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1、Module4 Unit 2 What can you see ?外研社新标准英语一起第五册教学设计 模块Module 4 Unit 2教材分析本单元是新标准英语一年级起点第5册第模块的第二单元。课文情景是围绕Amy和Sam在描述画中的内容而展开。Ms Smart带领Amy和Sam认识两幅图中的小鸟和考拉熊并谈论它们的能力,Amy 和 Sam 能自如运用英语表达自己看到了一只鸟能飞,另一只不能飞;一只考拉熊能爬,另一只不会爬只会哭。本单元在本册教材中起到了承上启下的作用。课文内容即承接了上个单元谈论能力的话题,又进一步为学生了解更多从人物到动物的能力提供更多丰富的内容。本单元的话题功能是使用情

2、态动词”can”来谈论能力。主要的语言结构1.句型:What can you see ? I can see a It can / It cant 本课能培养学生积极运用所学的英语进行表达和交流,内容贴近学生的实际生活,容易引起学生的学习兴趣。 本课还能培养学生认真观察,积极思考,善于询问的良好品质,教师要善于引导。学情分析三年级的学生对英语学习抱有兴趣,爱表现,爱发言,爱模仿,好动,有很强的学习欲望。本课的话题是用“can”来谈论动物的能力。“can”表示能力的用法尽管学生在一年级中有所接触,但没要求应用。本模块要求学生能基本运用“can”来谈论能力的用法。经过第一单元的学习和铺垫,学生能基

3、本掌握其用法,但还需在本单元继续巩固和练习同时做相应的扩展。教学目标Unit2知识技能目标(包含运用能力目标:1.能听懂、会说、理解词汇fly, koala, climb ,cry;2.能听懂并运用What can you see ? I can see a bird. It can fly. It cant fly. 等句子。3. 能在教师的引导下学会谈论自己能看到什么动物,并表达动物的能力。学习策略目标:(1)对所学内容在小组间能主动练习和实践;(2)在介绍活动中积极运用所学英语进行交流。情感意识目标:越来越有兴趣地学习英语,因为从英语学习中了解更多的知识。社会主义核心价值观目标:.初步了

4、解一些动物的能力,激发培养生活情趣的愿望,养成热爱大自然,爱护小动物的态度。教学重点1.能听懂、会说、理解词汇fly, koala, climb ,cry;2.能听懂并运用What can you see ? I can see a bird. It can fly. It cant fly. 等引句子。3. 能在教师的引导下学会谈论自己能看到什么动物,并表达动物的能力。教学难点1.fly, climb ,cry的发音。climb是难点学生不易发准确。fly和cry的发音学生容易混淆。2.能在教师的引导下正确使用can谈论自己看到的东西和小动物的能力。教具准备课本、活动用书、点读笔、光盘任务设

5、计谈论动物的能力,制作一份任务观察记录单。教学过程I. Warming-up and revision 1. GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.2. Say a chant.T: Firstly, lets say a chant. Swim, swim, can you swim ?Yes, I can. Yes, I can.Run, run, can you run ?No, I cant. No, I cant.Walk, walk, c

6、an you walk ?Yes, I can. Yes, I can.Jump, jump, can you jump ?No, I cant. No, I cant.T:Well done . Now, lets sing a song. Ss:.T: Good job. And boys and girls, these children can throw the plane very very high ? Can you ? Can you throw it very very high?Ss: Yes, I can.T: Wow, you are so great. I thin

7、k you can do a lot of things. What can you do ? Can you run fast?S1: Yes, I can.T: Wow, You are so cool.T: Hello, girl! Can you play basketball ?S2: No, I cant.T: What can you do ?S2: I can sing a song.T: Now, boys and girls, pls work in pair to know about your partners abilities. Pay attention to t

8、rying your best to ask more questions to know your partners abilities. Go.Ss:;T: Stop here. Who wants to try?S1:.S2:.T: Good job. Children, He can run and she can sing a song. We are talking about their abilities. In unit 1 we learned about peoples abilities. Today, we will talk about animals abilit

9、ies. And after learning lets make a record about animals abilities .Lets learn Module 4 unit 2 What can you see ?Ss: repeat twice.T:Meanwhile, we will have competition between boys and girls, look here ,this red koala is to girl and this green koala is to boy, lets see who can climb to the top first

10、. Ss: .(设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,复习新知,为接下来的学习做铺垫。明确主题,学有目的。引出任务,有的放矢。)II.Leading-in T: Great! Boys and girls, look at the screen, What can you see in this picture ? T:Do you know see ? e.g. I can see a desk . I can see you . See means :S: T: You are so smart ! Follow me , What can you see ?Ss:.T: So what can you

11、 see in this picture ? I can see a tree . T:What can you see ?S1: I can see a dog.T: What else can you see ?S2: I can see a .T: Thank you , Children. You can see a lot of things. And how about this cat ? What can the cat see ? Now, lets watch the CD-ROM and say.Ss:.T: What can the cat see ? S2:.T: Y

12、es, the cat say : I can see a bird. And she is very happy. But now , the cat is very scared . She is crying and shouting: Help.T: Help means:Ss:.T:You are so smart.T: Boys and girls, we can see some animals in this picture. Do you like animals?Ss: Yes.T: I like animals, too. I took some pictures of

13、animals and put them in our classroom .Look, I can see a bird. It white . So children, Do you want to see ? Now I will give you 20 seconds to go around in our classroom to see then tell me what can you see ? pls look careful and try your best to find more of them. Now ,lets go .T:Time is up. I think

14、 you can see a lot of animals. Now pls ask and answer with your partner what can you see .T: Who can try ?S1: What can you see ?S2: I can see a .S1:What color?S2: Its yellow .T: Wow, you have a sharp eyes. Give me five.(设计意图:利用课本,有效导入,激发兴趣.)III.Prepare for the taskTask 1 : Know about the animals the

15、y can see and their abilities. T: Now children, you can see a lot of animals. And today our friend Daming and Amy are seeing the animals too, what can they see ? Now lets watch the CD-ROM and choose the correct answer. A: They can see birds.B: They can see cats.Ss:.T: What can Daming and Amy see ? They can see .S3: They can see birds T: Lets see. Wow. You are right.T: Daming and Amy see birds How many birds can they see ?Ss: Two.T: Yes, they are two birds. Are they the same ? Ss:No.T: They ar


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