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1、北京化工大学北方学院毕业设计(论文)外文文献原稿和译文外文文献原稿和译文原 稿Research on Chinese Labor Relations in Economic TransformationXIE BinAbstract: The economic transformation in China has caused significant changes to labor relations. It has made the labor relations more complex and labor conflicts apparent and frequent. Howeve

2、r the coordination mechanism has not been developed correspondingly. Based on the empirical research upon current domestic and overseas labor relations, it is concluded that the supply of labor force exceeding the demand of it is the fundamental reasons for explaining labor conflicts in the economic

3、 transformation in China. It also suggested that the coordination mechanism of labor conflicts has mechanical dysfunction and the structure of harmonic labor relations would take a long time.Key words: economic transformation, labor relations, labor conflict, coordination mechanism Labor relations i

4、n China have become more and more complex, labor conflicts have occurred frequently, and thus labor disputes have been growing with a rate much faster than that of the development of GDP in the past decade. They could become a potential obstacle to the economic development if not appropriately manag

5、ed. The paper studies the condition of labor relations, and probes the profound reasons for it, and compares it across the world in order to give a description for it.1 CONDITION OF LABOR RELATIONS IN CHINA Since the mid of 1990s, accompanied with the deepening of economy reform of China, most socia

6、l and economic relationships have been undergoing formidable transformation and the social and living style of some community have been greatly changed. The creation of new glossaries such as rural workers , lay - off , work , re -employment reflected the transformation of the period. The simple and

7、 harmonic labor relation between the state-owned enterprises and the workers in the system of planned economy has been gradually substituted by that between the employees a n d the employers of various of different owner ships, underlying the transformation of labor conflicts. The development of lab

8、or conflicts could be evidenced by the growing of labor disputes. In accordance with the China Labor Statistical Yearbook (Department of Population, Social Science & Technology Census 2004), from 1995 to 2004 the labor disputes had grown by 6.9 times, from 33 thousand to 260 thousand per year with a

9、n annual growing rate of 31.05 percent, which was 3.6 times the average growing rate of GDP of 8.7 percent at the same time. In this period, accompanied with the deepening form of state-owned enterprises, and the constant development of economy within non-public section,the variation of labor relati

10、ons and the emergency of labor conflicts drew public attention. Some scholars, labor unions and national authorities of statistics investigated the labor conditions and published many reports, which offer invaluable information for other people to have a picture of the labor conditions (Dai Jianzhon

11、g 1996; Qiu Shanwen et al.1997; Yang Junjie 1995; Urban Investigation Corps of National Bureau of Statistics 1996). We have the traditional idea that the labor relations within state-owned enterprises featured low payment and inefficiency, in which the workers had no actual choices, but they had ful

12、l-scale welfare, therefore the labor relations were relatively harmonious. So, the current studies mainly focused on the labor relations within private, foreign and other non-state- owned enterprises (Cooke 2002). However the reform of state-owned enterprises has caused significant changes, and elim

13、inated the distinct gap between themselves and other enterprises. Also some practical matters suggested that some emergent collective events had relation with the acute labor relations within state-owned enterprises.Therefore the labor relations within state-owned enterprises should also be given at

14、tention. The current research mainly focused on labor contract, working time and working intensity, payment and welfare,and working conditions and so on. It was discovered that many workers have not signed labor contracts with their employers, which was even common for the small and mid- sized enter

15、prises where labor competition was more severe. A survey into the private enterprises in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province suggested that only 50% of the workers have signed labor contracts or just have oral labor agreement (Xu Feng 2004). A similar survey into the Sino-foreign joint funded enterprises in

16、Wuhan indicated that those employees with written contracts were only about ten percent (Research Team of Labor Relations within Sino-Foreign Joint Funded Enterprises 2000). As to the content of labor contract, many were too brief, rough, informal and without protection for the rights of workers, and some even have terms violating the Labor Law. For example, some contracts do not have terms of employmen



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