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1、外研版六年级英语下册期中测试卷一、根据汉语提示完成句子。(5分)1.The phone is _.( 响 ) 2.Its two dollars and five _.( 美分 )3. _( 享用 ) your meal. 4.They are very _( 吵闹的 ), I cant read my books.5.I miss _( 每个人 ) in America. 6.The_( 气球 ) are very beautiful.7.The apples are falling down the _.( 楼梯 ) 8.Be_ !( 小心的 ) Thats the cake.9.Im _

2、( 饿了)!Give me something to eat ,please! 10.Look! Its going to _( 下雨 ) soon.一、读单词找出每组中不同类的一项。(10) 1.A melon B.banana C.milk ( ) 2.A.policeman B.grandma C.driver ( )3.A.plane B.doll C.bus ( ) 4.A.sweater B.computer C.dress 5.A.walk B.big C.small ( ) 6.A.jump B.sing C.tall ( )7.A.China B.English C.Amer

3、ica ( ) 8.A.juice B.tea C.cake ( )9.A.her B.we C.they ( ) 10.A.face B.hat C.head 二、根据首字母写单词补全句子。(12) 1.E_your meal! 2.He is playing the trumpet,but the dog is singing very _(大声地). 3.She is watching TV,but the d_is ringing. 4.-What is that on the lake?-It is a little d_! 5.I am wearing my swimsuit,I

4、am going to go s_. 6.What a _(混乱,脏乱). 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10) 1.The duck is _(eat) our picnic now. 2.It is going to _(rain)soon. 3.The birds _(be)singing in the trees. 4.Look!The sun _(shine)in the sky. 5.-Can I have some sweets?-Sorry,you_(can). 二、选择题。(15分)( ) 1.Simon_a hamburger,he doesnt _a hot dog.

5、A.wants, wants B.want, want C.want, wants D.wants ,want( ) 2._really a hat ? A.Its B.It is C.Is it D.Is( ) 3.My Mother _ a dress for me yesterday. A.buys B.bought C.buying D.buy( ) 4.-_time are you going home?-At half past seven. A.What B.Whats C.When D.When are ( ) 5.Its going to _in Guangxi. A.rai

6、ny B.sunny C.cloud D.be windy( ) 6.The birds are singing_the trees. A.on B.in C.at D.to( ) 7.Amy _a picnic in the park last Saturday. A.have B.had C.has D.is having ( ) 8.A man is_a raincoat A.wears B.wear C.wearing D.where( ) 9.Now the train is _to the station. A.come B.coming C.comeing D.came ( )1

7、0.The balloons _. “Happy Birthday,Daming!” A.says B.saying C.are said D.say ( ) 11.She will_up the apples. A.picks B.picked C.pick D.picking ( )12Hes _to cross,but a car _. A.start,come B.starting ,coming C.start, is coming D.starting,is coming( ) 13.Her friend cant hear _. A.her B.she C.he D.they(

8、)14Shes doing exercises ,but its getting _hot. A.to B.too C.be D.at ( ) 15.Im talking _the phone. A.in B.on C.to D.at.三、用正确的单词填空。(5分)1. Shes_the supermarket.2. Her mother is buying thing_her birthday.3. Im going _play football.4. Lets go _that tree.5. The pears are falling_the bike.6. What can I do

9、_you?7. You are calling_my name.8. Hes jumping_ the water.9. The sun is shining_the sea. 10. I am looking_ _the window.四、阅读短文,判断正(T)误( F )。(5分) Some children are playing in the park. Look, Tom is playing a ball with Peter. Look, a boy and a girl are swimming. The girl is Anna and the boy is Fred. An

10、na and Fred swim very well. Where is John? He is behind the tree. This is Lily. Her hair is long, and she is wearing a dress. Look, Lily is playing with her dog. 1.Peter is playing a ball. ( ) 2.Anna and Fred arent swimming.( ) 3.Anna swims very well. ( ) 4.John is behind the tree. ( ) 5.Lilys hair

11、is short. ( )七、阅读理解A It is Sunday tomorrow.I am going to watch a basketball match.It is between an American team and an English team.The baseball match begins at four oclock in the afternoon.Our friends Milk and Lucy are going to watch the match with me.We are going there by bus.We think we will com

12、e back at eight in evening. 根据对话内容选出正确的答案。 ( )1.What day is today? A.Monday. B.Sunday C.Saturday. ( )2.We are going to watch_. A.a baseball match. B.a basketball match. C.a football match. ( )3.The match is between_. A.a Japanese team and an American team. B.an English team and an American team. C.a

13、 Chinese team and an American team. 4 ( )4.What time is the match going to begin? A.At seven oclock. B.At eight oclock. C.At four oclock. ( )5.Who is going to watch the match? A.The write(作者). B.Mike and Lucy. C.Milk,Lucy and the write(作者) B My name is Ben.I am from China but now I am living in London.There is a very large Chinatown in London.I went there for Spring Festival with my aunt and my uncle.At night we


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