构词法(用root stem base部分)

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《构词法(用root stem base部分)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《构词法(用root stem base部分)(86页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chapter 3(构词法),3.1 General Remark 概述 3.2 Compounding 复合构词法 3.3 Derivation 派生构词法 3.3.1 Prefixation 加前缀 3.3.2 Suffixation 加后缀 3.4 Conversion 词类转换法,The differences between “root”, “stem” and “base”?,Root/ 词根: is not further analyzable, either in terms of derivational or inflectional morphology Stem/ 词干

2、: the part of the word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed. Base/ 词基: any form to which affixes of any kind can be added.,undesirables = un + desire + able + s Base: desirable desire (base) undesirable desirable (base) undesirables undesirable (base) Base/词基: any form

3、to which affixes of any kind can be added.,2) denationalized denationalized = de + nation + al + ize + d Root: nation Stem: denationalize Base: national nation nationalize national denationalize nationalize denationalized denationalize,desirable: desire (root or base, not stem) undesirable: desirabl

4、e (base, not root, not stem) undesirables: undesirable (stem or base, not root) desired: desire (root, stem or base),3.2 Compounding 复合构词法,Questions: 1. What is compounding? 2. What are the relative criteria of a compound? 3. The classification of compounding?,What is compounding?,Compounding / comp

5、osition: a word-formation process consisting of joining two or more bases to form a new unit. e.g. flowerpot= flower + pot machine-independent = machine + independent back,The relative criteria of a compound,1. Orthographic criterion: Compounds are written in three ways, that is, solid, hyphenated a

6、nd open. E.g. flowerpot Solid: flowerpot Hyphenated: flower-pot Open: flower pot,2. Phonological criterion: Compound accent: a main stress on the first element and secondary stress on the second element. Normal phrase accent: a secondary stress on the first element and the main stress on the second

7、element. E.g. black list blackboard blue bottle,3. Semantic criterion: Semantically, compounds can be said to have a meaning which may be related to but cannot always be inferred from the meaning of its component parts. E.g.,E.g. flowerpot workday backyard Note: we can infer the meaning from the mea

8、ning of its component parts,red tape (官样文章,烦琐拖沓的公事程序) dog days (the hottest day of the year) flatfoot (a policeman) blue blood (the quality of being a nobleman by birth) blue ribbon (an honor given to the winner of the first prize) Note: we cannot infer the meaning from the meaning of its component

9、parts back,The classification of compounding?,Compounds are classified according to parts of speech of the compounds and subdivided by the syntactic relation of the compounding element. a. Parts of speech 1. n. compounds 2. adj. compounds 3. v. compounds,b. Syntactic relation subject and verb 主谓关系 v

10、erb and adverbial 动宾关系 verb and adverbial 谓状关系 restrictive relation 限制关系 coordinating relationship 并列关系 ,thunder-struck (houses) houses are struck by thunder / thunder struck the houses well-behaved (person) The person behave himself well. peace loving people people love peace an ocean-going (ship)

11、A ship go across ocean.,Apart from caring for her children, she has to take on such heavy _ house work as carrying water and firewood. A. time-consumed B. timely-consumed C. time-consuming D. timely-consuming 答案:C,风蚀岩石 weather-beaten rocks 日晒的健康肤色 suntanned (skin) 吹毛求疵的人 a fault-finding person 破纪录的速

12、度 a record-breaking speed 免税的 tax-free 无忧无虑的 care-free 防火的 fire-proof 隔音的 sound-proof 滴水不漏的 water-tight 密封的,不漏气的 air-tight,没膝深的 knee-deep 齐肩高的 shoulder-high 终身的 lifelong 晶莹剔透的 Crycle-clear 苦乐参半的 bittersweet 谈论的话题 talked-about topic 杜撰的故事 made-up story 24小时看守 round-the-clock watch 作现场勘查 make an on th

13、e sop inspection,3.3 Derivation 派生构词法,Questions: 1. What is derivation? 2. What is combining form? And what difference between a combining form and an affix? 3. The classification of derivation. back,Derivation / affixation: a process of forming new words by the addition of a word element, such as a

14、 prefix, suffix or combining form, to an already existing word. e.g. recover = re + cover worker = work + er back,A combining form构词成分: a bound morpheme, which was originally a full word in Latin or Greek, but which now occurs only in derivatives. e.g. autobiography hydromechanics television autobio

15、graphy auto- = autos (Gk) = self self + life + write autoalarm autocracy (auto + alarm) (auto + cracy) (self + to + weapon) (self + ruling ) hydromechanics hydro- = hydr (Gk) = water hydro-airplane hydrography dehydrate hydrogen television tele- = tele (Gk) = far off telecontrol telephone,Combining

16、forms are distinguished from affixes by their ability to occur as one constituent of a word whose only other constituent is an affix. e.g. autocracy hydrography telephone autocracy = auto 构词成分 + cracy (suffix) hydrography = hydro 构词成分 + graphy (suffix) telephone = tele 构词成分 + phone (suffix) From the point of view of derivation, no distinction should be made between combining forms and affixes in this book, in which all


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