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1、Lesson ThirteenSelected Snobberies势 利 种 种阿尔多斯?赫胥黎Lesson Thirteen Selected Snobberies13-1 All men are snobs about something. One is almost tempted to add : There is nothing about which men cannot feel snobbish.人人都有势利之处。人们几乎很想加一句:任何东西都可引起人们的势利感。But this would doubtless be an exaggeration(夸張).不过这一点无疑会是

2、一种夸张。There are certain disfiguring(毀容) and mortal(致命) diseases about which there has probably never been any snobbery.也许对某些毁容或致命的疾病从来没有使人感到势利,I cannot imagine, for exameple, that there are any leprosy-snobs.例如我无法想像会有麻风病势利者。More picturesque diseases, even when they are dangerous, and less dangerous d

3、iseases, particularly when they are the diseases of the rich, can be and very frequently are a source of snobbish self-importance.一些纵使有危险但较为别致的疾病,以及不太危险的病,特别是富人爱得的病,能够并常常是使人感到势利、自以为了不起的根源。I have met several adolescent consumption-snobs , who thought that it would be romantic to fade away in the flow

4、er of youth , like Keats or Marie Bashkirtseff. Alas,我遇见过好几位因患肺结核而有势利感的年轻人,他们觉得很像济慈或玛丽?巴什基尔采夫那样在青春妙龄时死去是很浪漫的一件事。the final stages of the consumptive fading are generally a good deal less romantic than these ingenuous young tubercle-snobs seem to imagine .哎呀,结核病晚期通常远远不像这些天真的年轻结核势利者想像得那么浪漫。To anyone wh

5、o has actually witnessed these final stages, the complacent poeticizings of these adolescents must seem as exasperating (惱怒)as they are profoundly pathetic(可憐) . In the case of those commoner disease-snobs, whose claim to distinction is that they suffer from one of the maladies of the rich, exaspera

6、tion(惱怒) is not tempered by very much sympathy.对任何一个亲眼目睹过晚期状态的人,这些少年的自我满足的浪漫诗情必定会显得既令人恼怒又深觉可怜。至于那些较常见疾病的势利者,由于得的是有钱人易得的病而自称与众不同,对他便没有多少同情来减少恼怒了。People who possess sufficient leisure, sufficient wealth, not to mention sufficient health, to go travelling from spa to spa. from doctor to fashionable doc

7、tor, in search of cures from problematical diseases (which, in so far as they exist at all. probably have their source in overeating) cannot expect us to be .very lavish (慷慨的)in our solicitude and pity.拥有充足的闲暇,充足的财富,更别说充足的健康的人们从一个矿泉疗养地旅行到又一个矿泉疗养地,从一个医生那里到又一个时髦的医生处去寻求对那些很难说是否存在的疾病的治疗(如果真有什么病的话,可能病因是吃

8、得太多了) ,他们不可能指望我们会对他们慷慨地表示关怀和同情。13-2 Disease-snobbery is only one out of a great multitude of snobberies, of which now some, now others take pride of place in general esteem.因疾病而生之势利仅是众多的势利中的一种,在这众多的势利中,有时有这样或那样的势利在人们心目中独尊其位,For snobberies ebb and flow ; their empire rises, declines, and falls in the

9、 most approved historical manner.因为势利也有盛衰消长,他们的帝国也以最为公认的历史方式兴盛、衰落、消亡。What were good snobberies a hundred years ago are now out of fashion .一百年以前的好势利感现在已经过时了,Thus, the snobbery of family is everywhere on the decline .因此,家庭出身的势利感在各地都在衰落之中,The snobbery of culture, still strong, has now to wrestle with

10、an organized and active low-browism(大老粗主義), with a snobbery of ignorance (無知)and stupidity unique(獨一無二), so far as I know, in the whole of history 仍在盛行的文化势利感现在必须和有组织的、活跃的大老粗主义,以及就我所知在整个历史上独一无二的无知愚昧势利力量去拼搏。Hardly less characteristic of our age is that repulsive(排拆) booze-snobbery(狂飲) born of American

11、 Prohibition.几乎同样反映了我们时代特征的是那令人厌恶的产生与美国禁酒时期的对狂饮的势利感。The malefic influences, of this snobbery are rapidly spreading all over the world.这种势利的有害影响正迅速扩散到全世界。Even in France, where the existence of so many varieties of delicious wine had hitherto(訖今為止) imposed a judicious connoisseurship(鑒賞家) and has led

12、to the branding of mere drinking as a brutish solecism, (而把喝烈酒視為粗野的行為)even in France ,the American booze-snobbery, with its odious(可憎的) accompaniments a taste for hard drinks in general and for cocktails in particular is making headway among the rich.即使在法国,由于有这样多不同种类的葡萄美酒,一直使品酒时极有鉴赏力,而把喝烈酒视为粗野的失礼行为;

13、即使在法国,美国的狂饮势利感及其伴随而来的可憎的爱好 通常喜欢喝烈酒,特别是爱喝鸡尾酒 在有钱人中大有进展。Booze snobbery has now made it socially permissible, and in some circles (圈子)even rather creditable(讚賞), for well-brought-up men and (this is the novelty 新鮮的) well-brought up women of all ages, from fifteen to seventy, to be seen drunk, if not in

14、 public, at least in the very much tempered privacy of a party.由于这一势利感,有教养的男子和(这一点很新鲜)从15岁到70 岁之间的一切年龄的有教养的妇女,如果还不能在大庭广众之下至少在相当公开的社交聚会上在众目睽睽下喝醉酒是为社会允许的,而且在某些圈子里还是相当受赞赏的事。13-3 Modernity snobbery, though not exclusive to our age , has come to assume an unprecedented, importance .新潮势利感虽然不是我们的时代所特有的,却具有

15、了空前的重要性,The reasons for this are simple and of a strictly economic character.理由很简单,而且完全是经济上的。Thanks to modern machinery, production is outrunning consumption.多亏有了现代化的机器,使生产超过了消费。Organized waste among consumers is the first condition of our industrial rosperity(繁榮).消费者有组织的浪费是我们工业繁荣的首要条件。The sooner a

16、consumer throws away the object he has bought and buys another, the better for the producer.消费者越快扔掉买来的东西再买新的,对生产者就越有利。At the same time, of course, the producer must do his bit by producing nothing but the most perishable articles ,当然,与此同时,生产者必须尽一己之力,只生产最易损坏的东西。The man who builds a skyscraper to last more than forty years is, a traitor to the building trade. The words are those of a great American contractor.“把一座摩天大楼建造得可以耐用40年以上的人是建筑行业的叛徒。 ”这是美国一个大承包商说的话。Substi



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