unit4 we love animals

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1、,The animal sounds song,PEP 3A Unit 4 We love animals.,Wang E Yuan Dong NO.1 Primary school,What animal can you see? I can see,What animal can you hear? I can hear,What does the _ say? The _ says _.,The Horse says Neigh : Neigh Neigh Neigh The pig says Oink: Oink Oink Oink,The little mouse says Sque

2、ak: Squeak Squeak Squeak And the bird says Tweet: TweetTweet Tweet,The snake says Hiss: Hiss Hiss Hiss The dog says Woof: WoofWoof Woof,The cow says Moo: MooMoo Moo The rooster says cock-a-doodle-do: cock-a-doodle-do:,The frog says Ribbit: RibbitRibbit Ribbit The cat says Meow: MeowMeow Meow,The owl

3、 says whoop: whoop whoop whoop The woof says Howl : HowlHowl Howl,The bee says Buzz: BuzzBuzz Buzz The sheep says Baa: BaaBaa Baa,The duck says Quack: QuackQucak Qucak The lion says Roar: RoarRoar Roar,What does the _ say? The _ says _.,Guess:Who am I?,What are these counties?,China,Russia 俄罗斯,Thail

4、and 泰国,England 英国,Where do they live?,China,Russia 俄罗斯,Thailand 泰国,England 英国,在英国有一个国王叫亨利, 他很勇敢威猛,人们把他比拟 为很有正义感的狮子,称他为 “正义之狮”。他很喜欢这个称号, 他就把狮子作为英格兰的皇室标志。,熊猫憨态可掬,是中国的国宝。 由于物种稀少,熊猫成为物种保育 最重要的象征之一,也成为中国在 外交活动中表示友好的重要代表。,俄罗斯人非常喜爱熊。他们认为 熊与人有很多一样的地方,比如: 熊可以直立行走,它会高兴和生气, 它会伴着音乐跳舞。俄罗斯有很多 关于熊的童话故事。,大象在泰国人心中就是胜利,昌盛,吉祥 的象征。很久以前一次泰缅之战中,泰国派 出数百头大象载人上阵冲杀,打败缅军。后来, 泰国人热爱大象,崇敬大象,视为国宝,把它 看作最忠实的朋友。,The animal sounds song,


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