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1、听力练习,教程第八、九章,拓展学习,课程安排,service at the Business Center,Unit Five,service at the Business Center, Vocabulary Study, Vocabulary Study,1. express ikspres n. 快递;快邮服务 2. envelop invelp n. 信封 3. guarantee grnti: v. 确保,保证 4. manuscript mnjuskript n. 手写稿 5. type taip n. 快递;快邮服务 6. photocopy futkpi v. 复印 7. p

2、rint print v. 打印 8. staple steipl v. 装订 9. receipt risi:t n. 发票;票据 10. fax fks n. 传真 11. handwriting hndraiti n. 笔记;字迹 12. plane mail 平邮 13. service charge 服务费, Post Introduction, Post Introduction,商务中心设在前厅客人前往方便的地方。能够提供电传,传真,复印、打字、秘书等五种以上服务,配有现代化通讯配套设备,以方便客人。 商务中心的工作人员一般能用外语和普通话提供服务,礼节礼貌和服务语言准确,规范。

3、熟悉商务中心工作内容和程序。熟练掌握各种操作设备性能、作用和操作技术,能进行简单保养和排除简单故障。服务迅速,给客人以方便感。, Post Introduction,商务中心的职能:,收发传真 打字纠稿 委托代办 4 火车订票 5 飞机订票 6 旅游定点 7 特色经营 话费充值 租车包办, Post Introduction, Useful Sentences,1. What font and size would you like? 2. Shall I make the space larger? 3. Shall I save it on your disk? 4. Could you

4、check it?, Useful Sentences,1. How many copies would you like? 2. Would you like me to make it a little darker/lighter? 3. The paper is jammed. 4. Shall I copy these on both sides to the paper? 5. Here is your original. 6. We dont have paper that large. Shall we copy it to two pieces, and then tape

5、them together?, Useful Sentences,1. Please write down the country code, the area code and their number. 2. Shall I make a copy of this, and then send the copy? 3. May I have the address of the party? 4. We can send a fax for you., Useful Sentences,A letter by air to Japan costs 6 Yuan RMB under the

6、weight of 20g. 2. Im sorry, we have no parcel service. You may go to the post office. 3. Here is a registered letter for you. Please sign on the slip. If there is any mail addressed to you, well inform as soon as possible., Useful Sentences,Tips,Would you like to. 是商务中心的工作人员征求顾客意见时经常用到的一个句型,还可以说:Wou

7、ld you like me to try it a little darker/lighter? 要不要我再试试调深/浅一点?Would you like me to reduce/enlarge it a little? 要不要我再缩小/放大一点?,international postage 国际邮资 domestic postage 国内邮资 postage stamp 邮票 postal service 邮政服务 postal charge 邮费 postal money order 邮政汇票, Task Practice,Situation 1: Mr. Nobel goes to

8、the Business Center. He needs four copies of two documents, reducing it by one-fourth. Total charge is RMB 48. The clerk staples these copies for him and present him the receipt. Situation 2: Mr. Miller goes to the Business Center to get online and check his mail. The clerk tell him how to use inter

9、net, Task Practice,Situation 1: Mr. Nobel goes to the Business Center. He needs four copies of two documents, reducing it by one-fourth. Total charge is RMB 48. The clerk staples these copies for him and present him the receipt. ( B=Business Clerk N=Mr. Nobel ) B: Good morning, sir. What can I do fo

10、r you? N: Good morning. Would you copy these two documents for me? B: Certainly. How many copies do you like, please? N: Four copies each. Whats the rate, please? B: RMB 1 per page. N: OK. Could you reduce it a little? B: How small would you like me to try? N: Lets try reducing it by one-fourth., Ta

11、sk Practice,B: OK. We can try one page first. How about this one? N: Hmm. Could you try it a bit darker, please? B: No problem. Hows this? N: Fine. This comes out quite well. Just according to this sample, please. Besides, Id like to copy on both sides of the paper. B: In that case, they are counted

12、 by two pages. N: Yes, I see. (After finishing copying) B: Would you like me to staple these copies for you, sir? N: Yes, thanks. How much is the charge, please? B: You see, they are forty-eight pages, so the charge is RMB 48 sir. N: Here you are. B: Thank you. Here is the change, sir., Task Practic

13、e,Situation 2: Mr. Miller goes to the Business Center to get online and check his email. The clerk tell him how to use internet. ( B = Business Clerk M = Mr. Miller ) B: Good afternoon, sir, Can I help you? M: Good afternoon. May I use the Internet. B: Certainly, sir. Let me dial-up. Please sit down

14、 and you can use it already. M: Thank you. Can I typed of my E-mail. B: Sure. M: Id like to copy this two pieces of paper. B: OK. How many copies do you need? M: One each., Task Practice,B: All right. Just a moment, please, sir. Here you are. M: Thank you. How much does it cost? B: The internet char

15、ge in 30 minutes is 10 yuan, the type each piece of paper is 10 yuan, and the copy each piece of paper for A4 size is 1 yuan, so the total is 21 yuan in all. How will you be paying the bill, sir? M: Id like to pay in my room bill now. B: Certainly. Could you sign here, sir? M: OK. Thank you very much. Good bye. B: My pleasure. Bye., Task Practice,



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