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1、,welcome to our school,Grammar:主系表结构 There be 句型 感叹句,主系表,系动词be一般现在时时态有_ _ _ 过去式是_ _ 第一人称:I am a student. (复数) 第二人称:You are a doctor. (复数) 第三人称:He/She is a teacher.(复数) It is a book.(复数),2019/10/19,系动词的主系表结构: A. 肯定形式 : I am a new student. Our classroom is large and bright. This book is on the desk. B

2、.否定形式:They are students. (在系动词be后面加not) C.疑问句:This is a book.把系动词be移到主语的前面,并在句尾加问号。,2019/10/19,There be 句型,there be:某处有 主语在there be之后,be动词随主语的数而变化,主语为单数时用is,复数时用are。句尾通常有表示地点的状语。,2019/10/19,1.肯定结构:There is(are) +主语+状语 e.g: There is a map on the wall. 图书馆里有许多书。 2.否定结构: There is(are)+no(not a /noy any

3、)+主语+状语 e.g: There is _ map on the wall. There are _students in the classroom.,2019/10/19,3.一般疑问句: Be + there +主语+状语 e.g:_ there a map on the wall? Yes,there is. No,there isnt. _ there any students in the classroom? Yes,there are (some). No,there arent (any). 注意:some多用于肯定句,any多用于否定句和一般疑问句。,2019/10/1

4、9,特殊记忆:就近原则。 There _ a teacher and two students in the classroom. There _ two students and a teacher in the classroom. 如果句中主语有两个以上的名词,be的单数或复数形式由靠近be的名词决定。 e.g: 卧室里有一张床和两张桌子。 卧室里有两把椅子和一张床。,2019/10/19,感叹句,感叹句是由what或how引起来表达强烈的感情的句子。,2019/10/19,A. How+形容词或副词+主语+谓语 e.g: How large the school is! 这些花儿多好啊

5、! B. What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语 e.g: What a big apple it is!多么大的苹果啊! 多么有趣的书啊! C.What+形容词+名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语 e.g : What good students they are! 多么糟糕的消息啊!,2019/10/19,感叹句顺口溜 感叹句并不难 what与how放句前 名词前面用what 形容词、副词与how连 主谓语序不可变 省略主谓很常见,2019/10/19,Homework,1.完成课本上的language study. 2.完成练习册的所有练习。,2019/10/19,USA T

6、he United States of America (美国) UN United Nations (联合国) WHO World Health Organization(世界卫生组织) WTO World Trade Organization(世界贸易组织) GDP Gross Domestic Product(国内生产总值) CCTV China Central Television(中国中央电视台) NBA National Basketball Association(全美篮球协会) MTV Music Television(音乐电视) PC Personal Computer (个人电脑),2019/10/19,UK United kingdom 英国 ID identification identify card 身份证 VIP very important person 贵宾 ATM Automatic Teller Machine 自动取款机 DIY Do it yourself 自己动手做 BBC British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司,


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