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1、 2013 年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisi

2、ons. At first glance this might seem like a strength that 1 the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by 2 factors. But Dr. Uri Simonsohn speculated that an inability to consider the big 3 was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with. 4 ,

3、 he theorised that a judge 5 of appearing too soft 6 crime might be more likely to send someone to prison 7 he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day. To 8 this idea, he turned to the university-admissions process. In theory, the 9 of an appli

4、cant should not depend on the few others 10 randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr. Simonsohn suspected the truth was 11 . He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews 12 by 31 admissions officers. The interviewers had 13 applicants on a scale of one to five. This scale 14 numerous fac

5、tors into consideration. The scores were 15 used in conjunction with an applicants score on the Graduate Management Admission Test, or GMAT, a standardized exam which is 16 out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or her. Dr. Simonsohn found if the score of the previous candida

6、te in a daily series of interviewees was 0.75 points or more higher than that of the one 17 that, then the score for the next applicant would 18 by an average of 0.075 points. This might sound small, but to 19 the effects of such a decrease a candidate could need 30 more GMAT points than would other

7、wise have been 20 . 1. Agrants Bsubmits Ctransmits Ddelivers 2. Aminor Bobjective Ccrucial D external 3. Aissue Bvision Cpicture Dexternal 4. A For example B On average CIn principle DAbove all 5. Afond Bfearful Ccapable D thoughtless 6. A in B on Cto D for 7. A if B until C though D unless 8. A pro

8、mote B emphasize Cshare Dtest 9. A decision B quality C status D success 10. A chosen B studied C found D identified 11. A exceptional B defensible C replaceable D otherwise 12. A inspired B expressed C conducted D secured 13. A assigned B rated C matched D arranged 14. A put B got C gave D took 15.

9、 A instead B then C ever D rather 16. A selected B passed C marked D introduced 17. A before B after C above D below 18. A jump B float C drop D fluctuate 研途考研VIP 19. A achieve B undo C maintain D disregard 20. A promising B possible C necessary D helpful Section II Reading Comprehension Part A Dire

10、ctions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points) Text 1 In the 2006 film version of The Devil Wears Prada, Miranda Priestly, played by Meryl Streep, scolds her unattractive assistant for imagining t

11、hat high fashion doesnt affect her, Priestly explains how the deep blue color of the assistants sweater descended over the years from fashion shows to departments stores and to the bargain bin in which the poor girl doubtless found her garment. This top-down conception of the fashion business couldn

12、t be more out of date or at odds with the feverish would be described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Clines three-year indictment of “fast fashion”. In the last decade or so, advances in technology have allowed mass-market labels such as Zara, H her example cant be knocked off. Though several fast-fashio

13、n companies have made efforts to curb their impact on labor and the environment including H people will only start shopping more sustainably when they cant afford not to. 21. Priestly criticizes her assistant for her A poor bargaining skill. B insensitivity to fashion. C obsession with high fashion.

14、 D lack of imagination. 研途考研VIP 22. According to Cline, mass-market labels urge consumers to A combat unnecessary waste. B shut out the feverish fashion world. C resist the influence of advertisements. D shop for their garments more frequently. 23. The word “indictment” (Line 3, Para.2) is closest i

15、n meaning to A accusation. B enthusiasm. C indifference. D tolerance. 24. Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph? A Vanity has more often been found in idealists. B The fast-fashion industry ignores sustainability. C People are more interested in unaffordable garments. D Pricing is vital to environment-friendly purchasing. 25. What is the subject of the text? A Satire on an extravagant lifestyle. B Challenge to a high-fashion myth. C Criticism of the fast-fashion industry. D Exposure of a mass-market secret. Text 2 An old saying has it that half of all advertis


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