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1、The Lady, or the Tiger? Part II1. blooming :bloody or damned 盛开的;妙龄的2. florid :with too much decoration or detail 绚丽的;气色好的3. fervent :very enthusiastic and sincere, especially about something you believe in or support 热心的;强烈的;炽热的;热烈的4. imperious :behaving in a proud and confident way that shows you

2、expect to be obeyed 专横的;迫切的;傲慢的5. As :a fact that6. the apple of his eye :the person who someone loves most and is very proud of 掌上明珠, 珍爱的人7. humanity :people in general 人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科8. common to :belonging to or shared by two or more people or things 共同的;共有的;为所共用9. conventional :traditional and ord

3、inary 符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的10. romance :a story about love 传奇;浪漫史;风流韵事;冒险故事11. ardor :great enthusiasm or love 热情;狂热;灼热12. exceedingly :to a very great degree; extremely 非常;极其;极度地;极端13. happened to :to do or be by chance: 碰巧14. waver :to vacillate irresolutely between choices 动摇;踌躇;挥动者15. in regard to :

4、in connection with 关于16. premises :the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization 前提;经营场址;上述房屋;契约前言(premise 的复数)17. workings :the workings of sth. the way that an organization, machine or organism operates 作用;工作方式;操作(working 的复数18. in no slight degree :to a large ex

5、tent 在很大程度上19. novel :new and original, not like anything seen before 新奇的;异常的20. the ranks :the groups 普通士兵们21. in case :if22. took such great delight and satisfaction :enjoy 欣赏,享受;喜爱;使过得快活23. thronged :to be or go somewhere in very large numbers 人群;众多 , 蜂拥而至;群集, 拥挤的24. admittance :permission to ent

6、er a place 进入;入场权;通道25. massed :to come together in large numbers 集中;聚焦(mass 的过去式和过去分词)集中;聚焦(mass 的过去式和过去分词) 26. opposite :being in a position on the other side; facing 相反的;对面的;对立的 , 在的对面27. fateful :having an important and usually negative effect on the future 重大的;决定性的;宿命的28. hum :continuous low so

7、und 发低哼声, 嗡嗡声;哼声;杂声29. grand :splendid in style and appearance; attracting admiration and attention 宏伟的;豪华的;极重要的, 自视高贵的30. personage :an important or famous person 要人;角色;名士31. moiety :either of two parts, not necessarily equal, into which something is or can be divided 一部分;一半 32. gone forth :been is

8、sued 出发,向前去;发布33. night or day :all the time 无论黑夜或白昼34. Possessed of :be possessed of sth to own something or have something as a quality 具有;拥有35. curtained :to veil or shut off with or as if with a curtain 带帘子的;装有窗帘的36. radiant: obviously very happy, or very beautiful 辐射的;容光焕发的;光芒四射的37. damsels :a

9、young woman who is not married 少女(damsel 的名词复数)38. returned :to give or perform in return 回国的;归来的;被送回的39. space :a period of time; or its duration 空间;太空;距离40. in a flash :quickly or suddenly 瞬间;立刻 41. parapet :a low wall along the edge of a roof, bridge, etc. 栏杆;扶手;矮护墙42. devious :describes people o

10、r plans and methods that are dishonest, often in a complicated way, but often also clever and successful 偏僻的;弯曲的;不光明正大的43. white heat :the very high temperature at which metal gives out a white light 白热化44. grievous :having very serious effects or causing great pain 痛苦的;剧烈的45. reveries :(a state of

11、having) pleasant dream-like thoughts 幻想,梦想(reverie 的复数)46. gnashed her teeth :gnash your teeth to bring your teeth forcefully together when you are angry 咬牙切齿;47. multitude :a large number of people 群众;多数, 一大群人Dull Work1. assumption :something that you accept as true without question or proof 假定;设想;

12、担任;采取2. brilliant :extremely clever or highly skilled 灿烂的,闪耀的;杰出的;有才气的3. stand :to successfully accept or bear something which is unpleasant or difficult 使站立;忍受;抵抗4. varied :including a wide range of things or people 多变的;各式各样的;杂色的5. do their best :to make the greatest effort possible 尽自己所能6. suited

13、:right for someone or something 合适的7. protest :to say something forcefully or complain about something 抗议;断言8. crave for :to want greatly 渴望9. let alone :used for saying that something is even less likely to happen than another unlikely thing 更不必说;听任;不打扰10. eventful :with a lot of exciting or unusua

14、l things happening 多事的;重要的;多变故的;重大的11. humdrum :lacking excitement, interest or new and different events; ordinary 单调的;无聊的12. carpentry :the skill of making and repairing wooden objects 木匠, 木器;木工手艺;木 木工业13. patent :an official document that gives someone who has invented something the legal right to

15、 make or sell that invention for a particular period of time, and prevents anyone else from doing so 专利权;执照;专利品授予专利;取得的专利权,14. immersed :completely involved in 浸入的;专注的, 沉湎于15. muleteers :somebody whose occupation is driving mules 赶骡的人16. unalterable :impossible to change or influence 不能改变的;坚定不移的17.

16、transmute :to change something completely, especially into something different and better 使变形;使变质, 变形;变质18. trivial :having little value or importance 不重要的,琐碎的;琐细的19. impulses :a sudden strong desire to do something 冲动;脉冲(impulse 的复数); 推动(impulse 的第三人称单数) ;推进20. momentous :very important because of effects on future events 重要的;重大的21. seminal :containing important new ideas and b



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