2016-2017学年高中英语 unit 2 working the land period one warming uppre-reading & reading讲义 新人教版必修4

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2016-2017学年高中英语 unit 2 working the land period one warming uppre-reading & reading讲义 新人教版必修4_第1页
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1、Unit 2 Working the land Yang Shanzhou was born in Yunnan in 1927.He joined the Party in 1952.Yang Shanzhou retired in 1988 and he turned down the easy option of a retired life in a big city,and decided to return to his home town in Daliang Mountain to bring green back to the barren hills.Yang believ

2、ed planting trees was the first step to bringing wealth to the local area.Along with fifteen other people,Yang settled down deep in the mountains and began to work on his plan.It was a life that was harder than most people could ever imagine.For ten years,Yang lived in a shed,with no roads,and no el

3、ectricity.Yang Shanzhous secretary said,“I went to visit him several times.He didnt even have decent shoes and it was very cold at night.I just couldnt bear to see him live like that.He was almost seventy!”When he was seventytwo years old,Yang slipped and fractured his left leg.But after just six mo

4、nths of rest,he climbed up mountains once again,supported by a walking stick.Despite being proud of his efforts,Yang faced the constant dilemma of work and care of his family.In 2005,his wife was hospitalized.Yang stayed at her bedside for two weeks.When his children asked him to rest,he said he jus

5、t wanted to take care of his family.In 2010,Yang Shanzhou passed away.He was buried in Daliang Mountain,according to his will.The hills are now blanketed with lush trees;the barren land is fertile.By planting trees,Yang Shanzhou also planted hope.1.retire vi.退休2.option n.选择3.barren adj.贫瘠的4.decent a

6、dj.像样的;体面的5.fracture v.使折断6.dilemma n.两难选择True (T) or False (F).1.Yang believed planting trees was not important to bring wealth to the local area.(F)2.Yang Shanzhou retired at the age of sixtyone.(T)Period OneWarming Up,Prereading & Reading.单词检测1.statistic n.数据;统计;统计数字;统计资料2.sunburnt adj.晒黑的3.strug

7、gle vi.& n.斗争;拼搏;努力4.decade n.十年;十年期5.super adj.特级的;超级的6.output n.产量;输出7.hunger n.饥饿;欲望;vt.& vi.(使)饥饿hungry adj.饥饿的8.disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的disturb vt.打扰9.expand vt.& vi.使变大;伸展10.circulate vt.& vi.循环;流传11.battle n.战役;战斗;较量;斗争;vt.& vi.搏斗;奋斗12.freedom n.自由;自主free adj.自由的13.therefore adv.因此;所以;因而14.

8、equip vt.& vi.配备;装备15.grain n.谷物;粮食;颗粒16.export vt.& vi.输出;出口17.nationality n.国籍national adj.国家的;民族的18.occupation n.工作;职业;占领.短语检测1.thanks to幸亏;由于;因为2.rid.of使摆脱或除去3.be satisfied with对感到满意4.would rather宁愿;宁可.阅读课文,匹配各段落的大意Para.1(D)A.Yuan Longpings brief life experience.Para.2(A) B.Yuan Longpings dreams

9、.Para.3(C) C.Yuan Longpings attitude towards life.Para.4(B) D.Yuan Longpings appearance and achievements.阅读课文,判断正(T)误(F)1.Dr Yuans rice is one of the most suitable ways for Chinas farmland.(T)2.Dr Yuan is satisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous.(F)3.Dr Yuan enjoys listening to viol

10、in music,swimming and running.(F)4.Dr Yuan is a person who loves and cares for his people.(T).课文阅读理解1.What does the word “battle” refer to in the second paragraph?A.The low rice output.B.Ridding the world of hunger.C.Fighting against farming.D.The freedom to do research.答案B2.Why did Yuan Longping sp

11、read his knowledge to some less developed countries?A.To make money.B.To do research on his hybrid rice.C.To increase their rice harvests.D.To make China more famous in the world.答案C3.If Yuan Longping works with other farmers in the field,it is hard to tell him from others because .A.he regards hims

12、elf as a farmerB.he is really like other farmersC.he wears simple clothes like other farmersD.people dont know who Yuan Longping is答案B4.From the text,we can know that .A.Yuan Longping found a way to increase rich harvests by expanding the area of fieldsB.Yuan Longping is satisfied with his life beca

13、use he is famous and richC.in the 1950s,many parts of the countryside were short of foodD.his way of increasing rice harvests only works in some Asian countries答案C5.What is Yuan Longpings attitude towards money?A.Too much money will cause a lot of troubles.B.Money is of no use to a scientist.C.Money

14、 is not important at all.D.One has to spend all his money on his own research.答案A.难句分析He awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people.句式分析:此句为复合句,that引导定语从句,修饰先行词a kind of rice。自主翻译:他从梦中醒来,希望能种植一种可以养活更多人的水稻。1.struggle语境感悟(1)(教材P10)Indeed,his sunburnt fac

15、e and arms and his slim,strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers,for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.的确,他那被太阳晒得黝黑的脸庞和手臂,以及他那瘦削而又结实的身体,就跟其他千百万中国农民一样,过去50年来,他一直在努力帮助他们。(2)He has been struggling for success in his business.为了事业的成功,他一直努力奋斗着。(3)A strong man will struggle with the storm of fate.强者乐于搏击命运的暴风雨。(4)She is struggling to support a family on a very low income.她靠着非常微薄的收入艰难地供养一家人。(5)The young man struggled to his feet to fight against the robber.那位年轻人努力挣扎着站起来同劫匪作斗争。归纳拓展st



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