工商银行 非本人交易附加说明

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工商银行 非本人交易附加说明_第1页
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《工商银行 非本人交易附加说明》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《工商银行 非本人交易附加说明(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、附表2:Attachment 2非本人交易附加说明Supplementary Statement on Non-cardholder Transactions中国工商银行:ICBC, 本人所持卡号 卡片有效期 ,现申明在 (日期) (国家或地区) (商户名称)交易总额为 的交易非本人交易,即交易非本人所为,本人拒绝支付上述款项,请予以调查处理。My card number is _ and the card is valid until_. I hereby state that the transaction dated on _ in _ (country or region) with

2、_ (name of merchant) totaling _ (volume) is not made by myself. It is a non-cardholder transaction. I hereby refuse to pay for the abovementioned transaction. Please investigate and handle it. 交易发生时本人身处的国家(地区)为 ,城市为 ,未曾参与上述交易,对此本人愿意提供证据予以证明。When the transaction was made, I was in _ (city) of _ (coun

3、try or region) and was not involved in the abovementioned transaction. I am willing to provide evidence to prove it. 对具体情况的说明:Detailed explanation: 本人陈述:上述情况属实,本人愿意承担由此产生的一切法律后果。Personal statement: the above information is true and I am willing to take any legal consequences incurred. 本人签名:Sign here:_ 年 月 日Date: _


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