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1、37 The Olympic Games,Stadium/ Venue,venju:,Olympic torch,What does the Olympic flag mean?,Europe,Asia,Africa,Oceania,America,Background color: white,Shapes: 5 rings joined together,Symbol(象征) of peace,the friendship of the 5 continents,Olympic Medals,Gold Medal,Silver Medal,Bronze Medal,Gold with Ja

2、de,higher,swifter,stronger,Whats the spirit of the Olympic Games?,What are the events?,Discus,铁饼,撑杆跳高,Pole jump,disks,Weight lifting,Hurdles,举重,跨栏赛跑,Swimming,Diving,游泳,跳水,场地自行车赛,Track cycling,Skiing (winter),滑雪,Gymnastics,Rings,Horse,Balance Beam,Floor,吊环,平衡木,鞍马,自由体操,Boxing,Fencing,拳击,击剑,Discus 铁饼 P

3、ole jump 撑杆跳高 Weight lifting 举重 Hurdles 跨栏赛跑 Swimming 游泳 Diving 跳水 Track cycling 场地自行车赛,Skiing 滑雪 Rings 吊环 Balance Beam 平衡木 Horse 鞍马 Floor 自由体操 Boxing 拳击 Fencing 击剑,Which event do you like most ? Why?,The prizes for winners are _ in the ancient Olympics , while in the present day Olympics, the prize

4、s are_.,differences,olive wreaths,medals,ri:,liv,2008北京奥运会会徽 中国印舞动的北京,中国印这是2008年将在北京举办的第29届奥林匹克运动会会徽。她像一个“京”字,代表在北京举办奥运会;她像一个“文”字,代表中国传统文化源远流长;“人”形代表健康活泼运动,体现了奥林匹克友谊和平进步、“更快更高更强”的精神。,Torch Light the Passion Share the Dream,The Torch Relay,The Olympic Flame was lit.,Birds Nest (National Stadium),Open

5、ing Ceremony,The scroll(卷轴) shows Chinas history of more than 5000 years .,Fireworks,皮埃尔德顾拜旦(Le baron Pierre De Coubertin,18631937),是法国著名教育家、国际体育活动家、教育学家和历史学家、现代奥林匹克运动的发起人。1863年1月1日出生于法国巴黎的一个非常富有的贵族家庭。1896年至1925年,他曾任国际奥林匹克委员会主席,并设计了奥运会会徽 、奥运会会旗 。由于他对奥林匹克不朽的功绩,被国际上誉为“奥林匹克之父”。,Coubertin,The most impor

6、tant thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The most essential thing is not to have conqueredbut to have fought well. 奥运会最重要的不是胜利,而是参与;正如在生活中最重要的事情不是成功,而是奋斗;但最本质的事情并不是征服,而是奋力拼搏。,traimf胜利,isenl)本质的,kkd征服

7、,1. hold (held,held) v. 召开 vt. 拿着,抓住,抱住 小女孩拉着她父亲的手。 The little girl held her fathers hand. 容纳,装得下,包含 This cup cant hold much water. The stadium can hold 20,000 people., 举行,进行(会议、会谈等);庆祝(节日);纪念 have a meeting = hold a meeting 召开会议 2008年奥林匹克运动会在中国举行。 The Olympic games were held in China in 2008.,名言和短语

8、 Hold what you really know and tell what you do not know ,this will lead to knowledge. -Confucius 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 -孔子 hold back 阻止;阻挡 hold up 举起;抬起,知识拓展,2.immense adj. 巨大的 fantastic adj. 巨大的 (建筑等,表惊叹),好极的, 宏伟的 immense adj. 无边的, 一望无际的(在尺度或范围上无边界的或无法测量的) immense ocean big adj.(一般的)大的 big man 大人物,larg

9、e adj. 数量的大, 尺寸的大 large man 大块头 great adj. 伟大的, 重要的 great man 伟人 huge adj.(体积的)巨大的, 庞大,极大的, 无限的 A huge elephant 大象,3. capital n. 首都 capital adj. 大写的, 重要的, 死罪的 capital punishment 极刑 (punishment n.惩罚, 处罚, 惩处) 4. design v. 设计 vt. &vi. 设计图样 George has designed a new bridge., vt. &vi. 打算(做),计划 He designe

10、d to enter for the competition. n. 图样,图纸;设计 Here is the design of the new house.,designer n. 设计师 welldesigned 设计不错的(复合形容词:副词+过去分词) well-dressed well-educated well-done well-known.,课文讲解,1、The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years time. in four years time 四年之后(in常与将来时连用表示“时间之后”) He w

11、ill be back in ten minutes or half an hour. four years later 四年后 four years ago 四年前,2、As a great many people will be visiting the country, the government will be building new hotels, an immense stadium, and a new Olympic-standard swimming pool. as是连词,引出原因状语从句,表示原因时通常位于句首。 As you cant type the letter

12、 yourself, youll have to ask Susan to do it for you.,在期间, 当时候 I was coming in as he was going out. 我进来的时候, 他正出去。 谚语 A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,谬以千里。,3、Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year. complete finish adj. 全部的, 完成的 vt. 完成, 使完善 我们到八月底就完成了这项工作。 By the end of Aug

13、ust we will have completed the work.,将来完成时用于表示到将来某一时刻已经完成的动作。将来完成时由will have+过去分词构成。它常与by和nottill/until+表示时间的名词连用。 I will have finished it until/till tomorrow.,将来完成时 一般将来时除了可以用来预言将来发生的事以外,还可以表示“意愿”,如允诺、建议、请求、提议等。 The radio hasnt been mended yet. Never mind! Ill mend it for you. (允诺) Will you open th

14、e door for me please? (请求) Shall we go for a swim tomorrow? (建议) 将来进行时除了表示最近或不久的将来正在进行的动作外,还可以表示计划或安排好的事: A great many people will be visiting the country. 将来完成时用于表示到将来某一时刻已经完成的动作。将来完成时由will have+过去分词构成。它常与by和nottill/until+表示时间的名词连用。 I hope theyll have finished it in time for the journey. I expect y

15、ou will have changed your mind by tomorrow. I will have finished it until/till tomorrow. 现在完成式 : 到现在某一点时间为止 过去完成式 : 到过去某一点时间为止 将来完成式 : 到将来某一点时间为止, 某个动作已经发生,by the end of this year 到今年年底前 by the end of next year 到明年年底前 by是完成时的标志, 表示“到为止,在之前,并不晚于某时的任何时间” Ill have left by Monday. 到星期一我将已离开。(星期一之前的任何时间)

16、 I wont have left by Monday. 我星期一之前不会离开。 (星期一还在),4、Everybody will be watching anxiously as the new buildings go up. as是连词,相当于while,当“当,正值”讲,引出时间状语从句 build强调建造;go up (建筑物)被兴建起来,拔地而起 Many new houses are going up in this district. Price are going up these days.,将来进行时除了表示最近或不久的将来正在进行的动作外,还可以表示计划或安排好的事。语法构成,将来进行时是由“shall/will + be + 现在分词“构成的 A great many


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