2019届【牛津译林版】必修二:Unit1 Tales of the unexplained Period3 Word power教案

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1、.Unit 1 Tales of the unexplainedPeriod 3 Word power一【设计思想】 以两篇小短文为载体,拓展关于外太空及太空探险的词汇。二【教学目标】By the end of this class, the students will be able to1. enlarge the vocabulary by learning about some words about outer space and space exploration.2. know the names and the position of the 9 planets in the

2、solar system.三【教学重难点】1. Understand the meaning of the speech made by the scientist.2. Learn some new words about outer space and space exploration.四【教学环节】【课堂导入】Answer the following questions:1. Whether UFOs really exist has puzzled US for a long time. Have you ever thought about exploring space one

3、day?2. Are you interested in making discoveries in space?3. What achievements have humans made so far in space exploration?4. Who was the first man to travel in space?5. When did the first man land on the moon? And how?6. What do you know about him?While focusing on the questions above, please pay a

4、ttention to some other new words related to space, such as astronaut, spaceshipspace shuttle, etc. Give students more information about the history of space exploration and the history of the space shuttle.【预习检查】BrainstormingWhen it come to space exploration, what will you think of?【课堂教与学】Step 1 Voc

5、abulary learning1. Read the speech given by a scientist in Part A and tell the main ideas of the passage.TimeEvent1957Since 1959196119692. Ask students to guess the meaning of the words from some pictures.3. Read the second part of the scientists speech and complete Part C individually according to

6、the instructions. Check the answers.4. What is our universe made up of? Deal with Part 4Step 2 Some useful phrases1. make/give/deliver a speech (P6) 发表演说2. set foot in/on (P6) 登上,涉足,访问3. so far (P6) : 到现在为止,到目前为止(常用于现在完成时)4. dream of/about(doing )sth. (P7) 梦想干某事5.carry out (P7) 实施、执行6. take off Step

7、 3 Vocabulary extension1. Ask students to focus on Part D and consider the question of what our universe is made up of and then ask students to complete it individually.2. Ask students to complete a paragraph based on the picture. 【课堂巩固】1. Complete the process of spacewalk1) The spaceship was _ into

8、 space by rockets from the launch pad.2) Later, the rockets _ from the space shuttle and fell in the sea.3) Research was _ _ in space station.4) Astronauts took space walk with _ on.2. Complete the short passage accordingly.Our universe is _ up of _, and the Milky Way is just _ of them. Our solar sy

9、stem _ of the starthe sun and planets such as the earth. There also e_ satellites like the moon and comets as well.【知识小结】因为这个话题学生平时接触不多,本单元Word power 词汇相对较难。【提升与拓展】 The yearly marathon (a long-distance running race of 42. 195 km) in my town usually occurs during a heat wave. My job was to follow beh

10、ind the runners in an ambulance1any of them needed medical attention.“Were supposed to stay behind the2runner, so take it slowly,” I said to driver, Doug, as the race started.The front-runners started to3and then my eyes were4to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a loose white T-shirt.We knew

11、 we were already watching our “last runner”. Her5were so crippled (残废的) that it seemed almost impossible for her to be able to walk,6alone run a marathon.Doug and I7in silence as she slowly moved forward.8, she was the only runner left in sight. Tears streamed down my face when I watched with respec

12、t9she pushed forward with great10through the last miles.When the finish line came into sight, rubbish lay everywhere and the11crowds had long gone home.12, standing straight and ever so proud13a long man. He was14one end of a ribbon (缎带) of crepe paper (皱纹纸)15to a post. She slowly crossed through, l

13、eaving both ends of the paper fluttering (飘扬) behind her.I do not know this womans name, but that day she became a part of my16a part I often depend on. For her, it wasnt about17the other runners or winning a prize, but about18what she had set out to do, no matter19. When I think things are too diff

14、icult or I get those “Ijustcantdoit”. I think of the last runner. Then I realize how20the task before me really is.1. A. so that B. in case C. even though D. only if2. A. first B. best C. only D. last3. A. run B. separate C. disappear D. appear4. A. drawn B. thrown C. fixed D. caught5. A. hands B. l

15、egs C. arms D. body6. A. let B. leave C. speak D. take7. A. watched B. drove C. observed D. stared8. A. Quickly B. Unluckily C. Naturally D. Finally9. A. since B. before C. as D. until10. A. pain B. determination C. strength D. desire11. A. tired B. waiting C. cheering D. impatient12. A. BesidesB. Therefore C. Yet D. Fortunately13. A. stood B. waited C. came D. had14. A. helping B. catching C. holding D. tying15. A. kept B. tied C. c



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