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1、上海赛博电器有限公司ASIA 7SC PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANYYear ended 31 December 2004 (matters discussed - for illustration only)日期:2005-11-08Date1 September 2004Time时间:10:00-11:00参加人员:赛博电器 XXX (Industry Department Manager) 普华永道 Amy Zhao (SA) Jane Wang10:00 11:00Attendees Jacques Coutier Jackie Chan (ASIA 7 SC Priv

2、ate Limited Company)Rosman Yusof, Jayaprakash Fabrizio Zandonella, Peter Muster (PwC)议程1. 主要的部分人员分工与职责2. 2005年的预算, 目标以及目前的完成情况,完成目标的主要挑战有哪些?3. 内部控制流程: 怎样应对挑战 向管理层报告的内容,形式与频率, 报告的数据来源, 怎样保证数据的准确性? 存货余额, 生产产量的授权与制定? 怎样保证存货入账的准确性与及时性, (特别是FOB) 存货盘点的要求与实际执行的情况, 帐实不符的原因 有没有流动性慢的存货, 有没有必要计提存货减值准备 其他需要的资料:

3、存货盘点报告,存货管理流程, 管理层日常审阅的存货分析报告其他AGENDA1. Introductions and audit approach Introduce yourself and the team Overview of the agenda, and explain the reason for the meeting (to understand and validate managements controls in order to gain audit comfort)2. Update of the key objectives and responsibilities

4、 of the purchasing department Can you give me an overview of the responsibilities of your department and activities performed by the department? What are your objectives for purchasing department for 2004?3. Update of the key risks that may prevent the department meeting these objectives In your vie

5、w, what are the key risks in the business, ie the critical factors that might prevent you meeting your objectives? Foreign exchange exposure on purchases? Other risks?4. Update understanding of principle controls exercised, with examples of reports reviewed: What controls are there to mitigate these

6、 key risks? Authorisation of purchase orders? Authorisation of new suppliers and terms? Matching of goods received notes, invoices and purchase orders? Monitoring of accounts payable? Authorisation of payments? Other controls?5. Any significant projects or issues currently being managed What are the

7、 key projects / issues you are dealing with at the moment?6. Other matters Can you think of any other matters we should be aware of for the audit?上海赛博电器有限公司Guidance for audit teamsPurchasingShow me agenda supporting questionsAgenda ItemFurther QuestionsTime (example)Where to document1. Introduction-

8、 Explain the audit approach (risk focused, aiming to get comfort from management controls)55%2. Objectives - Overview/ recap of responsibilities of the department- What are your objectives for this year?5%5- Conduct “show me” meeting step3. Key risks - What are the key risks that would prevent the y

9、ou from achieving these objectives?105%- ACMSAAM- Fraud steps- Critical matters4. Controls mitigating key risks - What controls/ processes have been put in place to mitigate the key risks?- Refer to prior year controls, where applicable- Assertions to be addressed:- Completeness of purchases and AP-

10、 Accuracy and validity of expenses (see further guidance on typical controls below)70%40- ACM/SOCSAAM- Conduct “show me” meeting step5. Significant projects or issues - What are the key projects / issues you are dealing with at the moment?53%- Prelim analytics- BAF- Critical matters6. Other matters5

11、%2%60Guidance for audit teamsPurchasingShow me agenda “typical” controls in smaller clientsTypical controlExample questionsAuthorisation of purchase orders- What are authorisation limits of purchase orders?- What is the authorisation process?- What if there is an absence of the authorised persons?Au

12、thorisation of new suppliers and terms- What is the authorisation process for new suppliers?Matching of goods received notes, invoices and purchase orders- What are the procedures to ensure goods received notes are properly matched with a purchase order and an invoice?- How do you ensure the procedu

13、res function properly?- How do you know if there are exceptions? What exception reports you obtain on a regular basis?- What follow up is performed if there are unmatched purchase orders, invoices, and goods received notes?- Can you show me examples when there are exceptions? discuss to obtain expla

14、nations of the exceptions.Monitoring of accounts payable review of accounts payable listing- Basis of preparation and accuracy of information?- What do you look for when you review the report?- Can you show me examples of the reports?- Select specific items from the report and discuss explanations/ follow up actions.Authorisation of payment- What are authorisation limits for payments?- What is the authorisation process?- What if there is an absence of the authorised persons?


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