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1、§ Lesson 50 New Year resolutions 新年的决心【New words and expressions】 生词和短语resolution n. 决心 mentally adv. 内心里 compile v. 编辑,编制formidable adj. 令人畏惧的 recur v. 再发生,又出现regularity n. 规律性 accomplishment n. 成就attainment n. 达到 inveterate adj. 根深蒂固的self-improvement n. 自我完善 scheme n. 简单的计划,方案ambitious adj. 雄

2、心勃勃的 pitfall n. 意外的困难,易犯的错误modest adj. 要求不过分的 assiduously adv. 刻苦地self-discipline n. 自我约束 frame n. 躯体betray v. 暴露,显露 troop v. 成群结队地走动unsettle v. 使不安 taunt n. 嘲笑,奚落人的话jibe n. 嘲弄,挖苦 good-humouredly adv. 和气地,心情好地wane v. 逐渐变小,变弱 diminish v. 减少,缩小hypnotize v. 使欲睡,使蒙胧undoing n. 祸根,毁灭的原因 screen n. 电视机屏幕 re

3、solution n. 决心, 决定He's always making good resolutions but he never carries them out.他决心经常下得很大, 但从不实行。show great resolution表示极大的决心a man of great resolution极其果断的人正式决定, 决议The committee have passed a resolution that conditions (should) be improved.委员会通过了改善环境的决议。坚决; 坚定; 坚毅His speech ended on a note o

4、f resolution.他演讲结束时语气很坚决。解决, 解答The lawyer's advice led to the resolution of this difficult problem.律师的劝告帮助解决了这个难题。resolution of doubt疑团的清除分辨力, 分辨率度 visual resolution目力分辨率There are satellites that supply high-resolution photography.有些卫星能提供高分辨率的摄影图像。resolution 1. the quality of being resolute / fo

5、rmal decision 决心,决议 take resolution to do sth. / make up ones mind to do sth.be determined to do sth. / decide to do sth.resolve / resolve to do sth. resolve sb. on sth. 使某人做某事Eg: Before we came here, we resolved to learn English hard.I resolved him on English study.Nobody resolved him on this decis

6、ion. 没有人使他做这样的决定。 resolute adj. 坚决的,果断的; 刚毅的He was resolute in carrying out his plan.他坚决地实行他的计划。resolution / resolve / resoluteEg: We must be true in word and resolute in deed. 我们必须是言必信,行必果。 mentally adv. 内心里; 精神上; 智力上 mental adj.精神的, 头脑的, 心理的, 智力的His mental abilities are very good.他的智力非常好。精神病的A men

7、tal hospital has just been set up here.这里刚刚建成一座精神病医院。 mental disorder (=derangement)精神错乱a mental test智力测验mental deficiency【心理】智力不足a mental specialist精神病医生mental telepathy心电感应mental anguish内心的痛苦go mental发疯a mental medium灵媒巫师mental patient精神病患者He got the answer by mental arithmetic.他用心算得出了答案。 compile

8、v. 编辑,编制compile / edit vt. 收集; 编辑, 编制It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.编辑一部好词典需要数年的艰苦工作。compile a guide book编指导手册compile an anthology of poems编诗集We are -ing an English-Chinese dictionary for high school students.我们在编辑一本中学生用的英汉辞典。editorcompile: collect information and arrange i

9、n a book (great book / dictionary )edit: collect information and arrange in newspaper or magazinevt. & vi.编辑He edited a book of poetry carefully.他认真地编辑了一本诗集。edit out(在编辑剪辑过程中)删除The auther has edited out all references to his own family.作者已将涉及他自己家庭之处剔除。Eg: The editor is busing editing the newspap

10、er. formidable adj. 可怕的, 令人畏惧的He met with a woman with a formidable appearance.他遇到了一个样子可怕的女人。令人惊叹钦佩的 难以克服对付的There's no formidable obstacles in the world.世上没有无法逾越的障碍。 recur v. 再发生,又出现recur vi.再发生; 复发Economic crises recur periodically.经济危机周期性地发生。Leap year recurs every four years.每四年闰年一次。Old memori

11、es constantly recurred to him.往事经常浮现在他的脑海里。 occur: happen vi.发生; 举行; 存在I hope this won't occur again.我希望不要再发生这种事情。if anything should occur, .如果发生什么事情的话,被发现; 想到起The word “gratitude” did not occur in his words.“感激”两字在他的话中是见不到的。. It occurred to me that .我刚刚想到. occur to A good idea occurred to me. /

12、 It occurred to him that he should open the door.recur: occur again incur: vt. 导致,招致,造成 ( lead to / result in / give rise to / cause)遭受; 招致, 引起He incurred a heavy loss through you.他因为你而遭受重大损失。Eg: Air pollution incurs some terrible dissease. regularity n. 规律性,规则性,整齐,匀称win a prize for regularity of at

13、tendance由于经常按时出勤而获奖 accomplishment n. 成就 完成(任务等)技能, (社交上的)才艺He valued birth above accomplishments.他把出身看得重于才能。pl.技艺, 才能a girl of many accomplishments多才多艺的姑娘Among her accomplishments were sewing,cooking,playing the piano and dancing.她的才能包括缝纫、烹调、弹钢琴和跳舞。 attainment n. 达到 accomplish 成功地达到目的 vt.完成, 实现, 做成

14、功My grandmother has accomplished the age of 97 years of her life.我祖母已达97岁高龄。accomplish one's object达到目的accomplish one's mission完成使命He can accomplish more in a day than any other boy in his class.他一天所完成的工作比他班上其他的孩子都多。accomplish ones purpose / goal / dream / aim /work / taskHe accomplished his

15、 journey.attain:得到,获得(经过艰苦努力)实现, 达到, 得到He attained the position of minister.他得到了部长的职位。attain one's goal达到目的attain the age of(年龄)有.岁了attain the top of a mountain到达山顶attain ones ambitionget sccess / attain successachieve : 达到一定目的时的表现及努力 取得, 获得They achieved some victories despite these setbacks.尽管受到这些挫折, 他们还是取得了一些胜利。实现, 达到, 完成You will achieve your ambition if you work hard.如果你努力, 你的抱负是可以实现的。achieve one's purpose达到目的achievesuccess获得成功achieve victory获得胜利This will he


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