陕西科技大学工商管理硕士(mba)课件-2015-《商务英语》-邢战雷-4-corporate culture

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《陕西科技大学工商管理硕士(mba)课件-2015-《商务英语》-邢战雷-4-corporate culture》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《陕西科技大学工商管理硕士(mba)课件-2015-《商务英语》-邢战雷-4-corporate culture(74页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chapter 4 Corporate Culture,教师:邢 战 雷 单位:陕西科技大学管理学院/MBA教育中心 E-mail:xingzhanlei,Business English for MBA,Lead-in,Every organization has a unique culture, with its own history, its own ways of approaching problems and conducting activities, its own mix of managerial personalities and stylesin other wor

2、ds its own atmosphere, folklore and personality.,After studying this unit, you will be able to:, Understand what corporate culture is. Explain how to know a companys corporate culture. Discuss how corporate culture plays an important role in business.,1. What is corporate culture?,2. How does a comp

3、anys culture affect you?,3. How do you get to know a companys corporate culture?,Objectives,After studying this chapter you will be able to: Define the term “corporate culture”. Describe the various elements of corporate culture. Explain the importance of developing a strong corporate culture. Descr

4、ibe the role played by the hero, the storyteller and the priest.,What is corporate culture,Topic 1,(1)What is corporate culture?,Every company has a culture. Sometimes we get to know this culture by the organizational motto or the things we hear others say about it. A system of shared values, belief

5、s, and norms (准则) that unite the members of an organization. Corporate Culture = the personality of an organization i.e. “how things are done around here.”,What Is Organizational Culture?, core values and beliefs corporate ethics rules of behavior,broad term, mission statement other communications t

6、he architectural style interior decor of offices what people wear to work how people address each other titles given to various employees,specific term,What Is Organizational Culture?,What Is Organizational Culture?,Innovation and risk taking Attention to detail Outcome orientation People orientatio

7、n Team orientation Aggressiveness Stability,Common Characteristics Culture is shared, Culture is intangible (无形的), Culture strongly influences behavior, Culture is taught to newcomers, Culture emerges and develops over time.,Corporate culture is the norms, beliefs, attitudes,and philosophies of the

8、organization. Organizational culture is shaped by the values of the people who start the organization and those who carry on its leadership.,In successful firms, these managers actually shape and encourage the “right” types of personnel values. These values, known and shared by the personnel, create

9、 a sense of identity for the people who work there. And this sense of togetherness helps to build and maintain high esprit of corps. Organizations with a strong culture also have an informal system of rules. The personnel know how they are supposed to behave most of the time. A strong culture also h

10、elps the personnel feel better about what they are.,Do Organizations Have Uniform Cultures?,Core Values,Subcultures,Dominant Culture,Different countries, different corporate culture,Japanese corporate,American corporate,beliefs,values,ethics,procedures,atmosphere,Japanese corporate culture,Confucius

11、benevolence,(儒家的仁爱),Bushidocruelty,(武士道的残忍),“Family member“,“Outsider“,American corporate culture,Individual,Efficient,Comparison,Discussion: OPPOs Culture,本分,品质,诚信,消费者 导向,团队,结果 导向,本分,隔离外力,在平常的心态下,把握住我们应该做事的合理方向。 本分规范了与人合作的态度我不赚人便宜。 本分是当出现问题时,首先求责于己的态度。,诚信,诚以“不欺”为最低要求。 信守承诺,说到做到,哪怕遭遇挫折付出代价也要坚守。 忠实于自

12、己的义务和责任. 。,Discussion: 目中有人才有路,心中有爱才有度 天道酬勤 地道酬善 人道酬诚 商道酬信 业道酬精,Function of Corporate Culture,Topic 2,Defines the boundary (界限) between one organization and others, Conveys a sense of identity(认同) for its members, Fosters commitment (承诺) to corporate philosophy and values, Clarifies standards (标准) o

13、f behavior for employees.,A strong corporate creates: - desired personnel values - a sense of identity - a sense of togetherness - an informal system of values - high esprit de corps - commitment and loyalty,Why is corporate culture important?,Q: How does a companys culture affect you?,The hours you

14、 work The work environment The dress code The office space The training and skills development Onsite perks ,Q: How do you get to know a companys corporate culture?,A two-step process : 1. starting with research before the interview 2. ending with observation at the interview,Before the interview: S

15、pend some time searching for clues about the companys culture.,During the interview: Ask one or more of these questions to get a feel for the corporate culture.,Elements of Corporate Culture,Topic 3,How does a company create an organizational culture? It often does so by consciously fashioning a spe

16、cific value system. There three chiefly elements of corporate culture: Heroes rites and rituals(习惯和规矩) communication of the culture.,Elements of corporate culture,Heroes,Heroes are an integral element of corporate culture. They serve as role models for the personnel. People identify with them and attempt to emulate them. Every company has its heroes. They play a very important part in promoting corporate cu


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