词汇公开课unit3 inventors and inventions

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1、Unit 3 Inventors and inventions,Words and expressions,1. call up 给打电话;使.回忆起,想起 (1) When I called up my mother ., she was very upset. (ring up) (2) Old songs call up memories of the past. (bring sth. back to ones mind),短语扩展 与打电话有关的短语: ring/call back 再打电话:回复电话 ring off 挂断电话,2. hang on =hold on 别挂电话;抓紧

2、; (1) Hang on pleaseIll just see if he is here. 稍等一下,我这就看看他在不在 (2) _ and dont let go. 抓紧那根绳子,别松手。,Hang on to the rope,3. out of order 发生故障,次序颠倒 (1) I cant make a call, as my phone is out of order. 我无法打电话,我的电话坏了。 (2) These pages are all out of order, will you arrange them for me? 这些页码都乱了,你能给我整理一下吗?,4

3、. get through打通电话;通过(考试,门);熬过; 做完(task,job);用完,花光; I cant get through to this number. 这个号码我打不通。 I tried to telephone you but I couldnt get through. 我试图给你打电话,但是我打不通。,Use the phrases correctly in the dialogue.,ring up ring off call back out of order get through hang on,A: Hello. Can you put me through

4、 to extension 256, please? B: _, Im putting you through. A: Hello, Serena, I was expecting you to _ me _ yesterday. C: Im sorry, I tried but your phone was _. and I couldnt _. A: Oh dear! Im sorry about that. I didnt realize that. C: And Im rather busy now. Would you mind if I _ you _ later? Ill _ n

5、ow. A: Not at all. Ill be waiting for your call.,Hang on,ring,up,out of order,get through,ring,back,ring off,5. now and then:偶尔;有时 occasionally/from time to time/sometimes,I see them now and then, but not often. 我有时会见到他们,但是并不经常。,distinguish,很难分辨出她和她的孪生妹妹。,It is hard to distinguish her from her twin

6、sister.,6. 1) distinguishfrom =distinguish between and 把.与.区分;辨别;分清,Could she distinguish right from wrong? ( between right and wrong),她能辨别是非吗 ?,2) His red hair distinguishes him from his brothers.(make sb. different from) 使区别于,以.为特点,语言把人和动物区别开来。 Speech _. 象因为有长鼻子而有别于其他动物。 Elephants _ from the other

7、 animals by their long trunks.,distinguishes man from the animals,are distinguished,He distinguishes himself in music.,3) distinguish oneself (to do sth so well that people notice and admire you) 使出众,使著名,使受人青睐,He distinguishes himself as . in our shool.,Madam Curie distinguished herself by winning t

8、he Nobel Prize twice.,distinguished adj.卓越的,著名的,a distinguished scientist,_: we have wasted enough time. 来开始你的工作吧,我们已经浪费够多时间了。,set out to do sth. : start trying to do 开始努力做,他一到那儿就着手解决问题。 He _ as soon as he arrived there. = He _ as soon as he arrived there.,set about solving the problem,set out to so

9、lve the problem,7. set about (doing) sth. (start or begin),Come and set about your work,They set out for Paris early that morning. set 的短语 set off vi.动身,出发; vt.点燃,引爆;引起,引发 set off (fireworks; a war, strikes.) set up(a business, a hospital) 建立;成立; set down 写下,记下; set aside 把放一边;抽出(时间) Try to set asid

10、e some time for exercise everyday. He set aside his work for a year to take care of his sick daughter.,set out; set down; set up; set off; set aside;set about,1.When George _ his sisters wishes she was very upset. 2. The day they _ was cold and windy and looked as if it would rain. 3. She _ all her

11、working experience in her resume(履历表). 4. Are you ready? We will _ to climb the mountain. 5. The government has _ a committee to look into the affair. 6. Zhang Li agreed to move and _ packing up. 7. Before the fireworks were lit, my uncle _ all the rockets.,set aside,set down,set off,set out,set abo

12、ut,set up,set out/ off,8. seize vt. 抓住 (1) ones arm/ hand 抓住某人的胳膊/手 seize sb. by the arm/ hand (2) the opportunity/ chance 抓住机会 = grasp the opportunity/ chance I decied to seize the opportunity to get recognition for my successful idea.,9. bear 1) stand, put up with 忍受,容忍 (口语,can/could 搭配,否定/疑问) She

13、 cant bear having snakes in the courtyard. I cant bear to be laughed at/ being laughed at.,2) bear/take/shoulder the responsibility for 承担(责任,费用cost等) Who will bear the responsibility for .? The President has to bear the blame.,10. dive into (a) put ones hand quickly into sth 迅速将手伸入某物中: dive into on

14、es pocket, bag, etc 迅速把手伸进衣袋、包等. He dived into his pocket and took out a few coins. (b) involve oneself completely in sth 一心投入某事物 dive into a new project 潜心钻研一个新项目.,考纲知识预览,Task1: Make up a story using the words& expressions below.,call up now and then hang on set out to do get through set about ring back distinguish ring off seize out of order dive into bear,



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