(教育精品)五年级英语下册unit4 when is easter

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1、 Unit 4 When is Easter ? 教学设计Part A Let s try & Lets talk 学校:凤冈县第一小学 教师:赵丹一、 学情分析五年级学生已有两年多的英语学习基础,基本具备听、说、读、写能力及一些日常的交际能力,学生能够通过与同伴(朋友)一起合作探究完成一些简单的活动。二、 教材分析本课时是PEP小学英语五年级下册第四单元When is Easter ?A部分Lets try & Lets talk . 本单元学习的主题是中西方节日及个人的生日 。本课时是这单元的第二课时,主要是通过Mr. Jones 和张鹏就四月份两个特殊的日子愚人节和复活节日期进行对话的情

2、景,让学生感知核心句型(When is April Fools Day ? Its on April 1st .And Easter ? Its on April 5th this year .)的语义及语用情景。三、 教学目标与要求1、 知识与技能:(1)学生能够根据正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能分角色扮演;(2)学生能够在情景中运用句型When is April Fools Day ? Its on April 1st .And Easter ? Its on April 5th this year .询问并回答节日的日期;(3)学生能够在情景中运用句型There are some spe

3、cial days in April .表达某月有多少特殊的日子。2、 过程与方法:教师通过引导和学生通过小组合作探究的方式顺利完成本课时的教学。3、 情感态度与价值观:学生能够表达自己喜欢的中外节日及了解中西方重要节日的日期。四、 教学重点与难点分析重点:学生能够在情景中灵活运用句型When is + 节日名称 ? Its on + 具体日期。难点:(1)掌握具体日期的表达方式;(2)正确朗读单词special .五、 教学方法本课时我采用引导、任务型教学以及学生小组合作探究的方式完成本课时教学。六、 教学准备PPT 、对话录音、教科书七、 教学过程Step 1. Warm-up1. Sin

4、g a songABC song2. Free talkT: Hello. Good morning !Ss: Hello. Good morning , Miss Zhao !T: How do you feel ?Ss: Im happy .Step 2. Review Review the words (出示课件) I say one you say first one-first two-second three-third four-fourth five-fifth Review the sentences (出示课件)T: When is the English test ?S1

5、: Its on November 2nd .Step 3. PresentationTask 1 Lets try 课件出示图片,T : Look at the picture . Who are they ? Ss : They are Mr. Jones and Zhang Peng . T : Which month are they talking about ? Listen and tick , piease .1、 教师领读录音,学生听音,勾出正确的月份;2、 师生核对答案。T :Yes . Good . There are some special days in April

6、 .What are they ? Now lets have a look .Task 2. Lets talk1、 教师播放对话录音,学生整体感知对话;2、 学生自读对话,画出不认识的单词,教师帮助解决;3、 教师逐句播放录音,学生逐句跟读;4、 出示问题,学生带着问题,同桌共读,然后根据对话内容回答问题;Question 1 : When is April Fools Day ?S1 : Its on April 1st .Question 2 : When is Easter ?S2 : Its on April 5th this year .5、 抽生回答问题,师及时肯定学生的回答。

7、6、 学生朗读对话。(强调读的时候注意语音、语调)Step 4. Practice1、 出示课件,引导学生理解要求2、 Wow ! So many holidays are there ,when is the holiday ?Talk about the holidays with your partner .3、 学生4人一组讨论,然后抽生回答并正确连线。A : When is April Fools Day /?B : Its on April 1st ./Step 5.Consolidation & Extension1、 出示五月日历,问:Look, which month is

8、it ? Its May .2、 How many special days in May ? What are they?3、 学生合作探究,展示成果。4、T : There are some special days in May .What are they ? S1: May Day and Mothers Day . T : When is May Day ? S1 :Its on May 1st . T : When is Mothers Day ? S2 : Its on May 14th this year . Step 6. Homework Talk about some special days with your friends . Write the blackboard Unit 4 When is Easter ?Part A Lets try & Lets talk When is April Fools Day ? Its on April 1st . When is Easter ? Its on April 5th this year .



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