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1、教学大纲(新概念英语2A上)Unit 1. Linda comes to Lpndon.Lesson 11.重点词汇: next to ,Arrivals ,exit ,wait for ,Baggage Hall ,suitcase ,come round ,stand ,phone ,come out ,sit.2.重点重点句型:(一般现在时,现在进行时)Where are you ?Im in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit. Im waiting for you ,and Im having a cup of coffee.What a

2、re you doing?Im waiting for my suitcase.3.背诵内容: Where are you? Im in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit. Im waiting for you ,and Im having a cup of coffee. Where are you,and what are you doing? Im in the Baggage Hall. Im waiting for my suiutcase.Its coming round now! Is Paul with you? Yes, of

3、course he is. Hes standing here beside me. Im giving him my phone now. Ive got my suitcase and Im coming out now!Lesson 21.重点词汇: Sandwich, armchair, stand up, read, TV, listen to.2. 重点搭配: Drinking coffee, picking strawberries, cooking lunch, making cakes, sitting in his armchair, reading a book, tal

4、king to his mother, waiting for a bus3.语音: /I bring ring sing thing Drink rink sink think4巩固练习: Patterns, March A and B, Sentence structure, Guided summary, Listening, Multiple choice.(学生自主完成每道练习后,教师讲解)Unit 2. Good luck on Sunday!Lesson3.1. 重点词汇: Luck, reporter, centre, visit, trade fair, noisy, hun

5、dreds of, exhibitor, thousands of, visitor, village, laugh, competitor, listener, look forward to, spirit, film, say, town,city2. 重点重点句型: We are visiting this years Marathon Expo. People are talking and laughing like old friends.+This is your first Marathon, isnt it?Yes, it is.Are you looking forwar

6、d to Sunday/Yes, I am.Thats the spirit.3. 背诵内容: 课文前三幅插图所对应的内容Lesson 41. 重点词汇: Radio, come home, learn, television, news, quiet.2. 重点搭配: Waiting for a bus, listening to the radio, learning English, watching the news, playing football, having lunch, going out, going to the Trade Fair3. 语音: |ai| apply

7、buy cry deny die fly lie reply |ai applying buying crying denying dying flying lying reply4. 巩固练习: Patterns. Sentence Table, Sentence structure, Guided summary, Listening, Multipul choice. (学生自主完成每道练习后,教师讲解)5.背诵内容: Lesson3的课文后三幅插图所对应的内容Unit 3. Is this yours?Lesson51. 重点词汇: Yours, strange, note, pock

8、et, mine, belong to, handwriting, his, to-do list, airport, pick up, training run, back, why on earth、? 2点句型: Whats this note in my pocket/ It isnt mine. -Is it yours Daisy -No, it isnt mine. Oh, it belongs to Paul. Why is it in my pocket?-Yes, it is Pauls, isnt it?-Yes. Why on earth is it in my poc

9、ket?3.背诵内容: 课文后三幅插图所对应的内容Lesson 61. 重点词汇: Hers, ours, theirs.2. 重点重点句型: This is my mobile. Its mine. It belongs to me. These are your CDs. Theyre yours. They belong to you. That is his book. Its his. It belongs to him. Those are her gloves. Theyre hers. They belong to her. This is our car. Its ours.

10、 Its ours. It belongs to us. That is their house. Its theirs. It belongs to them.3.语音:|i| bury carry tidy hurry study worry|I burying carrying tidying hurrying studying worrying4.巩固练习: Patterns, Sentence Table., Sentence structure, Guided summary, Listening, Crossword Puzzle. (学生自主完成每道练习后,教师讲解)5.背诵内

11、容: Lesson5的课文后三幅插图所对应的内容 Unit 4 The top three percentLesson71. 重点词汇: top three percent, volunteer, Congratulations! Hour, well done, foil jacket, put on, hero, walk, this way, medal2. 重点重点句型: Congratulations! Thats fantastic! Well done! -How are you feeling? -Im OK. Thanks. Walk this way. Pick up yo

12、ur medal. Its yours! Youre in the top three percent!3.背诵内容 课文前三幅插图所对应的内容Lesson81. 重点词汇: Take off, turn on, turn off, letter, throw away, put up, curtain, take down, picture, so pleased, best wishes.2. 重点重点句型: -Whats he doing? -Hes putting on his gloves. -Is he taking off his gloves? -No, he isnt. He

13、s putting them on. -Dont take your gloves off. -Im not taking them off! Im putting them on! -Can you put on your gloves, please? -Yes, of course.3.语音: |t| tin top boat meet putting pretty |d| day desk ride side cloudy idea | | thank thin both tooth athletics something | | then they brother other4.巩固练习: Patterns, Match A and B, Guided summary, Guided composition, Listening, Write Questions, Multiple choice (学生自主完成每道练习后,教师讲解)5.背诵内容: Lesson7的课文后三幅插图所对应的内容Unit5. All about ants!Lesson91. 重点词汇; Ant, webpage, look up, place, survive, week, breathe, stretch, l


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