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1、- 简爱*英文剧本台词 Jane Eyre JANE EYRE(Jane Eyre, a young girl, in a coach, is on her way to Lowood Institution. The coachstops at the gate.)COACHMAN: This is Jane Eyre. Carriage paid. * * *(In the morning, the girls are washing with water from frozen jugs.)JANE: Its so cold.HELEN: Are you new?JANE: When i

2、s breakfast?HELEN: Not for two hours. Are you hungry? Youll be hungry after breakfast, too.MISS SCATCHERD: Burns, youre disgusting! You did not wash your neck. Takethe brush and scrub it. Scrub it! Perhaps you wont smell quite so much today, Burns. * * *(Brocklehurst, master of the orphanage, is giv

3、ing the children an admonition.)BROCKLEHURST: Once again it is my duty to remind you that we are not here to pamper you. You are here because God in His wisdom has chosen to make you orphans, and dependants of the charity of others. If you suffer hunger or thirst, for my sake, happyare ye. Who here

4、is Hungry? Who here is thirsty? Oh, surely one of you is hungry.Surely, there is one hungry child in the school.(Seeing Jane Eyre timidly putting up her hand.) Ah! There is one. Step forth Let us see who it is? Of course, this is the newgirl, Jane Eyre. I know this child. She was sent here by her au

5、nt, a benefactress of thisschool. Bring a stool so that we may all see her. Come here, girl. Children, it is myduty to warn you against this girl. Her name is Jane Eyre. Shun her. Guard yourselvesagainst her. For I have it from her aunt, who took her in, that she is deceitful and refusesto submit. L

6、ook at her face! Does it not show? Fortunately, its a plain face. Otherwise, who knows what winning ways she would employ against the world ? Its our duty to punish her body to save her soul, and make sure that in Lowood shelearns her place. * * *(Its very cold. The girls are going to church to pray

7、.)GIRLS VOICE: We have erred and strayed from Thy ways like lost sheep. We havefollowed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended againstThy holy laws. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done.Have mercy on us miserable sinners. Have mercy on us miserab

8、le sinners. Have mercyon us miserable sinners. (On their return, they rush to the fire-place.)JANE: Please, let her pass. Please. Please, shes cold. Please.HELEN: Oh, Jane, Im all right.MISS SCATCHERD Burns! Pushing your way in as usual, Burns. For your painsyou will sit in the corridor. And you, Ja

9、ne Eyre, may remove that look from your face.(At night, Jane and Helen are lying awake in bed.) JANE: Helen. Helen.HELEN: Jane, go to sleep. Its late. No, Its only the cough. Ive always had it.JANE: I hate it here. Why is she so cruel to you?HELEN: Miss Scatcherd? Oh, she dislikes me.JANE: I hate he

10、r!HELEN: No! You mustnt hate, Jane.JANE: I do. I hate her more than Mrs. Reed.HELEN: Who is she?JANE: My aunt, who sent me here. Why did my parents have to die? Why? (In the classroom.) GIRLS RECITING: Lancaster, York . . . Tudor, Stuart and Hanover. Norman,Plantagenet . . Lancaster, York . . Tudor,

11、 Stuart, and Hanover. We are to re-quest. . . And as for you, if you will walk before me as David your father walked,with integrity.(Brocklehurst enters.)JANE AND GIRLS: William I, William II. Henry I, Stephen. . . then said the Evangelist. . . William I, William II. Henry I, Stephen.TEACHER: Read i

12、t once more.BROCKLEHURST: Miss Temple! What child is this?MISS TEMPLE: Jane Eyre. Mr. Brocklehurst.BROCKLEHURST: And why, in defiance of every precept and principle of this house does her hair wave?Sojourner2007-4-4 21:16MISS TEMPLE: It waves naturally, Mr. Brockleburst.BROCKLEHURST: Come here, Jane

13、 Eyre.TEACHER: Continue.BROCKLEHURST: We are not concerned with nature here. Scissors, please, Miss Temple.JANE: No! Please! Dont cut my hair!BROCKLEHURST: Scissors! Youll see. Miss Temple. . . where. . over-indulgence can. .JANE: No! Please! My hair! BROCKLEHURST: Away with her! It is our duty to m

14、ortify these girls the lusts of theflesh, Take these relics of Satan and see they are burned. MISS SCATCHERD: Eyre. You still stand on a stool for half an hour and meditateon the virtues of submission. No one will speak to you for the rest of the day.HELEN: Come, Jane. (Taking a stool for her.)MISS

15、SCATCHERD: And, for disobeying my orders, Burns, you may stand on a stool yourself. (Helen puts another stool beside Janes.) No, Burns. You may stand on yours outside until I tell you.(The class is over. Jane is left a lone standing on the stool. Helen is suffering outside in the rain. As a result, she gets seriously ill.)DOCTOR: The girl is dying rapidly. You know that, of course.MISS TEMPLE: Yes. Ive made arrangements for her to


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