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1、Jack London,Life Works Theme Writing style,他生下来了。,Key Words: January 12, 1876 In San Francisco The lowest part of society,风流倜傥,他那一家子,The illegitimate ( 私生的;非法的;不合理的)son of a self-taught man His mother: an eccentric woman Extreme poverty,这些年你都干嘛了,Before 10: Work and study 13: work in a cannery (罐头工厂)

2、 15: captain of an oyster-pirate(蚝贼) boat 17: venture to sea on a sealing ship 19:high school(self-educated) 20:University of California just a semester,人不大,跳槽不少,Spy Journalist Gold digging,兄弟,你咋想不开呢?,On November 22, 1916, London died of a self-injected overdose(药量过多 )of morphine(吗啡).,Works,As an as

3、siduous(刻苦的,勤勉的 )and prolific (多产的;丰富的)writer ,Jack London Kept writing at lest 1000wordseveryday .Though his writing career was less than 20 years ,he produced a large amount of literary works;,Novelettes 19 Short Stories 150 Plays 3 Reportages报告文学 ,Essays(随笔,短文)and Theses (论文;命题)47 Total :9million

4、 words,theme,Jack London was one of the most articulate (发音清晰的;口才好的)and militant (好战的 )spokesmen of the working class at the turn of the century. Influenced by Marxism and Darwinism, and also by Nietzsche(尼采)s view of superman, London believed both in the success of the working class and in the surv

5、ival of the strongest.,Theme of Jack Londons Works,primitive violence, Anglo-Saxon supremacy, biological evolution, class warfare, and mechanistic determinism. strong and weak individuals in the context of irresistible natural forces such as the sea or the desert); violence,Writing Style,Forceful an

6、d colorful Subjectivity and enthusiasm Naturalism mingled with Romanticism夹杂着浪漫主义的自然主义 Limitations: formless形体不明的, clumsy yet vigorous style; stiff呆板的 and stereotyped characters and dialogues Jack London is considered as “Father of American Proletarian Literature” 无产阶级文学 .,写作风格,他的作品独树一帜,充满筋肉暴突的生活和阳刚

7、之气。有人说在他之前的美国小说大都是为姑娘们写的,而他的作品则属于全体读者,不但普通读者欢迎,就是大家闺秀们也喜欢放下窗帘关上大门偷偷去品味他那精力旺盛、气势逼人的作品。火一样的性格杰克伦敦就是这样的性格。他血管里有火,生气勃勃,喜欢粗犷强烈的生活,他喜欢叱咤风云,每每参加斗争常要斗争到极限。他把冒险里的困难当做享受,把拓荒中的遭遇当作欢乐。,Of which ,the 150 short stories cut a new epoch for American short story .They can be roughly divided into “North story ”,“Paci

8、fic short story ”and“ Social problem novel”,Works & Three Periods,Before 1900 :To the Man on Trail 为赶路的人干杯 The Odyssey of the North 北方的奥德赛1899 19001910 :“ North Story” The Son of the Wolf 狼之子1900 etc. The Iron Heel铁蹄1908 The Sea-wolf海狼1904 Marti Eden马丁 .伊登1909 Burning Daylight 天大亮1910(turning point)

9、 After 1910 : “Pacific short story ” The House of Mapuhi 马普希的房子1911 “ Social problem novel”The Mexican墨西哥人1913,Other Major Novels,The Call of the Wild野性的呼唤1903 The People of the Abyss深渊中的人们1903 White Fang白牙1906 Love of Life热爱生命1906 How I become a Socialist我怎样成为社会党人 The War of the Classes阶级之间的战争 What

10、 Life Means to Me生命对我意味着什么 Revolution 革命 Under the Deck Awnings在甲板的天蓬下 White Wolf 白狼,White Fang,The sea-wolf,Marti Eden,Love of Life,The Call of the Wild,In 1903 he wrote “The Call of the Wild”, an all-time best seller. This book made him immediately popular, and his name was soon known all over the

11、 county,The Call of the Wild,Its a novel concerns a previously domesticated (家养的;驯服的)and even somewhat pampered (饮食奢侈的)dog named Buck, whose primordial(原始的 )instincts return after a series of events finds serving as a sled(雪橇犬 )dog.,The Sea-wolf,It tells the story of an intellectual man named Humphr

12、ey Van Weyden, forced to become tough and self-reliant by pressure to cruelty and brutality.(无情;残忍;暴行),海狼,“魔鬼”号船长“海狼”拉森,一个完全的利己主义、达尔文主义者,有强壮的身体和灵活的头脑,以野蛮人的方式与野蛮人殴斗,又以文明人的方式与文明人交谈。他的头脑中满是野蛮的思想,他读书只是为了从中找出可以支持自己观点的论据:人为什么要活着?“按“海狼”的说法:“生命像是酵母。酶母,一种活动的东西大的吞小的才可以维持他们的活动,弱肉强食才能保持他们的力量。 水手为了要吃要喝而活动,因为可以继续

13、活动,就是这个样。他们为吃饱肚子而生活,为生活而吃饱肚子,这是一个循环。”,Martin Eden,Martin Eden struggles to rise far above his destitute(穷困的;无的;缺乏的 )circumstance through an intense and passionate pursuit of self-education in order to achieve a coveted(垂涎的;梦寐以求的) place among the literary elite.,Love of Life,One of Jack Londons most

14、famous short fiction 1905,When his body is very weak, he met a Wolf.,He found the sick wolf followed him, and licked(舔;卷过;鞭打) his blood.,At the end of the battle, he won and he drank the blood of the wolf. Eventually, he rescued.,Revelation启发,Please cherish life. “love of life” has given us a profou

15、nd lesson that we would in face of many difficulties and obstacles on the road of life even death straggle, but we cant sit still and we have to choose to fight for live. We should learn from the man and awes our lives, believe our lives and love our lives. No matter how terrible situation we face,

16、we should have the spirit of combatant and never give up.,名人名言,1. Youth is always young and elderly will only grow old. 青年总是年轻的,只有老年才会变老。 2. The only way to get smart is to buy with the youth. 得到智慧的惟一办法,就是用青春去买。,3、丢给狗一块骨头算不上慈善。和狗同样饥饿,又能和狗分享一块骨头,才是慈善。 4、爱情待在高山之巅,在理智的谷地之上。爱情是生活的升华人生的绝顶,它难得出现。 5、世界上是先有爱情,才有表达爱情的语言的,在爱情刚到世界上来的青春时期中,它学会了一套方法,往后可始终没有忘掉过。,6、凡是使生命扩大而又使心灵健全的一切便是善良的;凡是使生命缩减而又加以危害和压榨



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