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1、Roger Chillingworth,Overall, Roger Chillingworth is a sneaky, hypocritical, and cunning scumbag who has strong desire for revenge; a heinous fiend(魔鬼) of “Satan” type ;accomplice of the church officials; an executioner who Dimmesdale in death; his perverted avenge style is simply creepy, but it may

2、be the sake of people are born good, to read carefully, we find that the demon who also has some good qualities: be responsible for work as a doctor, has loyalty to love as a husband, and he was a true and just people.,But the former aspect of an intellectual and studious man, calm and quiet, which

3、was what she best remembered in him, had altogether vanished, and been succeeded by an eager, searching, almost fierce, yet carefully guarded look,A fiend of “Satan“ type,Slight deformity of the figure “He has small in stature, with a furrowed visage” “that one of this mans shoulders rose higher tha

4、n the other.” “Hester Prynne looked at the man of skill, and even then, with her fate hanging in the balance, was startled to perceive what a change had come over his features how much uglier they were how his dark complexion seemed to have grown duskier, and his figure more misshapen since the days

5、 when she had familiarly known him.”,总体看来,罗格齐灵渥斯是一位心理阴暗、虚伪、狡诈、复仇欲望强烈的卑鄙小人,十恶不赦“撒旦”式的恶魔,教会官吏的帮凶,是置丁梅斯代尔于死地的刽子手;他变态式的复仇方法简直让人毛骨悚然,但可能是人之初,性本善的缘故,细细读来,我们不难发现,这位恶魔身上也有一些优秀品质:恪尽职守的医生,忠于爱情的丈夫,并且曾经他是一个善良正直的人。,“撒旦”式的恶魔,轻微畸形的外表 他身材矮小,满脸皱纹 他略带畸形,左肩比右肩稍高 他的外貌发生了很大变化,越发畸形了。,Evil and hypocritical heart “She saw

6、that he stood on the verge of lunacy, if he had not already stepped across it. It was impossible to doubt, that, whatever painful efficacy there might be in the secret sting of remorse, a deadlier venom had been infused into it by the hand that proffered relief. A secret enemy had been continually b

7、y his side, under the semblance of a friend and helper, and had availed himself of the opportunities thus afforded,for tampering with the delicate springs of Mr. Dimmesdales nature.” How cruel it is! 她亲眼看到,他已经站到发疯的边缘如果说他还没有跨过那边缘处于疯狂状态的话。无庸置疑,不管自责的秘刺中有什么致痛的功效,那只提供救援之手又在那螫刺中注入了致他死命的毒液。一个秘密的敌人,假借朋友和救护者

8、之名,时刻不离他的方前左右,并借此机会撬动丁梅斯代尔先生秉性中纤弱的锁簧。,邪恶虚伪的内心 明明是敌人,却作为亲密的朋友待在对方身边,折磨对方的心灵,这比直接置对方于死地还残忍。,Be responsible for work as a doctor,Knowledgeable ,superb medical skills Academic research Chillingworth has long been engaged in made he was proficient in medical and medicine of Christianity,and familiar with

9、 the treatment methods that learned from the Indians:use the various types of herbs that growing in the forest to treat. Besides, He often gathers herbs, makes medicament. The novel also repeatedly mentioned the scenarios he gathered herbs tottered in the mud. It is not easy for an old and physicall

10、y disabled people.,忠于职守的医生,知识渊博,医术高超 齐灵渥斯长期以来从事的学术研究使他十分精通医学以及基督教的各种医术,而且还熟谙从印第安人那里学来的利用生长在森林里的各类药草治病的方法。他经常采集药草,调配药剂。小说中也多次提及他蹒跚地在泥地里采集药草的情景,这对于一个老眼昏花、身体残疾的人来说实为不易。,Have noble medical ethics Chapter 4:“His first care was given to the child; whose cries, indeed, as she lay writhing on the trundle-be

11、d, made it of peremptory necessity to postpone all other business to the task of soothing her. He examined the infant carefully, and then proceeded to unclasp a leathern case, which he took from beneath his dress. It appeared to contain medical preparations, one of which he mingled with a cup of wat

12、er.”,有医德 在小说的第四章,齐灵渥斯到监狱为白兰母女看病,三个月的珠儿“正在痛苦的痉挛中扭动着,那小小的身躯成了海斯特白兰一天中所忍受的精神上的极度痛苦的有力的具体表现”,在齐灵渥斯“亲自给她喂了药”之后,“药力很快便见了效,看来医生说话算数,患病的小家伙的呻唤平息了,痉挛般的扭动也逐渐停止了,过了一会儿,她就像病儿解除痛苦后惯见的那样,香甜地进入了梦乡。”面对他憎恨的人的孩子,他并没有选,择伤害,而是出手相救,继而,也给了背叛他的海斯特一剂药。而且,客观上来讲,齐灵渥斯也使用自己的医术维持着因没有勇气站出来替海斯特承担痛苦而身心憔悴病入膏肓的情敌丁梅斯代尔的生命。在齐灵渥斯一开始主动为

13、丁梅斯代尔治病时,他并不知道这位可敬的牧师就是与自己要找的敌人,所以,从某一方面来说,这也是他作为医生忠于职守的表现。,Has loyalty to love as a husband,When Chillingworth and Hester interviewed in the prison, Chillingworth made a wonderful profession of love: “My heart was a habitation large enough for many guests, but lonely and chill, and without a househ

14、old fire. I longed to kindle one! It seemed not so wild a dream- old as I was, and sombre as I was, and misshapen as I was- that the simple bliss, which is scattered far and wide, for all mankind to gather up, might yet be mine. And so, Hester, I,drew thee into my heart, into its innermost chamber,

15、and sought to warm thee by the warmth which thy presence made there!“ This section fully revealed Chillingworths desire for a better family life and love to his wife.,忠于爱情的丈夫,当齐灵渥斯与海丝特在监狱中相会时,齐灵渥斯做了一段精彩的表白,他说:“我孤独,我凄凉,没有一个烧着炉火的家。我渴望点燃炉火!这总不算是非分之想吧我是老了,我是脾气不好,我是有残疾但是,在普天之下随处都有的、人人都可以摘取并享用的那种朴实的幸福,也应该

16、有我的一份啊!就这样,海丝特,我把你拽进了我的心,拽进了我心房的最深处,想用你在那里产生的温暖来温暖我!”这段表白将齐灵渥斯对美好家庭生活的渴望和对妻子的爱怜表露得淋漓尽致。,He was a true and just people,“Dost thou remember me, Hester, as I was nine years agone? But all my life had been made up of earnest, studious. ThoughtfulDost thou remember me? Was I not, though you might deem me cold, nevertheless a man thoughtful for others, craving little for himself- kind, true, just, and of constant, if not warm affections? Was I not all this?” But th


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