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1、大学英语四级考试写作讲座,内容提要,四级写作应达到的水平 四级作文评分标准 作文条理性及相关句式 写作模板,写作一般要求 我能填写常见表格如注册表、申请表、问卷调查表等。我能写给或回复他人祝贺卡、生日卡、邀请信、便条、短信、通知等。我能写出简单的指示语、个人广告、社团海报、个人简历等。我能简要地描述个人经历、发生的事件、读过的故事、观看的影片、喜怒哀乐等情感,写出或回答个人或公司的信函、电子邮件、传真等。我能就一定话题或提纲在30分钟内写出不少于120词的短文,内容基本完整、中心思想明确、用词恰当、语意连贯。我能在一般写作或应用文写作中恰当使用相应的写作技能。,评分标准,2:不切题。条理不清,

2、思路紊乱,语言支离破碎。 5:基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。 8:基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。 11:切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。 14:切题。表达思想清楚、文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本无语言错误,仅有个别小错。 注:白卷,作文与题目毫不相关,或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想,则给0分。 字数不足以应酌情扣分: (1)如题目中给出主题句、起始句、结束句,均不得计入所写字数。 (2)只写一段者:0 4;只写两段者:0 9。(指规定三段的作文),条理性,作文是主观性题,要想得高

3、分我们必须把评卷老师考虑进去。评卷老师的时间很短(每份卷子的作文只有一两分钟就要阅完),用first of all, second, to begin with, after that, next, more important, at last等短语,可以使阅卷老师一眼就看出你作文的条理性。,增加条理性的常用句式,表层次,递进: Furthermore, Whats more, Also Next, Besides, Moreover, In addition , Last but not least, ,增加条理性的常用句式,表因果; Therefore, Consequently, be

4、cause of / thanks to Thus, is due to/owing to On this account, Since/as As a result, As a consequence,增加条理性的常用句式,表总结: In summary, In a word, In conclusion, In short, To sum up, Generally speaking,增加条理性的常用句式,表转折,对比,比较; Compared with A,B There is a striking contrast between them On the contrary, Where

5、as, By contrast, Despite the fact that Nevertheless, even though On the contrary, However, On the one hand, On the other hand, Otherwise ,增加条理性的常用句式,表示事实、现状 We cannot ignore the fact that No one can deny the fact that There is no doubt that. This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in Ho

6、wever,thats not the case,增加条理性的常用句式,表举例: To take as an example, One example is Another example is For example, ,增加条理性的常用句式,其他: As far as I know 据我所知 As far as.is concerned 就而论 As the saying goes 俗话说 It has been proved that. 已经证明 It is estimated that. 据估计 It is believed that. 人们相信 It is considered th

7、at. 大家认为 It is hoped that. 人们希望 Therefore we should realize that. 因此我们应当明白,Above all 最重要的是 After all 毕竟 Finally, we hope that. 最后,我们希望 It may be confirmed that. 可以肯定 Therefore, we have the reason to believe that因此,我们有理由相信,常用闪光高分词,认为,主张 argue/ claim/ believe/ maintain/ hold that 考虑 takeinto considera

8、tion; consider; ponder; think over; reflect on/ upon 下结论,断定 come to the conclusion; arrive at the conclusion; draw the conclusion; conclude; judge 获得,赢得,取得 acquire, obtain, attain, reap, gain, procure,支持,赞成 approve of, in favor of, uphold, stand by ones side, agree with 提倡 advocate, recommend 反对,抵制

9、oppose, object to, be against, resist 重大的,有决定性的 profound, significant, eventful, vital, crucial, critical, decisive 运用,使用 optimize, make full/best use of, employ, utilize, apply,当前,目前 nowadays, at present, currently, presently 表达,说 voice, convey, express, deliver, communicate 适应 be adapted to, be ac

10、customed to, be adjusted to 阻碍,阻止 hinder, curb, hamper, restrain, prevent, ward off, avoid,好处,优点 advantage, merit, benefit 坏处,缺点 disadvantage, defect, flaw, drawback, deficiency 参加 participate in, take part in, attend, go in for, engage in 集中精力于,专心于 focus (ones attention) on, center on, concentrate

11、on, set ones mind on 依赖,依靠 depend/rely on, lean on 取决于 it depends on,努力做,尽力做 attempt to, make efforts to, endeavor to, manage to 进步,成就,成绩 advancement, achievement, accomplishment, feat, fulfillment 除外 apart from, in addition to, along with 开展,实施,做 practice, carry out, enforce, conduct, perform,强调,重视

12、,突出 lay/place emphasis on, attach emphasis to, stress on, highlight 优秀的 outstanding, brilliant, remarkable, distinguished, excellent 实现,完成 achieve, accomplish, fulfill, complete 把看作,当作 regardas, consideras, look onas, treat/view as,珍惜,重视 cherish, treasure, attach importance to 完全的,彻底的 sheer, utter,

13、thorough 解释 account for, illustrate, clarify 起作用 play a role/part in, perform, function, serve 证实,证明 testify, confirm, verify, turn out 事实上 in practice/reality/effect, as a matter of fact, virtually, actually,显示,表明 point out, indicate, demonstrate, reflect, manifest 缩短,减少 shorten, cut down 减少,削弱 red

14、uce, decrease, diminish, lessen 方法, 手段 method, approach, means, measure, mode 提高 improve, increase, enhance, raise, elevate,建立 build, set up, put up, found, establish, construct 遭受 suffer from, be subjected to, encounter 在我看来,就我而言 in my view/mind/belief, as far as I can see, as far as I am concerned

15、 想到,想出 come up with, cross ones mind, occur to sb.,需要 call for, require, demand 遵守 abide by, observe, conform 易于,倾向于 tend / incline to, be inclined to, be prone to, be likely to, be liable to 熟悉,知道 be acquainted with, be familiar with, be informed of,解决,处理 solve, resolve, settle, deal with, cope wit

16、h, manage, work on 必要的,不可缺少的 indispensable, essential 影响 affect, impact, have effect on 意识到 be aware of, be conscious of,写作模板,对立观点型/辩论型 说明原因型 解决问题型,对立观点型/辩论型,A 一个校园或社会现象/问题 B有人认为X 是好事,赞成X, 为什么?有人认为X 是坏事, 反对X,为什么? C我的看法。,对立观点型/辩论型,Nowadays, more and more people become concerned about the social/economic/environmental problem/phenomenon that 出现的现象或问题. (X has increasingly become a common



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