(教育精品)when is easter

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《(教育精品)when is easter》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(教育精品)when is easter(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、When is Easter Part A Lets talk 教学目标:能正确询问并回答节日所在的日期;掌握四会句型:问节日在什么时候及回答具体的时间When is .?Its on .教学重难点:1. 日期的表达2. 节日的具体时间的写法和读法教学过程:一. Warming up:T:Good afternoon, boys and girls!Ss :Good afternoon teacher! T: How are you today? SS:I am fine! T: Ok,its good for our class. now lets go to our class.2. le

2、ad in:(1) T: Last week we have learned 12 months in a year. Lets review what are they?(课件展示sharp eyes,复习月份单词) .T: We have 12 month in a year; Now can you guess which month does miss Yu like best?January or February?S1: January.T:Maybe.S2:September.T:Yes,you are right.Miss Yu likes September.(展示日历)Be

3、cause in September ,we have teachers day and mid-autumn day .So we can say there are some special days in September.带读special days .(再引出四月五月的special days)多次重复There are some special days in April/May.(2) 通过展示学生互相开玩笑的图片,让学生猜节日,引出April Fools day .教师再提问When is April Fools day ?教师板书句型When is April Fools

4、day ?Its on April 1st.请学生跟读,然后学生之间两两合作进行问答。(3) 通过展示复活节的相关图片,如复活节兔子,彩蛋,问学生what holiday is it?When is Easter ?引导学生回答:Its on April 5th.请学生跟读,然后学生之间问答。二Presentation:T:Today Mr Jones and Zhang Peng are talking about some special days. Do you want to know what are they? Ss: Yes. T:I also want to know .Let

5、s listen.(1)教师播放A Lets talk 的录音,请学生回答问题一:what are the special days?听完一遍请学生回答;再听一遍请学生回答问题二:when is April Fools day?(2)播放录音,学生逐句模仿跟读,跟读过程提示学生注意说话的语气及升降调。(3)学生之间分角色朗读对话。三. Consolidation:(1)教师通过课件呈现留空的示范对话,将教材中April改为其他月份,请学生完成对话A: There are some special days in _?B: What are they ?A:_.B: When is _?A: Its on _.B: When is _?A: Its on _.B: Wow!I Love _!请两组学生上台展示,并给予点评。(2)学生完成第38页的连线题,将图片与日期连起来。四Homework:1.Read and recite the talk;2.Tell your parents what you have learned today.


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