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1、中英关系史(一),理解近代中英关系史的前提,1、英国第一个完成工业革命,是当时实力最强的国家,当时其国际地位与影响只有今天的美国可以与之相比。 2、中英关系是19世纪中国对外关系中最重要的关系。 3、从中强英弱、到英强中弱、再到两次世界大战以后英国的衰弱与新中国的复兴,中英关系随着国际局势的变化与中英两国综合国力的变化,经历了一个错综复杂的演变过程。,鸦片战争以前英方之交往尝试,1576年,伦敦商人以海盗马丁傅洛比雪耳为首组成探险队,试图寻找通往中国的西北通道,但并未成功。 1583年,英国商人约翰纽伯莱等人试图经印度来华贸易,英女王伊丽莎白交给他两封信,一封致印度莫卧尔皇帝,另一封致中国皇帝




5、尺土俱归版籍,疆址森然,即岛屿沙洲,亦必画界分疆,各有专属”,英人若贸然来华贸易,各处文武“必不肯令其停留,定当立时驱逐出洋”。 1816年阿美士德使团访华。 东印度公司暗中鼓励鸦片贸易。,早期英国人想像中的中国,Milton: Paradise Lost Adams gazes out from the highest hill of paradise and sees: The seat Of Mightiest Empire, from the destined walls Of Cambalu, Seat of Cathaian To Paquin, of Sinean Kings.,

6、In an operatic performance of Shakespeares A Midnights Dream, the stage directions ran as follows:,While the state is darkened, a single Entry is danced. Then a symphony is playd; after the scene is suddenly illuminated, and discovers a transparent prospect of a Chinese garden, the Architecture, the

7、 Trees, the Plants, the Fruit, the Birds, the Beasts, quite different from what we have in this part of the World. It is terminated by an Arch, through which is seen other arches with close arbors, and a row of trees to the end of the view. Over it is a hanging garden, which rises by several ascents

8、 to the Top of the house; it is bounded on either side with pleasant Bowers, variousTrees, and numbers of strange Birds flying in the air, on the Top of the Platform is a Fountain, throwing up water, which falls into a large basin. In this setting, Chinese lovers sing duets to the stately harmonies

9、of Purcell, six monkeys emerge from the wood to execute a dance, and the state directions rise to a lyrical climax: Six pedestals of China rise from under the Stage, they support six large vases of Porcelain, in which are six China orange Treesthe pedestals move towards the front of the Stage, and t

10、he grand dance begins of twenty four persons. Hymen then appears to the scene to reconcile Oberon and Titania and then unite the Chinese lovers, a final quintet is sung and the opera brought to its close.,Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe (Part II,1719),As Crusoe and his little party leave the south coa

11、st of China, where they have been accidentally forced to land, his first impression of China appears to be favourable: “First, we went ten days journey t0 see the city of Nanking, a city well worth seeing indeed; they say it has a million of people in it, which, however, I do not believe. It is regu

12、larly built, the streets all exactly straight, and cross one another in direct lines, which gives the figure of it great advantage”.(Boston, 1903, P.256) But this impression is promptly banished by a fully developed diatribe: “But when I come to compare the miserable people of these countries with o

13、urs, their fabrics, their manner of living, their government, their religion, their wealth, their glory, as some call it, I must confess I do not so much as think it is worth naming, or worth my while to write of, or any that shall come after me to read What are their buildings to the palaces and ro

14、yal buildings of Europe? Whats their trade to the universal commerce of England, Holland, France, and Spain? What are their cities to ours for wealth, strength, gaiety of apparel, rich furniture, and an infinite variety? What are their ports, supplied with a few junks and barks, to our navigation, o

15、ur,merchant fleets, our large and powerful navies? “As I have said of their ships, so may be said of their armies and troops, all the forces of their empire, though they were to bring two millions of men into the field together, would be able to do nothing but ruin the country, and starve themselves

16、. If they were to besiege a strong town in Flanders, or to fight a disciplined army, one line of German cuirassiers, or of French cavalry, would throw all the horse of China; a million of their foot could not stand before one embattled body of our infantry, posted so as not to be surrounded, thought they were to be not one to twenty in number; nay, I do not boast if I say that 30,000 German or English foot, and 10,000 French horse, would fairly beat all the forces of Chi


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