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1、Politics,Unit 1,Part 1 Class Activities,assault /s:lt/ 攻击;袭击 incite /insait/ 激起,煽动 crude /kru:d / 粗糙的,拙劣的 regime /reii:m/ 政体,政权 torture /t:t/ 拷打,折磨 enrich /inrit/ 使丰富;浓缩 uranium /jureinjm/ 铀 unstoppable /nstpbl/ 不可阻挡的 ethnic cleansing 种族清洗 cry out for 迫切需要,Chris Stevens 克里斯史蒂文斯(美国驻利比亚前大使) Bashar al-

2、Assad 巴沙尔阿萨德(叙利亚总统) Benjamin Netanyahu本杰明内塔尼亚胡(以色列总理) Mahmoud Abbas 马哈茂德阿巴斯(巴勒斯坦国总统) Mohamed Morsi马哈茂德摩尔西(埃及总统) Thein Sein 登盛(缅甸总统) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 马哈茂德艾哈迈德内贾德(伊朗总统) United Nations General Assembly联合国大会,Thein Sein 登盛(缅甸总统) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 马哈茂德艾哈迈德内贾德(伊朗总统) United Nations General Assembly联合国大

3、会,What World Leaders Said at the UN,Questions,How many leaders are mentioned in the news report that have made speeches at the UN? Who are they? What were the main problems that were discussed by the world leaders (at least two)? What did the leaders say about these problems? What did China say on t

4、hese matters? Who is Thein Sein? Is he an important world leader? Why do you think is he specially mentioned in the news report?,1 five people They are : Obama; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas; Egypts new president, Mohamed Morsi; Burmas Presi

5、dent Thein Sein,What World Leaders Said at the UN,2. Three main problems were discussed: The Syria problem, Irans nuclear program and the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Over the Syria problem: Obama said the government of President Bashar al-Assad must come to an end. President Morsi ur

6、ged the opposition to propose a united vision of a democratic change of power. Over Irans Nuclear Program: Obama said the time for a diplomatic solution with Iran over its nuclear program is not unlimited. Benjamin Netanyahu suggested placing a clear red line on Irans nuclear weapons program. Over t

7、he conflict between Israelis and Palestinians: Abbas accused Israel of letting settlers carry out “a campaign of ethnic cleansing“ against his people. Mohamed Morsi said the most important issue facing the world is the need to settle the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Chinas voice was u

8、nheard in the news report.,script,What World Leaders Said at the UN,3. Thein Sein is Burmas President now, a former general. former general. He is specially mentioned only because “his country is on an unstoppable path toward democracy.” In other words, under his leadership, Burma is now trying to a

9、lienate China and be close to the west.,script,oath /u/ 誓言;誓词 float /flut/ 花车,彩车 anthem /nm/ 国歌 the Presidential Inauguration 总统就职仪式 Founding Fathers 开国者 Chief Justice (最高法院)大法官 National Mall 国家广场 Supreme Court 最高法院 marching bands 军乐队 wrap up 圆满完成,When does the presidential inauguration take place?

10、Why did Obama take a second oath? What is the theme for Obamas inauguration?,The Constitution says a presidents term ends and the next one starts at noon on January 20th. Whenever January 20th is falling on a Sunday, in an inauguration year, the public ceremony has been moved to Monday. The theme fo

11、r yesterdays inauguration was faith in Americas future.,A Debate for the Internet Age,citadel /stdl/城堡,要塞 crush /kr/热恋,迷恋 Self-anointed/selfnntd /自行指定的 smooth /smu/ 圆滑的,油腔滑调的 rebuttal /ribtl/举反例;反驳;抗辩 unprecedented /npresdentd/前所未有的 ber-hip 极为新潮的 cyberspace /sabspes/赛博空间;网络空间 soprano /sprn/女高音;最高音,A

12、 Debate for the Internet Age,takeoff /teikf/ 【口】(嘲弄性的)模仿 viral /varl/病毒性的;病毒引起的 ridicule /rdkjul/嘲笑;奚落;讥笑 mock /mk/嘲笑;(模仿)嘲弄 freak /frik/ (使)强烈反应 primp /prmp/打扮;修饰 pay off 成功;奏效;达到目的 sign off (以说再见或播放音乐的形式)结束广播,A Debate for the Internet Age,A Debate for the Internet Age,Exercise: Watch the video aga

13、in and choose the best answer to the following questions.,What make tonights Democratic debate so special? A. It is the first online presidential debate. B. CNN will work with You Tube to broadcast the debate. C. Questions for the candidates can be submitted via You Tube. D. People can use You Tube

14、to vote for the candidates.,A Debate for the Internet Age,2. How did Robert Thompson comment on the online video of Barack Obama? A. It is not authorized by his campaign for promotional purpose. B. His consultants wouldnt like the image created in the video. C. The sexual message in the video is too

15、 offensive. D. It suggests the insulting fact that he is a black man.,A Debate for the Internet Age,3. How do people react to Hillary Clintons online appeal for campaign song suggestions? A. Most of them welcome the appeal. B. Some challenge it with a musical. C. It gets 24 million hits on You Tube.

16、 D. A lot of people sneer at it.,A Debate for the Internet Age,4. Why do many candidates like to have a huge web presence, according to the news? A. There are a lot of announcements to make on the web during the campaign. B. The more frequently they appear on the web, the more money they will raise. C. They want to promote the image that they are following the trend of


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