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1、EasyFinance Weekend Sharing A group of graduates, well established in their careers, were discussing their lives at a class reunion. They decided to go visit their old university professor, now retired, who was always an inspiration to them. ?一群事业有成的大 学毕业生在一次班 级聚会的时候议论 他们的生活。他们 决定去探访他们现 已退休的教授,他 总能赋

2、予他们灵感。 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing During their visit, the conversation turned to complaints about stress in their work, lives and relationships. ?在访谈中,话题转 移到抱怨他们在工 作、生活和人际关 系方面的压力上。 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing Offering his guests hot chocolate, the professor went into the kitchen and returned with

3、a large pot of hot chocolate and an assortment of cups. Some cups were porcelain, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite. He invited each to help themselves to the hot chocolate. ?教授招待他们热巧 克力,他从厨房拿 来一壶热巧克力和 各式各样的杯子。 有瓷器的、玻璃的、 水晶的。有的看起 来普普通通,有的 看起来昂贵高级。 教授让他们自取巧 克力。 EasyFi

4、nance Weekend Sharing When they all had a cup of hot chocolate in hand, the professor shared his thoughts. ?当他们每人手上都 有一杯热巧克力的 时候,教授就开始 发表他的高论。 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing “Notice that all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones.” ?请注意: ?所有看起来好看的或 贵重的杯子都被你

5、们 拿上了,剩下的都是 些普通的便宜的杯子。 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing “While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.” ?为你们自己挑一个 最好的杯子是很正 常的做法,但是这 也正是你们的问题 和压力的所在。 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing The cup that you are drinking from adds nothing to the qualit

6、y of the hot chocolate. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink.” ?你用的杯子并不提 高你喝的巧克力的 质量。在大多数情 况里它只是比较贵 而已,而在有些时 候它还隐蔽了我们 在喝的东西。 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing What each of you really wanted was hot chocolate. You did not want the cup . . . but you consciously

7、went for the best cups.” ?你们每个人其实想 要的是热巧克力, 并不是想要杯子。 但是你们却有意识 地想要一个最好的 杯子。 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing “And soon, you began to eye one anothers cups.” “Now friends, please consider this . . . ?并且很快你就开始 留意别人手里的杯 子。 ?现在,朋友! ?让我们来思考 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing “Life is the hot chocolate . . . your job,

8、 money and position in society are the cups.” ?生活就是那巧克 力,而你们的工 作,金钱和社会地 位就是那些杯子 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing “They are just tools to hold and contain life.” ?它们只是支持和承 载生活的工具。 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing “The cup you have does not define, nor does it change, the quality of life you are living.” ?你所持的杯

9、子即不 能说明,也不能改 变你活着的生活质 量。 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing “Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the hot chocolate God has provided us.” ?有些时候因为我们 太关注于杯子,而 不能享受上帝供给 我们的热巧克力。 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing Always remember this . . . . . . . . . . God brews the hot chocolate, He does n

10、ot choose the cup. ?要牢牢记住 ?上帝酿制热巧克力, 他并不选择杯子。 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing The happiest people dont have the best of everything The happiest people dont have the best of everything ?最快乐的人并非拥 有他们每样事情的 最好之处。 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing They just make the best of everything that they have! ?他们只是对他们的事 情做

11、到尽力而为。 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing Live simply . . . Love generously . . . Care deeply . . . Speak kindly . . . ?简单地生活 ?宽容地爱 ?深切地关心 ?和蔼地说话 EasyFinance Weekend Sharing Leave the rest to God. and remember The richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least. Enjoy your hot chocolate! ?把剩下的事情都交给上帝。 ?要记住: ?最富有的人不是拥有最多的人,而是需要最少的人。 ?尽情享受你的热巧克力! EasyFinance Weekend Sharing Enjoy Your Life EasyFinance Weekend Sharing Enjoy Your Chocolate 享受巧克力 享受人生


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