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1、2017-2018第一学期高一英语单词竞赛班级_ 姓名_分数_一.将下列英文翻译成中文(1*30)1. preparation _ 2 actually _3. pay attention to _ 4 entire_5.recover_6.join in _7.face to face _8.get along with _9. uniform _10 . exactly _11.official _12.make up ones mind _13.according to _14. identity_15. teenager_16. increase_17.a number of_18.

2、vocabulary_19.care about_20. at present_21.get along with_22.make full use of_e up_24.play a part in_25.suffer from_26.a series of_27.be based on_28. .curtain _29.gradually_30. schedule. _二.将下列中文翻译成相应的英文(1*30)31. n.态度,看法_32.adj. 镇静 v.镇静_33.利用_34.vt. 定居下来_35. n. 不利条件;弱点_36. v. 忽视,对不理会_37. n. 航行_38. n

3、./ v. 裁判,判断_39. n. 废墟_40.adj.不公平的,不公正的_41n.保险_42.adj.顽固的;固执的_43.n.运送;运输_44. n. 口音_45.adj. 本国的 _46.n.窗帘;门帘;幕布_47.adj.积满灰尘的_48.adv.最后,终于_49.adv.流利地;流畅地_50. adv.直接;挺直_51.adj.东南方的;来自东南的_52.n.事件;大事_53. n.&vt.援救;营救_54.vi.骑自行车_55.adv忠实的地; _56.adj.慷慨的;大方的_57.adj.不安的,心烦意乱的_58. vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏_59.n.地震_60.n.&vt.预测

4、;预报_三、写出下列单词的相应形式(1*10)1.express (名词)_2.frequent(副词)_3 advantage (反义词)_4.rely (形容词)_5.determine (形容词)_6.use (名词)7.suffering(动词)_8.dirt (形容词)_9.congratulate(名词)_10.prefer(过去式)_四、短语翻译(1*20)1.get get tired of_ get along with_ get used to _ get into_ 2.set set aside _ set up_ set off _ set down_3.givegi

5、ve in_ give out_ give up _ give away_ecome across_ come out_come up_ come about_5.putput up_ put down_put out_ put off _五、根据句意及汉语提示填词。(1*10)1._(为了) get a good mark I worked very hard before the exam.2.You can find _(一系列) English reading materials in the school library.3. That question _(提出) at yeste

6、rdays meeting.4.My daughter is so _(固执的) that she cannot easily change her mind. 5. I _(坚持要求) that the rude shop assistant should apologize to me.6. I am _(坚决的,有决心的) go to a famous university in the future.7. Without _ (电)our life would be quite different today.8. Most of the buildings _ (震动)in the earthquake.9. If a nuclear war should break out, it would bring a great _ (灾难)to man.10.When we met many years later I could hardly _(辨认出) Lily at the airport.


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