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1、Forever 7,David Beckham.,Childhood and Early Career,He was born in the east end of London, father Edward is a chef, mother Sandra West is a beautician (Beckham s fashion sense may derive from this). When he was a child, he attended the Bobby Charlton soccer school, and then he has developed a deep b

2、ond with the football.,May 2, 1988 ,David Beckham s 13-year-old birthday, he got a formal signing invitation of the Manchester United football club(曼联). In 1992, David Beckham standed for the young Manchester United attained the champion of FA Cup (The Football Association Challenge Cup足总杯) . Thus B

3、eckham, Giggs , Scholes, Neville Brothers and Bart these players became the main of MUFC (Manchester United Football Club ).This is the golden generation of 1992(92黄金一代). After 5 years of training, in January 22, 1993,he officially became a professional player.,The Class of 92,Young Manchester Unite

4、d,Manchester United,September 1, 1996, 21-year-old Beck ham has fulfilled his national team in Englands first show, he represented the Three Lions (三狮军团)played in 1998 World Cup qualifying match against Moldova. In the world cup of 1998,Beckham became the enemy of England because of a flagrant foul.

5、 In this game ,he kicked Simony on purpose,then he was given a red card.what he had done led England to lose.,The downturn in his life.,Tough time never last but tough people do. Beckham won back the support of his fans after several games. May 26,1999, Beckham with MUFC attained the champion of UEF

6、A (欧洲联盟杯)Champions League.This year,MUFC was also the Triple Crown.They also attained the champion of Premiership and FA Cup.,In October 2001, Beckham made a direct free kick at the last minute to help England won the game of the World Cup qualifier against Greece. British media said the ball value

7、of 100 million pounds.,National Team,Goodbye ,Old Trafford,In February2003,the Manchester United was defeated by Arsenal (阿森纳)in the fifth round of the FA Cup. Ferguson kicked up the shoes and actually hit Beckham .He get injured in the face. It marked the prelude to end the relationship between mas

8、ter and apprentice. After his quarrel with the coach, he left Manchester United and went to Real Madrid (皇家马德里) becoming a member of the Galaxy warships(银河战舰).,Beckham and Real Madrid,The Red Devils,Manchester United football club is an English professional football club who based in old Trafford. M

9、anchester United is one of the wealthiest and most widely supported football teams in the world. Having won 19 league titles, Manchester United is one of the most successful clubs in the history of England football. The club is unique in having won premier league ,FA cup and UEFA Champions League Tr

10、eble, in the 1998-99 season.,legant passing and free kick skill,Beckham Freekick 贝氏弧线 贝氏弯刀,Family life Now,Beckham got married to Victoria in the July 4,1999.Now,they have four children,Brooklyn,Romeo,Cruz and Harper Seven,贝影远去,传奇依旧 他是宠儿 也是弃儿 他被追逐 也被放逐 他在失重后赢回尊重 他在尊重中赢来更多的尊重 他在离开时已经没有离开 他叫大卫.贝克汉姆 一个

11、总是牵动世界的人 这一次 他是一个动人的球员 在足球场上, 他,不是天才,没有上帝的眷顾,他只是默默地奔跑,静静地等待。 美丽的弧线,让他集万千宠爱,却也让他背负了太多的本不应该属于他的责任。 直到曾经的倔强变成今天的执著,直到贝影渐行渐远,只留下一声叹息。,我们可以说,他,没有老,因为青涩的微笑记忆犹新。 我们可以说,他,正在老去,因为岁月无情,唯有时间永恒。 从那条羡慕的中场弧线到法兰西的红牌,那种从天堂坠落的痛楚让他明白人生若无缺憾就不会完美! 于是,转过身,贝影越来越清晰。是浮华退去,他变了,变得成熟。,他,不是天才,不是领袖。 但是,戴上三狮军团的队长袖标, 他,却勇敢承担起一个天才

12、领袖应该承担的责任, 这种勇气让我们肃然起敬。 三冠王,战希腊,复仇阿根廷, 坚持和忍耐终于让他在胜利之后可以肆意宣泄压抑之情。 摄像机前,那张无限放大的脸,夸张地、扭曲地彰显着一个男人的力量很美、很高贵 当一个人习惯高昂着头,他就为任何选择做好了准备。 出走红魔,是一种忍让。 尽管眉骨上的血迹还没褪去,他依然眷恋的说:“弗格森,是我最好的教练,永远的老爵爷” 这不是叛逆,只是为尊严付出的代价。,离开家,人们关注的并非足球。 眼神中,只剩下孤独。 他很想说,其实我是一个球员。 直到为伯纳乌赢得历史上最有分量的一座奖杯,直到拖着伤腿重回国家队。 在兢兢业业地付出与执著地等待中,他终于为足球重生。 你说,要踢到2010年。 可是这一天在眼泪中提前到来。 你说,会为足球奉献一生。 可是华丽转身后,贝影在好莱坞消失。 “贝影”远去,我们不为你哭泣,只为你无眠。,Thank u,


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