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1、语言、文化:英语学习,英语学习策略系列讲座 9 徐世昌 外国语学院,语言、文化:英语学习,语言与文化密不可分。语言是文化的载体和交流的工具。 文化史人类社会历史实践过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,是人类社会进步文明的全部成果。 当今是一个多元文化时代。 跨语言、跨文化交流日益频繁。,语言、文化:英语学习,文化趋同与语言的融合 西方文化的价值观、管理理念、生活方式等广泛影响着我国社会生活的各个领域,文化趋同的现象以随处可见。,语言、文化:英语学习,鳄鱼的眼泪 crocodile tears 橄榄枝 olive branch 酸葡萄 sour grapes 资本主义 capitalism

2、维他命 vitamin 可口可乐 Coca-Cola 因特网 Internet,语言、文化:英语学习,文化趋同与语言的融合 全国围棋甲级联赛爆出冷门 上海队遭遇滑铁卢 文汇报一则标题 遭遇滑铁卢:to meet ones Waterloo,语言、文化:英语学习,文化趋同与语言的融合 Confucianism 儒教 Taoism 道教 kungfu 功夫 paper tiger 纸老虎 kowtow 磕头,语言、文化:英语学习,文化差异: 在文化趋同的过程中,文化差异依然存在。不同的文化背景不可避免地发生局部交叉,碰撞和冲突。 对于真正成功的翻译而言, 熟悉两种文化比掌握两种语言更重要, 因为词

3、语只有在其作用的文化背景中才有意义。 Eugene A. Nida,语言、文化:英语学习,文化差异: 词汇空缺 钱先生周岁时“抓周”, 抓了一本书, 因此得名“钟书”。 When Qian was one year old, he was told by his parents to choose one thing among many others, he picked up a book of all things. Thereupon his father very gladly gave him the name Zhongshu (book lover).,语言、文化:英语学习,文

4、化差异: 词义冲突(conflict of word meaning) 自由主义 缺乏原则、无组织无纪律。 Liberalism:强调个人活动和发展完全自由,主张社会和政治机构逐步改良的政治思想。(陆谷逊) 一种建立在相信事物发展、人的善良本性、个人的独立性和主张保护政治和民众自由的政治思想。(韦氏词典),语言、文化:英语学习,文化差异: 语义联想(semantic association) 醋 吃醋 vinegar to be jealous Hen pecked husband 妻管严 过河拆桥 to kick down the ladder 害群之马 a black sheep 爱屋及乌

5、 love me, love my dog 本末倒置 to put the cart before the horse,语言、文化:英语学习,文化差异: 语用含义(pragmatic implication) 浅花叫了一声奔着井沿跑去,她心里一冷,差一点没栽倒地上死过去。她想,竟来不及拉他一把, 自己也跳到井里去吧。 Qianhua screamed and ran to the well. In a moment of her horror she almost fainted and fell. She thought that since she had failed to save h

6、im, she was well jump in and make an end herself.,语言、文化:英语学习 心理文化:,1. 谦虚 今天饭菜不好,请多包涵。来,先干一杯。 There are best dishes were able to prepare. Please make yourself at home. Now , to everyone, cheers!,语言、文化:英语学习 心理文化,2.价值观 (卢嘉川)“但是,你这些想法和作法,恐怕还是为了你个人吧?” 道静蓦地站了起来: “你说我是个人主义?” “Are you sure your thoughts and

7、 wishes arent determined by personal considerations?” Daojing sprang to her feet. “Do you mean that I am an individualist?” Egoist,语言、文化:英语学习 心理文化,2.价值观 我们的教育方针是培养有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者。 1)Our educational policy is to train cultured laborers with socialist consciousness. 2) Our educational policy is to tra

8、in cultured workers with socialist consciousness. Public relations = 公共关系 = 公关? NO Peasant = farmer ? NO,语言、文化:英语学习 心理文化,一见面是寒暄,寒暄之后说我“胖了”,说我“胖了”之后即大骂其新党。(鲁迅祝福) When we met, after exchanging a few polite remarks he said I was fatter, and after that immediately started a violent attack on the revolut

9、ionaries. After exchanging a few polite remarks when we met, he observed that I looked “fat”, and having made the complimentary remark he started a violent attack on the revolutionaries.,语言、文化:英语学习 心理文化,3. 审美心理 Chinese English 花言巧语 fine words 油嘴滑舌 to glib tongue 精疲力竭 exhausted 土崩瓦解 to fall apart 水深火

10、热 in deep waters 咬牙切齿 to gnash ones teeth,语言、文化:英语学习 心理文化,3. 审美心理 这是革命的春天,这是人民的春天,这是科学的春天!让我们张开双臂,热烈拥抱这个春天吧! Let us stretch out arms to embrace spring, which is one of the revolution, of the people, and of science.,语言、文化:英语学习 心理文化,4. 思维习惯 一桥飞架南北, 天堑变通途。 (毛泽东:水调歌头. 游泳) A bridge will fly to span the n

11、orth and south, Turning a deep chasm into a thoroughfare.,语言、文化:英语学习 称谓文化,1.亲属称谓 因为我的姨妈和朱自治的姑妈是表姐妹,所以在抗战后期,在我父亲谢世之后, 变搬进朱自治的住宅,住在前面的平房里。 My maternal aunt and Zhus paternal aunt were cousins, so when my father died a few years after the war broke out, my mother and I moved into one of his rooms.,语言、文

12、化:英语学习 称谓文化,2.社交称谓 李贵等一面掸衣服,一面说道:“人家的奴才跟主子赚些个体面, 我们这些奴才白陪着挨打受骂的。从此该可怜见些才好。红楼梦 Li Gui and the others, dusting off their clothes, asked, “ other peoples slaves get some reflected credit from their masters. All we get for waiting on you is beatings and abuse. Do have a little pity on us in the future.

13、我李某不是干这事的。 Yours truly is not the sort of person to such a thing like that.,语言、文化:英语学习 称谓文化,3.社交称谓:语用效果 老王和我算是柳家大院最“文明”的人了, “文明”是个三孙子。 Old Wang and I are considered the gentle folk in the compound. Gentility must be hanged.,语言、文化:英语学习 色彩文化,1.汉英基本颜色使用 红糖 brown sugar 红茶 black tea Red tape 官僚作风 Red rui

14、n 火灾 Red sky ? Red sky at night, shepherds delight, Red sky in the morning, shepherds warning. 早霞不出门,晚霞行千里。,语言、文化:英语学习 色彩文化,1.汉英基本颜色使用 The black people 黑人 The white people 白种人 The yellow people 黄种人 她皮肤白皙1)She has a white skin. 2)She has a fair skin/complexion. 白搭 no use / no good 白送 to give away fre

15、e of charge 白费事 all in vain,语言、文化:英语学习 色彩文化,2.引申意义 黑心 evil mind 黑幕 inside story of plot 红白喜事1) red and white happy things 2) weddings and funerals 什么红白喜事,讨媳妇,死了人,大办酒席,实在可以不必。 When people wear red and white, that is, at weddings and funerals, the practice of giving lavish feasts can well be dispensed

16、 with.,语言、文化:英语学习 动植物文化,“俗话说得好, 叫做杀鸡吓猴,拿鸡子宰了,那猴儿自然害怕”。 “The saying has it well, kill the chicken in order to frighten the monkey. If the chicken is killed, the monkey is certainly scared.” (直译),语言、文化:英语学习 动植物文化,嗨!这笨小子,真是狗捉耗子多管闲事。福厚,你怎么就不给他教一教呢? Hey, the silly lad, hes really a busybody. (爱管闲事的人)Why didnt you tell him whats



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