代码Bits Per Second/比特/秒A measurement used to

14、characterize the data throughput of a serial communication channel or device.每秒种通过一个串行通道或设备的比特数目。Border CrossingVCC边界The location on a guideway where trains cross between VCC control areas. 轨道上列车转换控制VCC的地方Braking Curve Number 刹车曲线代码The number used to define the rate at which a train decelerates rela

15、tive to the guideway. These values are supervised by the VOBC and represent the dv/dt rate of the train. 用来确定列车减速特性的曲线的代码。这些代码由VOBC管理,代表列车的减速度Buffer缓存The memory area in a computer or peripheral device used for the temporary storage of information. 电脑或外设中的存储区域,用来做信息的临时存储BX110Positive 110VAC Single Phase 正极性110V 单相交流CARDSee Line Replaceable Unit参见线路可替换单元CASEComputer Aided Software Engineering电脑辅助软件设计CAZConflict Avoidance Zone冲突保护区CCCentral Computer 中心电脑CCO



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