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1、达沃斯座谈双语摘录及特色词汇总结国务院总理李克强 9 日下午在大连国际会议中心同出席第九届夏季达沃斯论坛的中外企业家代表举行对话交流。实录如下:Li Keqiang: Professor Schwab, ladies and gentlemen, let me first send my congratulations on the opening of the ninth Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian. Its good to see so many familiar faces and old friends in the au

2、dience. As the placeis so packed today, its difficult for me to walk into the audience and shake hands with each one of you. But I do appreciate the interest you have shown in China by coming to the meeting and your participation in Chinas modernization process. I am very happy to meet you here, bec

3、ause each time I come to the annual meeting, I get some new food for thought. The theme of the annual meeting this year Charting a New Course for Growthis highly relevant. I look forward to sharing my views and observations with you on this topic.李克强:尊敬的施瓦布主席,女士们、先生们,祝贺世界经济论坛新领军者年会在大连召开。这已经是第九届年会了,无

4、论在前排还是后排都有很多熟悉的面孔、许多老朋友。因为场地有限,很难和大家一一握手问候。但是你们能来到这个论坛,说明你们对中国关心,也愿意参与中国的现代化建设。我很高兴和大家见面,因为每次参加这个年会总会得到一些新的信息,特别是这次的主题是“描绘增长新蓝图” ,我也愿意就此同大家分享和交流。谈中国经济发展新动能Li Keqiang: It has been seven years since the global financial crisis broke out. Global growth remains sluggish. Its true that the Chinese econom

5、y has come under downward pressure. I know that you all follow the Chinese economy very closely. The shape of the economy is that there have been some ups and downs, but the underlying trend remains positive. In the first half of this year, the Chinese economy expanded by 7%, which is one of the hig

6、hest among the worlds major economies.李克强:国际金融危机爆发至今已经 7 年了,目前世界经济仍然增长乏力。中国经济也的确受到下行的压力。大家都很关心中国的经济形势,我认为,中国的经济形势可以说是“形有波动,势仍向好”。这是因为今年上半年中国经济增长 7%,在世界主要经济体中居前列。I have said on several occasions, a GDP growth that secures sufficient employment, increase in household income in step with GDP growth and

7、 improvement in the environment would be one that we can live with. In the first half of this year, surveyed urban unemployment rate was around 5.1%. And we added over 7 million urban jobs. All these show that the Chinese economy has been running within the proper range.我曾经说过,只要有比较充分的就业,与 GDP 同步增长的居

8、民收入和不断改善的环境,这样的发展速度就是我们能够接受的。反过来讲,今年上半年城镇调查失业率在 5.1%左右,新增城镇就业人数在 700 万以上,这也证明了中国经济运行保持在合理区间。Talking about new drivers of economic growth, we are encouraging mass entrepreneurship and innovation. Thanks to business registration reform and other reforms as well as mass entrepreneurship and innovation,

9、 over 10,000 new market entities are registered on an average daily basis since last year. There are also positive changes in the economic structure. For instance, consumption is contributing about 60% to Chinas economic growth. The service sector now accounts for almost 50% of GDP. Growth of high-t

10、ech industries is over 10%. All these are the changes we have been promoting, and we feel heartened by these developments.可以说,经济增长的新动能,就是我们在致力推动的大众创业、万众创新。通过推动商事制度等改革和“双创”,去年以来,我们平均每天新增市场主体一万家以上,而且经济结构也在发生着向好的变化。比如说,消费对经济增长的贡献率已达 60%,服务业占 GDP 的比重已提高到 50%,高技术产业增速超过1O%。这些新的变化是我们努力推动并乐于看到的。There has be

11、en overall stability in Chinas economic performance, despite certain moderation in speed. The overall trend is positive, yet there are also difficulties to overcome. We are pressing ahead with structural reform to advance structural adjustment. As the traditional growth drivers get replaced by new o

12、nes, it is only natural to see fluctuations in some of the economic indicators on a monthly or quarterly basis. This has happened this year, last year and the year before last as well. The economy is still running within the proper range. We will stick to the basic orientation of our macroeconomic p

13、olicy. We will continue to advance reform and opening-up, and promote structural adjustment. We will also step up ranged-based, targeted and discretionary macro regulation to maintain steady economic growth within the proper range. All these will create enabling conditions for structural reform and

14、adjustment.当前中国经济运行可以说是缓中趋稳,一方面稳中向好,但另一方面稳中也有难。因为我们正在努力推进以结构性改革带动结构调整。在这个过程中,由于发展动能转换,一些经济指标在月度、季度间发生波动是难免的。不仅今年有,去年、前年也都有,但中国经济仍然处于合理区间。我们将坚持宏观政策的基本取向,继续下力气推动改革开放,推动结构调整。当然,我们也会加强区间调控、定向调控、相机调控,保持经济在合理区间平稳运行,为结构性改革和结构调整创造条件。We will not be swayed by short-term fluctuations in certain economic indica

15、tors, but we will not take them lightly either. We are prepared to undertake preemptive adjustment and fine-tuning as appropriate, and step up targeted macro regulation. I am confident that the Chinese people have the wisdom and the Chinese government has the capability to maintain medium-high speed

16、 of growth and achieve medium-high level of development. The G20 summit is going to be held in China next year. The agenda is still being discussed among the parties. China will play a constructive role in this process.我们不会随一些经济指标的短期波动而起舞,但也不会掉以轻心,而是适时适度预调微调,加大定向调控的力度。中国人民有智慧、中国政府有能力保持经济中高速增长、迈向中高端水平,对此我们是有信心的。说到 G20 会议明年在中国举行,它的议题正在讨论中,中国将会发挥建设性作用。Thank you.谢谢。谈金融风险Li Keqiang: There have been new fluctuations on the global financial markets recently.They are a continuation



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