六年级下册英语试题--小升初基础达标训练(六) 湘少版(三起) 含答案

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《六年级下册英语试题--小升初基础达标训练(六) 湘少版(三起) 含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级下册英语试题--小升初基础达标训练(六) 湘少版(三起) 含答案(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小升初基础达标训练(六)一、单选题。 1.Do you see tigers?Yes, I do. A.aB.someC.any2.选出正确的选项( ) A.dressB.skirt3.How you? A.isB.amC.are4.Japan is famous for _ cartoons. A.itsB.hisC.its5.We are going to the park _ bus. A.inB.takeC.by6.The 2014 Winter Olympics were held in Sochi because it was one of in the world. A.cold

2、est cityB.colder citiesC.the coldest citiesD.the most cold cities7.We usually go to the Bund _ Sunday evening. A.atB.onC.in8. your books on the floor. A.Not leaveB.Dont leaveC.Must not to leave9.Ben, eat too much meat. It is unhealthy. A.dontB.doesntC.Not10.Peter _ basketball very much. Hes a basket

3、ball fan. A.likesB.doesnt likeC.like11.World Museum Day is on _. A.May 31stB.May 13thC.May 18th12.Im fine. And how are you? Im fine, _. A.toB.twoC.too13.They see _ books and toys in his bedroom. A.manyB.a lotC.much14.My friend Amy Sydney. A.lives inB.liveC.living room二、选词填空15.根据图片提示,选单词或短语填空,补全句子。 p

4、laying games class party have a rest theatre museum(1)I like the_. (2)We are_together. (3)We are going to the_. (4)She will_in her bedroom. (5)My family goes to the_at weekends. 16.Our English teacher is Mrs. Zhao. We all like _ (she / her). 17.从方框中选择合适的单词补全下列句子或对话。in on go where when(1)I often_shop

5、ping on the weekend(2)一_do you go to school?一I go to school at 8 oclock(3)一_is your photo?一Its on the wall(4)We will havean English party_February(5)一What do you have_Tuesdays?一P .E .and Chinese18.Tom is the _ (taller/tallest) in our class. 19.Look_(at/to)Alice, please. 20.Beijing is in the _of Chin

6、a. (south/north ) 21.请用所给的代词填空this, that, these, it(1)_keys are mine. That is yours. (2)Whats _? Its an egg. Whats _over there? Its an orange. (3)Look at _pencils. Are they Lucys? No, these arent hers. (4)Hi, Mum,_is my friend, Lucy. (5)What is it?_is an apple. 22.This is his_(face/hair ). 三、用所给单词的适

7、当形式填空23.There _(be)a letter for you . 24.Whats _(you)hobby ?Riding bikes.25.What_(be) it? What_(be) they? 26.The students are talking _ the news _ their teacher. (填介词) 27.Six _(boy) have got cats. 28.I go to the park _the morning. (介词) 29.Im_(do) my homework in the living room. 30.Id like _(buy) som

8、e _(peach) in the supermarket. 31.We must wash our hands _we have dinner. (介词) 32.Lingling was_(dance) in the dancing room. 四、连词成句。33.dont like I jumping rope.(连词成句) 34.cooking I dinner am . (连词成句) 35.desk , the , very , is , old_(.)36.another to house They go (.)(连词成句) 37.should , I , keep , clean

9、, room , your(.) 五、完形填空38.完形填空。 Twenty years ago, Li Wei was a student. He liked going to school. He 1 Maths, Science, Art and Chinese. He 2 very hard. Now Li Wei is thirty. He is a 3 . He 4 working at school. He 5 Maths,Science, Art and Chinese.1. A. learntB. learnsC. learn2. A. studiedB. studyC. s

10、tudies3. A. teachB. teacherC. teaches4. A. likedB. likesC. like5. A. taughtB. teachingC. teaches六、快乐阅读。39.根据短文内容完成句子。 It was sunny yesterday. I stayed at home and read a book. It was interesting. Amy went to see a film with her parents. They saw a film about elephants, It was wonderful. She liked it very much. John didnt do anythi



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