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1、1Unit 1: The Middle Eastern BazaarA. Teaching Objectives (Vocabulary/ Paraphrase/ Structure/ Style/ Rhetoric)1. know the background of “Middle Eastern Bazaar”2. grasp the main idea and the theme of this essay3. master the language used in a special way in the essay4. paraphrase the difficult sentenc

2、es and understand the structure of the text. 5. appreciate the description writing and rhetoric skills in advanced level6. conduct a series of discussing, analyzing, presenting activities related to the theme of this essay. B. Teaching PointsI. Background informationII. Introduction to the passageII

3、I. Text analysisIV. Rhetorical devicesV. Special difficultiesVI. Style & Type of Writing: VII. Writing Technique: I. Background Information 1. Middle Eastern Countries 2. Architecture of Gothic Style II. Style & Type of writing1. Type of literature: - a piece of objective description 2. The purpose

4、of a piece of objective description: -to record and reproduce a true picture with opinions and emotions of the author excluded 3. Ways of developing a piece of objective description: -to begin with a brief general picture, divide the object into parts and organize the detailed description in order o

5、f space Structural analysisPart I. (para.1) (The Middle Eastern takes you back ) General atmosphere: ancient & primitive/ harmonious/ lively, active, vigorous, & healthyPart II. (paras 2 - 4) (Then as you at intervals.) The cloth market: muted/ sepulchral/ Bargaining is the order of the day.Part III

6、: (paras. 5 7) (One of the most picturesque lie beside them.) The coppersmith market and other markets: sound and light/ smell/ varied characters/ harmonious Part IV: (paras: 8-9) (Perhaps the most unforgettable) The mill where linseed oil is extracted: the description of the mill/ Words describing

7、soundIII. Text Analysis (Effective Writing Skills) 1. making effective use of specific verbs 2. using adjectives accurately 3. using five human senses-vivid description of hearing, smelling, seeing, tasting and touching 4. using rhetorical devices properly IV. Rhetorical Devices 21. simile 2. metaph

8、or 3. metonymy 4. onomatopoeia 5. hyperboleV . Special Difficulties 1. The comprehension and appreciation of the words describing sound, colour, light, heat, size and smell. (identifying figures of speech) 2. The appreciation of the words and expressions used for stress and exaggeration. (translatin

9、g some paragraphs) 3. Some useful expressions such as to make a point of, it is a point of honour, and etc. (paraphrasing some sentences)VI. Writing Technique: 1. from Macro to Micro 2. words appealing to senses: light & heat, sound & movement, and smell & colour and taste. 3. nouns, adjectives and

10、even adverbs used as verbs: thread, round, narrow, price, live, tower and dwarf. 4. words imitating sounds: onomatopoeia 5. stressful and impressive sentence structures:I . Background information 1. What occurs to you when the term Middle East is mentioned? veiled women/ men in robes or turbans/ cop

11、per vessels/ carpets (rug, tapestry)/ spices/ Muslins/ The mosque/ The Koran/ Allah/ Desert/ Camels/ Caravansary/ Trade caravan/ Silk Road/ mirage/ Petroleum/ desert, sandstorm, sand dust/ Gulf wars/ Jerusalem (Holy City)/ 2. Middle East:A. The area around the eastern Mediterranean; from Turkey to N

12、orth Africa and eastward to IranB. It is the site of such ancient civilizations as Phoenicia, Babylon, Egypt C. It is the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity and Islam Refer to Note 23. bazaar: an oriental muslin market-place where a variety of goods is sold. The bazaar played an important role in t

13、he society, which demonstrated that the handicraft economy was prosperous. People relied on that kind of economy in their daily life. It is a significant contrast to our modern society.eastern: oriental 东方 - ant. Occidental 西方4. Gothic: of a style of building in Europe between the 12th and 16th cs.,

14、 with pointed arches, arched roofs, tall thin pillars, and stained glass windows- Gothic architecture 哥特式建筑- Gothic novel: characterized by an atmosphere of mystery and horror and having pseudo-medieval setting 哥特式小说. - The first written by Mary Shelley in the 18th c.- Frankenstein 弗兰肯斯坦IIText Analy

15、sis (Language points and examples)1. Singular use of EYE and EAR indicates ones power of sight and hearing/ having a due sense of/ be a good judge of. 31) He has a good eye for beauty. 2) The boy has a sharp eye. (overlooks nothing)3) The big poster caught my eye. 4) The view was pleasing to the eye

16、. 5) Keep an eye on that man. 6) Turn a blind eye/ a deaf ear to sth/sb. 7) She has an ear for music (sensitive).blind in one eye lose an eye / compound eyes/ the naked eye 2. extend: 1) Cause to cover a wider area; make larger.e.g. The car part has been extended.2) Cause to last longer.e.g. We have been to the embassy to have our visas extended.3) Hold out toward sb. e.g. I nod and extend my hand.- Extended family: a fami


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