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1、青少版新概念英语1B试题(Unit16-Unit22)Name_ Mark_一.英汉互译(25分)1.网球 _ 2.微笑 3.洋葱 4.饭店 5.面包 _ 6.勺子 7.桃子 8.沙拉 _ 9.意外_10.菜肴_11.酸奶_ 12.找到_ 13.望远镜_14.葡萄_ 15.奶酪_ 16.believe_ 17. together _18. bridge_ 19.really_20.drawer_21tired 22、a quarter past six_23、二点三刻_24、请自便_ 25、breakfast blues_二选出与其他三个划线部分发音不同的选项。(10分)( )1)A. sil

2、ver B. seven C. fun D. very( )2) A. well B. woman C. we D. toy( )3) A. boy B. open C. toy D. noise( )4) A. mother B. afternoon C. night D. nice( )5) A. drive B. ride C. difficult D. time( )6) A. three B. thanks C. they D. thirty( )7) A. sorry B. please C. house D. socks( )8) A. gate B. girl C. orang

3、e D. give( )9) A. grape B. bread C. cake D. late( )10) A. question B. quick C. quiet D. student三.按要求完成下列各题(12分 ) 1.这里有很多好东西。(翻译成英文) _ _ 2. Theres some food on the table over there. (翻译成汉语) 3. What time is it? (写出同义句) _ _ _ 4. Theres some fish. (写出否定句) _ _ 5. Therere some hot dishes. (写出疑问句) _ 6. The

4、re are three people in the field. (对划线部分提问) 7. There is a bus in the street. (变为复数句) 8. Are there four dogs beside the gate? (做出肯定回答) 9. Kate can speak Chinese.(就划线部分提问) 10.Are there any girls in the park?(改成陈述句) 11.Lily can see the dogs in front of the church.(改成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 12. There are a lot of

5、 apples in basketball.(写同义句) 四问答搭配(8)1. What kind of bag have you got? A. Yes, please. 2. How many CDs has your brother got? B. Shes got a very expensive one.3. Where is Williams car? C. Yes, I like it very much.4. What kind of camera has she got? D. No, not many5. Do you like my new bicycle? E. Its

6、 half past elven.6. Have you got many friends? F. Its in the street.7. What time is it? G. Hes gor lots.8. Do you want another apple? H. Ive got a leather one. 1-( )2-( )3-( )4-( )5-( )6-( )7-( )8-( )五连词成句(5)1. am and I hungry tired _.2. of table there lot peaches on the a are_.3. what is lesson Kar

7、ens Chinese time _.4. in morning eat at seven I oclock cant the_. 5. I Daisy are and in a both hurry _六下列句子对吗?正确的打,错的打(5)1. The school gates are shut. ( )2.They havent got some orange juice. ( )3. There are a referee in the field. ( ) 4. Can I call you at half past nine? ( )5. How much pencils do yo

8、u want? ( )七.单项选择(15分)1 -Are there _buses in the stress?-Yes, there are two. A. some B. any C. a 2 A: Is the church _the park? B: No, it isnt. A. near B. over C. down3 How many cars are there _the bridges?A. in B. on C. over4 Can you do_ Maths?A. the B. a C. /5 They can play _ football. A. the B. a

9、C. /6 Is there _milk in the bottle?A. any B. some C. many7 _there any fish in the fridge?A. Is B. Are C. be8Lets _football. A. to play B. play the C. play9 Youre both good _gymnastics.A. at B. on C. to 10 Pass _ a knife, please.A. she B. he C. me11.Sam is good at Maths, and Maths is _ for him. A. difficult B. useless C.easy12._ juice do you want? A. How mcuh B.



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