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1、高级口译全真试题 test 7-12 答案1试卷七 (2000 年 3 月) .1试卷八(2000 年 9 月) .1试卷九 (2001 年 3 月) .2试卷十 (2001 年 9 月) .3试卷十一 (2002 年 3 月) .5试卷十二 (2002 年 9 月) .8试卷七 (2000年3月)section 21-5 ddbca6-10 cabcd11-15 dcadb16-20 cbdadsection 3仰上天庇护,子孙万代之幸福系于我军勇气与表现。敌人残酷无情,我们别无选择,要么英勇抗击,要么奴颜婢膝。战不胜,毋宁死。国家与你我之荣誉要我们英勇顽强。若我等不幸战败,则留千古骂名。让

2、我们倚重事业之正义,蒙胜利之神庇护,英勇作战,行那神圣之事。我军众望所倚,如有幸受命挽救人民于暴政,将不负众望。我们相互激励,世界终将明了,为自由而战的正义之师必将战胜惟利是图的乌合之众。Section 6To achieve the peaceful reunification is a great contribution. Taiwan will come back to China, but an early resolution of this issue will benefit both sides on the Taiwan straits. Specifically, Tai

3、wan compatriots of Taiwan will be able to enjoy a peaceful life for ever. The people on both sides of Taiwan straits will no longer be separated from their relatives. And both those who are originally in Taiwan and those settled down there later will be satisfied. At the same time, it will help main

4、tain the local stability in Asian-pacific regions, and the world peace. With the international situation changing at such a fast way, everyone in Taiwan is concerned about Taiwans destiny. In fact, we do not have any time to waste because anything may happen in the fast-changing situation. Shall we

5、suppose a negotiation on the peaceful reunification for you to shoulder your responsibility by following the demands of time? If it is possible, we will adopt a policy of long-term co-existence and mutual supervision with an effort to rejuvenate China together. 试卷八(2000年9月)section 3第三次技术革命带来最大的问题说起来

6、容易,可解决起来就要难多了。技术的进步创造了全球经济,从而迅速取代传统的国家经济。 各国政府没有能力控制这种新型经济,然而没有人(至少是所有的美国人)愿意创造出能控制全球经济的某种政府。结果便是,我们注定要生活在基本上失去控制的经济体系之中。1997 年难以遏制亚洲经济衰退的困难只是我们可以预测到的诸多困难中的一个。各国政府过去常常为管理和保持他们的经济大伤脑筋,可现在却逐渐不再能够发挥作用。高级口译全真试题 test 7-12 答案2全球金融领域的变化使得大多数政府失去对经济的影响力,只有最强的政府才能幸免。各国政府已经失去了对于信息和资本流动的大部分影响力。他们再也不能够人员和文化在各国间

7、的自由流动。相反,因为各家公司能够迁址到最具有优势的地理位置,在吸引较大投资项目的竞争中击败对手,所以全球商务的力量得以不断扩大。 Section 6Knowledge and innovation are important powers promoting the economic and social development. China will devote itself into establishing a national innovation system in an effort to propel the innovations in knowledge, technol

8、ogy and institutions in the healthy innovation environment, which is the only way by which China can ensure its fast development in the coming new century. The Chinese government supports the scientists in their basic research in the areas combing the demand of the country and the scientific frontie

9、r; respect their unique insight and innovation; and encourage them to carry on “those research driven by curiosity”. In the coming 50 or longer years, Chinas development will depend, to a large extent, on the innovations in the present basic research and high-tech research, and on the talented peopl

10、e necessary to conduct those researches. 试卷九 (2001年3月)section 21-5 bbbaa6-10 bcbda11-15 dccba16-20 dabcdsection 3:考虑一下下面由同一个人在 8 年前后所说的不同的话。 “最终,出身贫困不是问题,不掌握技术才有大麻烦。 ”1992 年,比尔盖茨曾说过上面的话。想当年,这位微软公司的总裁言语尖刻,口无遮拦,踌躇满志,宣称单靠自己的产品就可以改变整个世界。不错,即便是我们今日的资本英雄比尔盖茨好象也已经改变了观点。1992 年自信的盖茨很明显已经属于另一个时代。当年,他相信自己的行业有能

11、力改变世界,也认定市场和科技一朝发力,必将解决世界上大多数遗患。但是,新千年的盖茨也已经对自己的观点产生怀疑。他表明愿意施与,也愿意接受政府援助。盖茨逐渐认识到,即便是身价亿万,如果认为全球资本主义是包治百病的良药,那也是大错特错的,虽然这种想法早在冷战末期就已十分流行。Section 6For a long time, there has been an unbalanced involvement concerning the relationship between science and art. Science is closely related with art. The lat

12、ter, however, seldom come with the former.There are many scientists who love and understand art for all their lives. What they have learned in art help shape their integrity and open minds, and at the same time, endow them with a lifelong friend. However, we can seldom find a litterateur or an artis

13、t who really love and be able to understand science as well as art at the same time.Those profound mathematical formulae explain why artists keep themselves far away from science. In fact, we can still understand and appreciate the fundamental ideas of a given subject without bothering us by those m

14、athematical formulae. It is just like what will happen when we are 高级口译全真试题 test 7-12 答案3listening to the music-we can still enjoy Mozart to our hearts content because of the resonance he evokes in our hearts despite his difficult scores.试卷十 (2001年9月)Section 1: Listening TestPart A: spot Dictation1. take over 2. the best way 3. controlled 4. a small childs emotions5. a friend 6. challenging authority7. ages 4 and 6 8. equal in value9. in charge of 10. back down11. trust 12. avoid13. be a leader 14. at the s



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