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1、Lesson 1 Im Hungry!Lesson 2 Meat, Chicken And FishLesson 3 Would You Like Some Soup ?Lesson 4: Vegetables and FruitLesson5Breakfast Lunch and SupperLesson 6 Whats for Breakfast?Lesson 7 Whats for Lunch?Lesson 8 Again , please!Lesson 9 Lets Eat! Lets Drink!Lesson 10:In the RestaurantLesson11: Pizza a

2、nd HamburgersLesson 12 : HotDogs and DonutsLesson 13 How Much?Lesson14 How much are they?Lesson15 Lets make soup!Lesson16 Again, Please!Lesson17 Skirt and PantsLesson18 :New and OldLesson19: Coat and ScarfLesson 20 Shoes and SocksLesson 21 PyjamasLesson 22: Days of the WeekLesson 23 A New Coat for L

3、iMingLesson 24 : Again , please !Lesson25. BedroomLesson 26 HomeworkLesson27:TV and TelephoneLesson28: In the BedroomLesson 29 Brush and CombLesson 30: ToysLesson 31 GamesLesson 32 : Again, please!第二册集体备课(新)Lesson 1 Im Hungry!一、教学目标:知识目标:1、要求学生掌握下列单词eat、drink、table、food 2、能理解并能口头运用句子 Im (hungry/thir

4、sty)。 I want to (eat/drink);能力目标:能够在真实的环境中表达自己的需求。情感目标:初步了解中西方饮食差异,注意饮食卫生及营养。 二、教学重点和难点:本课的四个单词和句子。三、教具:录音机和磁带,教师用卡片和张贴画,奖励用的金星。四、学具:学生用小卡片。五、教学过程:1、(1)Greeting: Hello, boys and girls! How are you today ? (2)师生同唱“I Love You”,(可以边做动作边唱)2、引入课题:用张贴画出示本课主题图,引导学生:Who are they? 学生可以说出一些家庭成员的身份,(比如daughter

5、, father, mother, son).What are they doing?学生可以用汉语回答,从而引出本课要学的有关饮食的内容。(板书课题:Lesson 1)3、利用卡片出示桌子,放录音。学生模仿读音,找同学领读,分组读。教师出示有几种食物的卡片,ask“What is this”? 学生可以先用汉语回答,然后教师告知孩子们这些都可以用food来表示,教师放录音,学生跟读,师强调food的读音,指名多读几遍。教师一边做吃东西的动作一边问,“What am I doing”?学生猜一猜,引出eat,教师出示单词卡片,领读单词,指名读,全班读,边读单词边加上吃的动作。教师出示喝的图片,

6、学生观察,教师:ask“What is she doing”? 学生用汉语回答,师引出drink,教师领读几遍,播放录音,学生再跟读,并加上相应的动作。4、Game:(1)Quickly answer.(快速抢答) (2)Guessing words.(猜单词)5、Practice in groups(小组之内组长组织练习上面游戏)。6、Demonstrate: (Introduce: want)T: I want a pencil. I want a pencil .May I have a pencil? I want a book, say together, class!Ss: I w

7、ant a book.(Learn to say: want)7、(板书I want to)Use actions to demonstrate the new phrases。 T: Im hungry. I want to eat .(揉搓自己的肚子,装出吃东西的样 子)Eat ,eat.Im thirsty .I want to drink .(摸着自己的喉咙,装出喝水的样子)Drink, drink. (Learn to say : hungry and thirsty).8、练习举着有食物和饮料的卡片,引导学生完成下列句子。T: (举着有食物的卡片)Im hungry. I want

8、 to Ss: Eat.T: (举着有饮料的卡片)Im thirsty .I want toSs: Drink.9、引导学生:Look! Theres a boy and a girl . Listen, what are they saying?听一听他们在说些什么?播放录音,看图学习句子。小组之内练习句子。表现好的一组奖励金星。10、课后练习: (一)、连线: eat、 drink、 food(二)、选词填空:1、 Im hungry. I want to A、 eat B、 drink2、Im _. I want to drink.A、hungry B、thirsty六、板书Lesson

9、 1 Im Hungry!hungryeat thirstydrinktable food 七、课后反思: 八、课堂教学资源:Little chant: Table food,table food,Im hungry. I want to eat.Table food,table food,Im thirsty. I want to drink.Table food,table food,Lets eat, Lets drink.Lesson 2 Meat, Chicken And Fish教学目标:知识目标:a.正确的听、说、口头运用食物单词meat、chicken、 fish.b.正确的听

10、、 说、 口头运用数字单词 eleven、twelve、thirteen、fourteen、fifteen。c.能理解并能口头说句子 This food is good.能力目标:通过图片、词语和对话理解句子所表达的意思,让学生能口头运用句子表达自己的感情;能听懂简单的指令和要求做出适当的反应。情感目标:保持学生学习英语的兴趣和热情,鼓励学生将英语运用到生活中。教学重点、难点:本课的八个单词和句子。教学媒体:录音机和磁带、课件、教师用卡片、教学相关的图片或实物。教学过程:一.Class Opening and Review 1. Greeting.Teacher:“Hello, boys an

11、d girls! How are you today?”(Encourage the class to reply)Class:“”2. Sing a number song: “ONE, TWO,”Teacher and class sing together while doing actions.3. Review Lesson 1: Watch the video “two cats”, After the video, ask the class say out these words and sentences “food, eat, drink” “Im hungry. I wa

12、nt to eat. Im thirsty. I want to drink.”(视频播放,让学生在情景中回顾所学知识,有助于学生对知识的进一步理解。歌曲的引入,调动学生的学习积极性,活跃课堂气氛。)二New Concepts1. Meat,chicken,fish.T: After saying the video, I feel a little hungry. Now, Lets eat something ,ok?Guiding the student sees the picture:The student can speak the familiar words (for exam

13、ple:bananas, apples, pears, grapes),and then ,introduce the new words: meat, chicken and fish. Study chicken,fish one by one in order. Encourage nonstandard student in pronunciation.Practice several more time to read the phonetic symbol allow.(通过反复朗读加深对单词的记忆。)T: “What is Danny saying?” Danny:This fo

14、od is good! Explain goodis a word we can describe food phrase. If we like a certain food, We say the Good food!orThis is good food!.(通过幻灯片展示,从视觉上让学生理解记忆。)Game Time: (1)Use more words that you learned(2)Use the things around youPractice in groupPass the group game, practice the words.(游戏的练习,既调动学生的兴趣,将所学知识灵活运用于生活。)Play the tape,


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