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1、M9-M10知识点一般将来时的被动语态,that引导的定语从句教学目标掌握各个模块的短语和句型教学重点一般将来时的被动语态的用法复习教学难点That引导的定语从句的用法复习教学过程一、 课堂导入通过下列习题引入本课的复习:A friend is someone_ says, What! You too? I thought I was the only one!”A. who B. Which C. What D. whose【答案】A【解析】考查定语从句的用法。先行词是someone,表人,排除B,what不能引导定语从句,排除C;先行词和空格后的单词无所有关系,排除D。故选A。二、复习预习

2、教师引导学生复习上节课所学的知识点的用法, (以提问、回顾的形式进行),针对上节课的作业进行讲评、订正、答疑,并通过对上节课知识点的具体用法的分析和扩展导入本节课所要学习的内容。三、知识讲解知识点1:词汇拓展:1borrow (v.)lend(反义词)借出2mainly (adv.)main(adj.)主要的3power (n.)powerful(adj.)有影响力的4full (adj.)hungry(反义词)饿的5fix (v.)repair/mend(同义词)修补6lend (v.)lent(过去式)7proper (adj.)properly(adv.)合适地8develop (v.)

3、development(n.)发展9spread (v.)spread(过去分词)10introduce (v.)introduction(n.)引进;采用11connect (v.)connection(n.)电话连接12magic (n.)magical(adj.)迷人的13high (adj.)height(n.)高度14sail (v.)sailing(n.)航海;航行15sheep (n.)sheep(复数形式)16fly (n.)flies(复数形式)17diary (n.)diaries(复数形式)18wool (n.)wool(l)en(adj.)羊毛制的短语集锦:1put u

4、p 挂;张贴2thousands of 好几千;成千上万3look through 快速阅读;浏览4at a time 每次;一次5by hand 用手;手工6in a way 从某一角度;在某种程度上7wait and see 等等看;等等瞧8a large amount of不可数名词 大量的9here we go 我们这就看看10according to 根据;按照11keep sb./sth. away (使)避开;(使)不靠近12cut off 剪掉;切掉;割掉13keep a diary 写日记14brush.off. 把从上刷掉15at the time 那时;在那时16be s

5、urprised at 对感到惊奇17in the southern part of the world 在世界的南部18have a close relationship with. 与有密切的关系19in the sun 在阳光下20fall far behind 远远地落后于21be made of/from 由制成句型展示:1The photos can be seen on the Internet by other classes.其他的班级能够在网上看见那些照片。2If you have to lend it to anyone,tell them to use it prope

6、rly.如果你不得不把它借给别人,告诉他们正确地使用它。3What do you think is the most important invention in human history?你认为什么是人类历史上最重要的发明创造?4Books were only produced one at a time by hand.As a result,there were not many books.手工生产书籍每一次只有一本。结果书籍不多。5These machines are smaller and lighter than books so that they are easy to c

7、arry.这些机器比书籍小而轻,以至于它们容易携带。6Whats its height?它的高度是多少?7My teacher asked us to choose a country we want to visit老师叫我们选择一个我们想参观的国家。8Its over 2,600 kilometres long它有2600多千米长。9The scissors that/which theyre holding are used to cut the wool off the sheep.他们手里拿着的剪刀被用来从绵羊身上剪羊毛。10Australia has more beaches th

8、an any other country.澳大利亚拥有最多的海滩。知识点2:重点词汇:1develop【典例在线】This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop very quickly.这就使得工农业必须飞速发展。A child develops rapidly between the ages of 13 and 16.孩子在十三至十六岁之间成长得快。【拓展精析】develop是动词“(使)发展;(使)成长;(使)发达”,其名词为development(发育;成长;发展;进展)。developing是形容

9、词,意为“发展中的”,developed是形容词“发达的”。develop还可用作动词,意为“研制;制定”,如develop a plan(制订计划)。2replace【典例在线】Will books be replaced by the Internet?书籍会被网络代替吗?Today Mr. Wang is ill.Wholl replace him to attend the meeting?今天王先生生病了,谁将代替他出席会议呢?【拓展精析】replace是动词“替换,取代”,相当于take ones place或take the place of.3height【典例在线】Whats

10、 its height?它的高度是多少?My brother is of medium height.我的兄弟中等身高。【拓展精析】height是名词,意为“高度;身高”,是形容词high的名词形式。对身高提问用“What is ones height?”4visit【典例在线】Id like to take some photos on the school visit to the museum next week.我想在下周学校组织参观博物馆的时候拍一些照片。They often visit the old in the old peoples home.他们经常去看望养老院里的那些老人

11、。Have you ever visited the Great Wall before?以前你曾经参观过长城吗?【拓展精析】visit作动词,意为“参观;访问;看望”,其宾语可以是人也可以是地点。作名词,意为“参观;拜访”。“到某地参观”,要加介词to,即a visit to sw.。常用短语有on a visit to.(在某地参观);make a visit to.(参观某地)等。重点句型:1What do you think is the most important invention in human history?你认为在人类历史上最重要的发明是什么?【典例在线】Why do

12、you think he was late for the meeting?你认为他为什么开会迟到?How do you think they will get in touch with each other?你认为他们会怎样彼此取得联系?【拓展精析】do you think常用作插入语,位于特殊疑问词之后,这时,特殊疑问句要变成陈述语序。2Theyll be put up on the school website.他们将会被张贴在学校网站上。【典例在线】The sports meeting will be held next week.运动会将于下周举行。The meeting will

13、 be put off.会议将会被推迟。【拓展精析】一般将来时的被动语态,其结构为“will/be going tobe动词的过去分词”。3I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.我有一些去年在澳大利亚拍的照片。【典例在线】The house that/which I live in is very beautiful.我住的房子很漂亮。The singer who/that is singing is from Taiwan.正在唱歌的那位歌手来自台湾。The woman who/whom/that Im waiting f

14、or is my aunt.我正在等的那位女士是我阿姨。【拓展精析】修饰名词或代词的句子在复合句中充当定语,因此称为定语从句。定语从句所修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。引导定语从句的关系代词:who,whom,that,which。当定语从句所修饰的名词是人时,用who,whom,that;所修饰的名词是物或事时,用which,that。关系代词that,which在句中作宾语时,可以省略。知识点3:易混易错:1borrow,lend,keep【典例在线】I borrowed a book from Jack yesterday./I borrowed Jacks book yesterday.昨

15、天我从杰克那里借了本书。Jack lent me a book yesterday./Jack lent a book to me yesterday.昨天杰克借给我一本书。How long can I keep the book?这本书我可以借用多长时间?【拓展精析】borrow指“借入”或“借他人的东西供自己使用”。固定短语borrow sth. from sb.或borrow sb.s sth.意为“向某人借某物”。lend指“(把自己的东西)借出”。固定短语lend sb. sth.或lend sth. to sb.意为“借给某人某物”。keep意为“保存;保留”,可引申为“借用”,此时常与一段时间或how long等连用。2amount,number【典例在线】A much larger amount of in



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