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1、试卷代码: 南京城市职业学院2015-2016学年度第二学期酒店管理专业 酒店英语 期末考试试题班级: 学号: 姓名: 2016年6月题 号一二三四五六七总分合分人分 数得分评卷人一、单选题(每题1分,共20分) 1、Good morning. _ I help you? A、WouldB、MustC、May D、Am2、I would like to _ a room, please.Aorder B、book C、see D、look3. Its very kind _ you to help me. Aof B、to C、by D、for4. Whats the _ for a doub

2、le room? A. right B. rate C、money D、for5. I would like to book a double room _ bath.A. with B. of C、by D、for6.Excuse me, sir. You need to _ the form.A. fill in B. fill on C、fill of D、fill for7.We are looking forward to _ you. A. see B. saw C、seeing D、sees8.Im afraid we are fully booked _ the 5th. A.

3、 with B. of C、by D、for9.Do you want to pay _ cash or _ credit card. A. in in B. by by C、by in D、in by10.The porter will show you _ your room. A. with B. to C、by D、for11.My flight will leave _ 6 pm today. A. with B. on C、at D、for 12.The hotel is full and there is someone _ your room. A. take B. To ta

4、ke C、takes D、taking13.Let me _ you with your luggage. A. help B. helping C、helps D、to help14.May I _ the curtain? A. draw B. Turn on C、turn off D、make up15._ the way, how long will it take to clean the room? A. With B. On C、By D、For16.Can you _ the air conditioning? A. draw B. Turn on C、turn off D、m

5、ake up17.Do you want these shirts to be _? A. starch B. starches C、starched D、starching18.Let me help you _ your luggage? A. by B. with C、on D、of19.I hope you will _ a morning call at 7:00. A. arrange B. arranges C、arranged D、making20.Ill ask a porter to _ your luggage. A. take care B. take care of

6、C、take care off D、look得分评卷人二、根据对话填写入住单(每题1分,共10分) G: Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of Mr. Tomlinson.R: Ok .Ive found it. Checking out on the 27th? G: Thats right. R: Can I take a credit card for the deposit?G: Yes, sure. Also, Id like a non-smoking room please.R: Certainly madam.

7、 Heres your key. Your room is on the 7th floor and on the left. Room 781. Check-out time is at 12:00 noon. By the way, you are from America, Im right?G: You are right. And Ill stay in your hotel for 4 nights.Hotel Registration FormGuests name 客人名字Guests sex (M / F)客人性别Check-out Time退房时间Room No.房号 Pr

8、eference for Rooms特别要求Floor楼层Check-in Time入住时间Means of settlement结账方式 Country(来自国家)Days of staying天数得分评卷人三、根据情境完成对话.(每题2分,共40分) Part one A:Good morning . What can I do for you, sir ?B:Yes, ( 我想预定一间房间。)A:OK ,sir . (什么时候?)B:From May 1st .A: (几个晚上?)B:For three nights .A: (您一行共有多少人呢?)B:Just my wife and

9、myself .A: (哪种房间你比较喜欢呢,要一张大床房的房间还是两张单人床的房间?)B:Twin-room ,please .A:Could you hold the line ,please ? (我要查查这几天有没有房间。) (先生,让您久等了。)We have a twin-room with windows at RMB288 and without windows at RMB258, Which would you prefer?B:Well take the one with windows .A:Certainly ,sir .May I have your name an

10、d initials ,please ?B:Yes ,its Caruthers T.E.Part TwoA: Good evening. (有什么可以帮助您的,先生?)B: (三个星期前,我预定了一间带窗的两张单人床的房间) Im Caruthers T.E.A: Just a moment, please, Mr. Caruthers. (我查看一下今天的预订单). Sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. Yes, you have reserved a twin-room with windows from today to the 3rd.B: Yes

11、, exactly.A: (请出示您的护照) Thank you, sir. _(请您填一下这张登记表。)B: Ok. Here you are. Is it all right?A: Yes, thanks. (您打算怎么付款,现金还是信用卡?)B: (我能用旅行支票付费吗?)A: Certainly. Heres the key to Room 808. Please keep it. _(晚安,并预祝您入住愉快。)B: Thank you.Part Three A:_(您想喝点什么呢,先生?)B: Id like some tea._(你们这里都有些什么茶?)A: We have black tea and green tea._ (请问你想喝什么茶?)B: I dont know. _(你能给我推荐下么?)A: I suggest you to have some green tea. Green



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