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1、New English for Tourism Service,travel, journey, trip, tour, voyage, excursion,1)将travel与其他词区别开来。 误:I hope you had a good travel. 正:I hope you had a good journey / trip. travel是旅行的统称,是不可数名词。如果要谈某“一次旅行”,则用journey 或trip等。试比较: My hobbies are travel and stamp-collecting. 我的爱好是旅游和集邮。 How was your trip to

2、 the Unite States? 你的美国之行怎么样?,2)journey, voyage, trip, tour, excursion 它们均表示某一次旅行。但又有差别: journey 指(陆地上的)旅行。 I want to make a journey to the Southwest China. voyage 指(水上)旅行;航行(=a journey usu. long, made by boat or ship). When I give up work I am going to make / take a long sea voyage. trip指(短途)旅行(= a

3、 journey usu. short). We made / took a trip to Taiwan.,excursion指(结伴或团体)短途旅行(= a short journey made for pleasure usu. By several people together). 误:I made an excursion to Guilin. 正: We made an excursion to Guilin. tour指(访问几个地方后返回到出发地的)旅行(= a journey during which several places of interest are visit

4、ed). 误:They will go on a journey / trip around the world. 正:They will go on a tour around the world.,tour表示履行一周再转会到远出发地点,在强 调这种含义时,不可用journey, trip等词。 I made / went on a tour to Hongkong. I made / went on a tour of Hongkong. 其它词后都可用to, tour则不可。再如: The troupe (马戏团) is on (a) tour in Europe. We are st

5、arting on (a) tour of / round Europe.,The Duties and Roles of a Tour Guide . The Qualifications for Being a Good Tour Guide .The Working Procedures of s Tour Guide,. The Qualifications for Being a Good Tour Guide - Two PQ factors 1. the professional qualifications (职业要求) -ASK 1) attitude (态度) 2) ski

6、lls (技能) - management skill (管理技能), language skill(语言技能), listening skill (聆听技巧) and observing skill (观察力) 3) knowledge - political and governmental structure (政策 知识), physical aspects of the country (地理知 识), economic development (经济知识), social scene (社会知识), history (历史知识), religion (宗教知识), special

7、topics (热点话题) 2. personal qualities (个人素质),1) good personality healthy (健康), kindness and friendliness(善良友好), understanding (善解人意), punctuality (准时), responsibility (负责), determination(果断), lively and out-going(活泼开朗) 2) good manners attire(服饰), greeting(问候), talking(谈吐), on the topics of conversatio

8、n (话题),.The Working Procedures of a Tour Guide 1. Preparations 准备工作 2. Meeting on Arrival 迎宾工作 3. On Tour 接待工作 4. Departure and Post Tour送客工作,1. Preparations 准备工作 Read the Program 认真阅读接待计划 Research on the Tourists 充分了解客人 Make a Reservation in Hotel 预定饭店 Booking Coach 订车 Arrange Meals 订餐 Confirm the

9、plane, train, or Ship 确定飞机、火车、轮船到达时间 Contact the travel Agency That Is in Charge of the Tour 做好与下一站接待社联系事宜 Collect Pamphlets and Get Things Needed Ready 做好物质准备,2. Meeting on Arrival 迎宾工作 Arrive at the Meeting Sites on Time 准时到底接待地点 Greeting the Group 向团队问好 Liaise with the Group Leader 与领队联系 Give Sel

10、f-introduction 自我介绍 Lead Them to the Coach 照顾客人上车 Make a Welcome Speech 致欢迎词 Brief the Local Condition and Introduce the Hotel 简单介绍当地情况和饭店 Distribute Pamphlets 分发宣传册 Assist the Tourists to check in 帮助团队办理入店手续 Inform the Meeting Time and Arrange the Morning call, and Tell the Tourists the Place for B

11、reakfast and the time for Luggage Collection 告之客人集合时间,叫早时间,早餐时间和出行李时间 Check the Luggage and Assist the Tourists to Their Rooms,3. On Tour 接待工作 Arrive Ahead of time 提前到达集合地点 Greet the Tourists and Do the Counting 向客人问好并清点人数 Brief Routine 简单介绍游览日程安排 Distribute Pamphlets and Maps 分发景点介绍图册 Give Commenta

12、ries to Sightseeing Spots 介绍景点概括 Remind the Tourists to Take Their Valuables 抵达景点时,提醒客人带好贵重物品,4. Departure and Post Tour 送客工作 Re-check ETD (the Estimated Time of Departure) 核实飞机起飞时间 Help the Tourists to Check Out 帮助客人办好离店手续 Give a Farewell Speech 致欢送词 Stand by for the Airplane to Take Off 地陪应在客人所乘交通

13、工具启动后方可离站 Write a Work Report Afterwards 写好工作报告 Settling the Account with the Officer 报销与结算,Situation One Immigration and Customs,Learn how to go through “CIQ” (Customs, Immigration and Quarantine) inspections Learn how to fill in Customs Declaration Form Acquire vocabulary, sentence structures and

14、ways of expression used in presenting Customs and Culture Background.,Do you know the procedures of departing from an international airport? Try to put them in order. 1. Go through the security check 2. Go through the customs 3. Check in at the counter 4. Board the plane 5. Put luggage tags on the l

15、uggage,After landing at the airport, you have to go through the following procedures. Try to put them in order. 1. Entering a foreign country 2. Getting off the plane 3. Going through the customs 4. Collecting the luggage 5. Going through the immigration 2-4-3-5-1,Ordinary travelers should go throug

16、h “CIQ” (Customs, Immigration and Quarantine) inspections before entering a country.,Lead-in,1. customs: 1) duty on imports or exports 进口税,关税 2) the government department responsible for the collection of these duties 海关 pay customs on sth 为某物缴纳关税 How long does it take to go through customs? 过海关要用多长时间? adj. a customs officer, check 海关官员、检查



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