六年级英语下册then and now第一课时

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《六年级英语下册then and now第一课时》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语下册then and now第一课时(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、A Lets talk,Unit4 Then and now,人教PEP六年级下册,0,Lets sing.,0,Are there any different things around you?,before holiday,after holiday,Free talk.,then,now,0,Look and say.,Where is Wu Yifans grandpa?,then,now,0,Lets try,先读题,再听录音,0,schools in different places and times,1900,1987,2015,India,USA,0,Things are

2、different now.,0,There was/were . There was/were no.,What was Grandpas school like?,Watch the flash, then answer.,0,plan,One day, Im going to visit the moon.,One day, Im going to ,Now?,Future?(将来),Past?,0,She looked it up in the dictionary.,I looked it up on the Internet.,0,There were no computers o

3、r Internet in my time.,There are computers and Internet now.,0,三人一组练习对话,随后表演出来吧!,Role play,0,两人一组试着用简笔画分别画出学校5年前及现在的样子;画完后,同桌之间相互描述,看谁描述的最准确。,画画说说,There was/were five years ago. There was/were no five year ago.,There is/are now.,0,招聘校史解说员,竞聘要求: 讲述学校的过去与现在。,0,Summary,Now there is/are ,There was/were (no) in years ago.,0,Homework,1.按照正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。 2. 收集有关唐朝百姓生活状态的信息资料、图片,如:居住的条件、交通工具与出行方式、文娱体育活动、学校等类别。以The Tang Dynasty I know为题组织好材料,下次上课时和同学分享。 3.预习A Lets learn中的单词。,close,0,


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